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已有 4633 次阅读 2016-9-11 18:25 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约实施细则










R. 121 Commissioning of experts

(1)The European Patent Office shall decide in what form the opinionof an expert whom it appoints shall be submitted.

(2)The terms of reference of the expert shall include:

(a)a precise description of his task;

(b)the period specified for the submission of his opinion;

(c)the names of the parties to the proceedings;

(d)particulars of the rights which he may invoke under Rule 122,paragraphs 2 to 4.

(3)A copy of any written opinion shall be submitted to theparties.

(4)The parties may object to an expert. The department of theEuropean Patent Office concerned shall decide on the objection.






R. 122 Costs of taking of evidence

(1)The taking of evidence by the European Patent Office may be madeconditional upon deposit with it, by the party requesting the evidence to betaken, of an amount to be fixed by reference to an estimate of the costs.

(2)Witnesses or experts who are summoned by and appear before theEuropean Patent Office shall be entitled to appropriate reimbursement ofexpenses for travel and subsistence. An advance for these expenses may begranted to them. This shall also apply to persons who appear before theEuropean Patent Office without being summoned by it and are heard as witnesses orexperts.

(3)Witnesses entitled to reimbursement under paragraph 2 shallalso be entitled to appropriate compensation for loss of earnings, and expertsto fees for their work. These payments shall be made to the witnesses andexperts after they have fulfilled their duties or tasks.

(4)The Administrative Council shall lay down the detailsimplementing paragraphs 2 and 3.Any amounts due under these provisions shall be paid by the European PatentOffice.











R. 123 Conservation of evidence

(1)On request, the European Patent Office may, without delay, takemeasures to conserve evidence of facts liable to affect a decision which it maybe called upon to take with regard to a European patent application or aEuropean patent, where there is reason to fear that it might subsequentlybecome more difficult or even impossible to take evidence. The date on whichthe measures are to be taken shall be communicated to the applicant for orproprietor of the patent in sufficient time to allow him to attend. He may askrelevant questions.

(2)The request shall contain:

(a)particulars of the requester as provided in Rule 41,paragraph 2(c);

(b)sufficient identification of the European patent application orEuropean patent in question;

(c)an indication of the facts in respect of which evidence is to betaken;

(d)particulars of the means of giving or obtaining evidence;

(e)a statement establishing a prima facie case for fearing that itmight subsequently become more difficult or impossible to take evidence.

(3)The request shall not be deemed to have been filed until theprescribed fee has been paid.

(4)The decision on the request and any resulting taking of evidenceshall be incumbent upon the department of the European Patent Office whichwould have to take the decision liable to be affected by the facts to beestablished. The provisions with regard to the taking of evidence inproceedings before the European Patent Office shall apply.  






R. 124 Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence

(1)Minutes of oral proceedings and of the taking of evidence shallbe drawn up, containing the essentials of the oral proceedings or of the takingof evidence, the relevant statements made by the parties, the testimony of theparties, witnesses or experts and the result of any inspection.

(2)The minutes of the testimony of a witness, expert or party shallbe read out, submitted to him, so that he may examine them or, where they arerecorded by technical means, played back to him, unless he waives this right.It shall be noted in the minutes that this formality has been carried out andthat the person who gave the testimony approved the minutes. If his approval isnot given, his objections shall be noted. It is not necessary to play back theminutes or to obtain approval of them if the testimony has been recordedverbatim and directly using technical means.

(3) The minutes shall be authenticated by the employeeresponsible for drawing them up and by the employee who conducted the oralproceedings or taking of evidence, either by their signature or by any otherappropriate means.

(4)The parties shall be provided with a copy of the minutes.


Chapter IV Notifications










R. 125 General provisions

(1)The European Patent Office shall, as a matter of course, notifythose concerned of decisions and summonses, and of any notice or othercommunication from which a time limit is reckoned, or of which those concernedmust be notified under the Convention, or of which notification has beenordered by the President of the European Patent Office. Any notification to bemade shall take the form of the original document, a copy thereof certified byor bearing the seal of the European Patent Office, a computer print-out bearingsuch seal or an electronic document containing such seal or otherwisecertified. Copies of documents emanating from the parties themselves shall notrequire such certification.

(2)Notification shall be made:

(a)by postal services in accordance with Rule 126;

(b)by means of electronic communication in accordance with Rule 127;

(c)by delivery on the premises of the European Patent Office inaccordance with Rule 128;or

(d)by public notice in accordance with Rule 129.

(3)Notification through the central industrial property office of aContracting State shall be made in accordance with the law applicable to thatoffice in national proceedings.

(4)Where a document has reached the addressee, if theEuropean Patent Office is unable to prove that it has been duly notified, or ifprovisions relating to its notification have not been observed, the documentshall be deemed to have been notified on the date established by the EuropeanPatent Office as the date of receipt.






R. 126 Notification by post

(1)Decisions incurring a period for appeal or a petition for review,summonses and other such documents as determined by the President of theEuropean Patent Office shall be notified by registered letter with advice ofdelivery or equivalent. All other notifications by postal services shall be byregistered letter.

