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All by Myself .....

已有 7875 次阅读 2010-1-30 16:34 |个人分类:叶国琐事|系统分类:生活其它| song

No for the dinosaur, I just really love the song.....

All by Myself 孤单一人

Jamie O'Neal

or  Eric Carmen for FRIENDS

When I was young 当我年轻的时候,
I never needed anyone 我谁也不需要,
And making love was just for fun 做爱只是为了快乐。
Those days are gone 但年少轻狂的日子已经过去。

Living alone 一个人生活,
I think of all the friends I've known 想起了过去认识的所有朋友。
But when I dial the telephone 但是当我打电话过去的时候,
Nobody's home 却没有一个人在家。

All by myself 只有我自己,
Don't wanna be all by myself anymore 不想再孤独下去,
All by myself 只有我自己,
Don't wanna live, all by myself anymore 不想再独自生活。

Hard to be sure 很难确定一些事情,
Sometimes I feel so insecure 有时候我有种不安全感。
And love so distant and obscure 爱情是这么虚无飘渺,
Remains the cure 但是爱情却是唯一的解药。

Don't wanna live 不想独自过活,
All by myself, by myself
Don't wanna live 不想独自过活,
I never, never, never needed anyone 我永远不需要任何人


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