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[资料搜集] 新生婴儿有什么用 What is the use of a newborn baby

已有 4242 次阅读 2020-2-16 16:19 |个人分类:科学 - 艺术 - 社会|系统分类:科研笔记| 新生婴儿, newborn, baby, 法拉第, 富兰克林

[资料搜集] 生婴儿有什么 What is the use of a newborn baby


出处一:法拉第 1821 年说:“What good is a newborn baby? 新生婴儿有什么用?”

(1)《费曼物理学讲义(第二卷)》第16章 感应电流

16 Induced Currents


16–4 Electrical technology

  When Faraday first made public his remarkable discovery that a changing magnetic flux produces an emf, he was asked (as anyone is asked when he discovers a new fact of nature), “What is the use of it?” All he had found was the oddity that a tiny current was produced when he moved a wire near a magnet. Of what possible “use” could that be? His answer was: “What is the use of a newborn baby?”

16–4 电子技术



  Modern electrical technology began with Faraday’s discoveries. The useless baby developed into a prodigy and changed the face of the earth in ways its proud father could never have imagined.

  现代电气技术始于法拉第的发现。 这个无用的婴儿变成了一个神童,并以其骄傲的父亲无法想象的方式改变了地球的面貌。


(2) Of what use? By Isaac Asimov


  At the conclusion of the lecture, one member of the audience approached Faraday and said, “Mr. Faraday, the behavior of the magnet and the coil of wire was interesting, but of what possible use can it be?”  Faraday answered politely, “Sir, of what use is a newborn baby?”

  In 1880s and 1890s, however, scientists who pursued “useless” knowledge for its own sake, discovered that subatomic particles (eventually called “electrons”) existed, and that electric current was accompanied by a flow of electrons.  The Edison effect was the result of the ability of electrons, under certain conditions, to travel unimpeded through as vacuum.


  (3) 在《二十世纪最伟大的工程成就,美国国家工程院,Greatest Engineering Achievements of the Twentieth Century》


National Academy of Sciences on behalf of the National Academy of Engineering.

  第一个是“1. Electrification 电气化”。


出处二:本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)1783年放气球时说:“What good is a newborn baby? 新生婴儿有什么用?”

(1)“What Good Is a New-born Baby?”


  The next part of the story, of course, is famous: Doctor Franklin is among the excited crowd watching the first balloon ascension from the Champ de Mars, August 27, 1783, and someone poses the inevitable conservative question—what good is it? Watching the balloon rise magically into the sky, the man who has busied himself with every novelty—with meteorology, inoculation, bifocals, lightning rods, postal service, hydrodynamics, even a sensible new stove—turns and replies: “What good is a newborn baby?” The epigram ricochets throughout Paris and the world.



[1] 新华网,2019-11-01,计算机“接纳”汉字,永远要感谢一个光辉的名字


[2] 新华网,2019-11-01,今天,为什么重提王选


[3] 新京报,2018-12-21 第A06:特别报道,王选 曾被质疑异想天开


[4] 二十世纪最伟大的工程成就,美国国家工程院,Greatest Engineering Achievements of the Twentieth Century


National Academy of Sciences on behalf of the National Academy of Engineering.

  1. Electrification

[5] “20世纪我国重大工程技术成就”评选揭晓---中国科学院,2001-12-21



[1] 2020-01-23,[随感] 原始创新一般没有充分的证据


[2] 2020-01-16,[困惑] “原创探索”到底评不评?怎么评?







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