(2)Where notification is effected in accordance with paragraph1, the letter shall be deemed to be delivered to the addressee on the tenthday following its handover to the postal service provider, unless it has failedto reach the addressee or has reached him at a later date; in the event of anydispute, it shall be incumbent on the European Patent Office to establish thatthe letter has reached its destination or to establish the date on which theletter was delivered to the addressee, as the case may be.

(3)Notification in accordance with paragraph1 shall be deemed to have been effected even if acceptance of theletter has been refused.

(4)To the extent that notification by postal services is not coveredby paragraphs1 to 3,the law of the State in which the notification is made shall apply.




R. 127 Notification by technical means of communication

(1)Notification may be effected by means of electronic communicationas determined by the President of the European Patent Office and under theconditions laid down by him.

(2)Where notification is effected by means of electronic communication,the electronic document shall be deemed to be delivered to the addressee on thetenth day following its transmission, unless it has failed to reach itsdestination or has reached its destination at a later date; in the event of anydispute, it shall be incumbent on the European Patent Office to establish thatthe electronic document has reached its destination or to establish the date onwhich it reached its destination, as the case may be.



R. 128 Notification by delivery by hand

Notification may be effected on the premises of the European PatentOffice by delivery by hand of the document to the addressee, who shall ondelivery acknowledge its receipt. Notification shall be deemed to have beeneffected even if the addressee refuses to accept the document or to acknowledgereceipt thereof.




R. 129 Public notification

(1) If the address of the addressee cannot be established, or ifnotification in accordance withRule 126,paragraph 1, has proved to be impossible even after a second attempt,notification shall be effected by public notice.

(2) The President of the European Patent Office shall determine howthe public notice is to be given and the beginning of the period of one monthon expiry of which the document shall be deemed to have been notified.


(1) 如果已经委托了代理人,应当向代理人送达通知。



R. 130 Notification to representatives

(1) If a representative has been appointed, notifications shall beaddressed to him.

(2)If several representatives have been appointed for a singleparty, notification to any one of them shall be sufficient.

(3)If several parties have a common representative, notification tothe common representative shall be sufficient.


Chapter V Time limits







R. 131 Calculation of periods

(1)Periods shall be laid down in terms of full years, months, weeksor days.

(2)Computation shall start on the day following the day on which therelevant event occurred, the event being either a procedural step or the expiryof another period. Where the procedural step is a notification, the relevantevent shall be the receipt of the document notified, unless otherwiseprovided.

(3)When a period is expressed as one year or a certain number ofyears, it shall expire in the relevant subsequent year in the month having thesame name and on the day having the same number as the month and the day onwhich the said event occurred; if the relevant subsequent month has no day withthe same number, the period shall expire on the last day of that month.

(4)When a period is expressed as one month or a certain number ofmonths, it shall expire in the relevant subsequent month on the day which hasthe same number as the day on which the said event occurred; if the relevantsubsequent month has no day with the same number, the period shall expire onthe last day of that month.

(5)When a period is expressed as one week or a certain number ofweeks, it shall expire in the relevant subsequent week on the day having thesame name as the day on which the said event occurred.




R. 132 Periods specified by the European Patent Office

(1)Where the Convention or these Implementing Regulations refer to"a period to be specified", this period shall be specified by theEuropean Patent Office.

(2)Unless otherwise provided, a period specified by the EuropeanPatent Office shall be neither less than two months nor more than four months;in certain circumstances it may be up to six months. In special cases, theperiod may be extended upon request, presented before the expiry of suchperiod.


(1) 在欧洲专利局迟到接收的文件,如果其根据欧洲专利局局长规定的条件,在期限期满之前向认可的邮政服务提供商按期交付,应当视为按期收到,除非该文件在期限期满之后三个月以外收到。


R. 133 Late receipt of documents

(1) A document received late at the European Patent Office shallbe deemed to have been received in due time if it was delivered to a recognisedpostal service provider in due time before expiry of the period in accordancewith the conditions laid down by the President of the European Patent Office,unless the document was received later than three months after expiry of theperiod.  

(2)Paragraph 1 shallapply mutatis mutandis to any period where transactions are carried out with thecompetent authority in accordance with Article 75,paragraphs 1(b) or 2(b).


(1) 如果期限在根据第35条第1款的一个欧洲专利局的受理局并不开放文件接收,或者邮件根据第2款之外的原因而未到达受理局的日期期满,期限应当延期至所有受理局开放文件接收后以及邮件收到后的第一天。如果未能收到根据第2条第1款由欧洲专利局局长允许的电子通信手段递交的文件,应当准用第一句。





R. 134 Extension of periods

(1) If a period expires on a day on which one of the filingoffices of the European Patent Office under Rule 35,paragraph 1, is not open for receipt of documents or on which, for reasonsother than those referred to in paragraph2, mail is not delivered there, the period shall extend to the first daythereafter on which all the filing offices are open for receipt of documentsand on which mail is delivered. The first sentence shall apply mutatis mutandisif documents filed by one of the means of electronic communication permitted bythe President of the European Patent Office under Rule 2,paragraph 1, cannot be received.

