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(204)functional behavioral assessment of problem behavior

已有 1320 次阅读 2019-4-28 20:05 |系统分类:科研笔记

Functional Behavioral Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Third Edition

Ennio Cipani, PhD

pages 81-90

ecosystemic assessment

ecosystemic assessment of classroom contingencies(p.81)

1.is student on-task behavior systematically producing a powerful reinforcer?

2.is student assignment completion systematically producing a powerful reinforcer?

3.is there a reinforcement program in effect targeting specifically problem disruptive behavior by the student?

conduct a performance discrepancy analysis

behavior that impair the health and welfare of the client or others are apparent and require immediate intervention.

a performance descrepancy analysis allows you to determine,in an objective manner,the behavioral standard for acceptability,you can then judge where the current child's behavior falls in relation to that standard.


step to performing a discrepancy analysis

1.identify the problem behavior in observable terms

2.select a criterion group of same-aged peers in the same or similar locate

3.measure the occurrence of the target behavior of persons in the criterion group across several days under the same situations in which the referred client has problems

4.identify the range and average(mean)level of occurrence of the problem behavior

5.measure the target-referred-client's problem behavior

6.compare the client's rates of problem behavior with the criterion groups's range and the average rate of occurrence.

7.identify any discrepancy between the client's data and the criterion group data

review previous treatments implemented

a review of previous treatments implemented should be conducted prior to the design of the intervention strategy.

questions to consider in reviewing previous treatment implemented

1.what was the focus of the treatment?

2.is the current problem behavior the same or similar to that targeted in earlier interventions?

3.what was the treatment procedure?was it effective in remediating the problem?

4.if a functional analysis was conducted,what was the conclusion drawn regarding the functions of the problem behavior at that time?does the current problem look similar in functions to its previous function?

5.how extensive was the staff-training program?how were staff trained on the procedures of the program?

6.has consent for release of information from the individual or legal guardian and agency administration been obtained,or can it be obtained to interview personnel from previous settings?are the persons who were involved with the previous treatment available for contact?

review of health and medical records

questions to consider in reviewing medical/health records

1.could the problem behavior be the result of a medical condition of the client?

2.is it possibly an allergic reaction?

3.if the client is or has been on medication,could the problem behavior be a side effect of the medication or a behavioral effect of the medication?

4.are there any potential treatment procedures contraindicated,given the client's physical and metabolic condition?

4.could the problem behavior be an allergic or seasonal reaction?

5.is this type of problem commonly treated effectively with medical interventions?if so, what are those procedures,and what is the role of the agency in their implementation?


上一篇:(203)functional behavioral assessment of problem behavior
下一篇:(205)the Cipani behavioral classification system
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