(2)If a period expires on a day on which there is a generaldislocation in the delivery or transmission of mail in a Contracting State, theperiod shall extend to the first day following the end of the interval ofdislocation for parties which are resident in the State concerned or haveappointed representatives with a place of business in that State. Where theState concerned is the State in which the European Patent Office is located,this provision shall apply to all parties and their representatives. Thisparagraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the period referred to in Rule 37,paragraph 2.

(3)Paragraphs 1 and 2 shallapply mutatis mutandis where acts are performed with the competent authority inaccordance with Article 75,paragraphs 1(b) or 2(b).

(4)The date of commencement and the end of any dislocationunder paragraph 2 shallbe published by the European Patent Office.

(5)Without prejudice to paragraphs1 to 4,a party concerned may produce evidence that on any of the ten days precedingthe day of expiry of a period the delivery or transmission of mail wasdislocated due to an exceptional occurrence such as a natural disaster, war,civil disorder, a general breakdown in any of the means of electroniccommunication permitted by the President of the European Patent Officeunder Rule 2,paragraph 1, or other like reasons affecting the locality where the partyor his representative resides or has his place of business. If the evidenceproduced satisfies the European Patent Office, a document received late shallbe deemed to have been received in due time, provided that the mailing or thetransmission was effected at the latest on the fifth day after the end of thedislocation.





R. 135 Further processing

(1)Further processing under Article 121,paragraph 1, shall be requested by payment of the prescribed feewithin two months of the communication concerning either the failure to observea time limit or a loss of rights. The omitted act shall be completed within theperiod for making the request.

(2)Further processing shall be ruled out in respect of the periodsreferred to in Article 121,paragraph 4, and of the periods under Rule 6,paragraph 1, Rule 16,paragraph 1(a), Rule 31,paragraph 2, Rule 36,paragraph 2, Rule 40,paragraph 3, Rule 51,paragraphs 2 to 5, Rule 52,paragraphs 2 and 3, Rules 55, 56, 58, 59, 62a, 63, 64, Rule 112,paragraph 2, and Rule 164,paragraphs 1 and 2.

(3)The department competent to decide on the omitted act shalldecide on the request for further processing.






R. 136 Re-establishment of rights

(1)Any request for re-establishment of rights under Article 122,paragraph 1, shall be filed in writing within two months of theremoval of the cause of non-compliance with the period, but at the latestwithin one year of expiry of the unobserved time limit. However, a request forre-establishment of rights in respect of any of the periods specified in Article 87,paragraph 1, and in Article 112a,paragraph 4, shall be filed within two months of expiry of thatperiod. The request for re-establishment of rights shall not be deemed to havebeen filed until the prescribed fee has been paid.

(2)The request shall state the grounds on which it is based andshall set out the facts on which it relies. The omitted act shall be completedwithin the relevant period for filing the request according to paragraph 1.

(3)Re-establishment of rights shall be ruled out in respect of anyperiod for which further processing under Article 121 isavailable and in respect of the period for requesting re-establishment ofrights.

(4)The department competent to decide on the omitted act shall decideon the request for re-establishment of rights.  


Chapter VI Amendments and corrections







R. 137 Amendment of the European patent application

(1)Before receiving the European search report, the applicant maynot amend the description, claims or drawings of a European patent applicationunless otherwise provided.

(2)Together with any comments, corrections or amendments made inresponse to communications by the European Patent Office under Rule 70a,paragraph 1 or 2,or Rule 161,paragraph 1, the applicant may amend the description, claims anddrawings of his own volition.

(3)No further amendment may be made without the consent of theExamining Division.

(4)When filing any amendments referred to in paragraphs1 to 3,the applicant shall identify them and indicate the basis for them in theapplication as filed. If the Examining Division notes a failure to meet eitherrequirement, it may request the correction of this deficiencywithin a period of one month.

(5)Amended claims may not relate to unsearched subject-matter whichdoes not combine with the originally claimed invention or group of inventionsto form a single general inventive concept. Nor may they relate tosubject-matter not searched in accordance with Rule 62a or Rule 63.



R. 138 Different claims, description and drawings for differentStates

If the European Patent Office is informed of the existence of aprior right under Article 139,paragraph 2, the European patent application or European patent may,for such State or States, contain claims and, where appropriate, a descriptionand drawings which are different from those for the other designated States.



R. 139 Correction of errors in documents filed with the EuropeanPatent Office

Linguistic errors, errors of transcription and mistakes in anydocument filed with the European Patent Office may be corrected on request.However, if the request for such correction concerns the description, claims ordrawings, the correction must be obvious in the sense that it is immediatelyevident that nothing else would have been intended than what is offered as thecorrection.  



R. 140 Correction of errors in decisions

In decisions of the European Patent Office, only linguistic errors,errors of transcription and obvious mistakes may be corrected.  



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