《镜子大全》《朝华午拾》分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liwei999 曾任红小兵,插队修地球,1991年去国离乡,不知行止。


Age 9, Age 10 and Age 16: Father's Day Gifts
热度 1 2013-4-27 13:34
Age 16: on Father's Day 06/19/2012 10:56:22 Tanya’s Father's Day email entry for a competition gave me such a nice surprise early this morning that I cannot help sharing with you all. This is for a Father’s Day competition organized jointly by a local radio station, a ...
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|3391 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Tian Tian (Age 10): Tanya's Amazing Life (4/4)
热度 1 2013-4-25 20:54
Chapter 12. The long years of college Tanya or …Miss Lee??? Harvard college did not seem any better than high school. Except for one thing, my new teacher is Mr. Wu, this was the first time I got a man for a teacher. Mr. Wu teaches my math class and I’m his best and most miserable stude ...
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|3480 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Tian Tian (Age 10): as if you were a parent
2013-4-25 06:21
Date: November 20, 2006 Perhaps due to lack of sleep, as soon as she was waken up, Tanya started complaining non-stop for no reasons and criticized us of making things crappy. So I said, As if you were a parent to parent parents! She instantly replied, I can parent pa ...
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|2525 次阅读|没有评论
Tian Tian (Age 10): Tanya's Amazing Life (3/4)
热度 1 2013-4-25 00:31
Chapter 8. 4th grade fun Bye bye Buffalo Last year of Elementary In 5th Grade I got Mrs. White for math and Mrs. K for homeroom. Mrs. White lets us play games all the time (she’s only here for math), except at the beginning of math class we have to do a little bit of learning or else ...
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|3590 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Tian Tian (Age 10): Tanya's Amazing Life (2/4)
2013-4-25 00:23
Chapter 3. Customs and traditions I love Chinese New Year That’s me! June 12th 2000, I was slowly walking toward the front door of the childcare preschool when my dad comforted, “don’t be scared.” But what he said just made me more nervous. When I entered the building, my teacher Mr ...
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|3228 次阅读|没有评论
Tian Tian (Age 10): Tanya's Amazing Life (1/4)
2013-4-25 00:20
Tanya’s Amazing Life By Tanya Lee Illustrated by Tanya Lee 4th Grade GL Elementary School • Published April, 2006 Dedication To my wonderful teacher (who is a genius) for helping me edit this book, and to my best friends, Haoling, Pam, Purplehead, and B ...
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|2996 次阅读|没有评论
Tian Tian (Age 11): Making sense of nonsense
2013-4-24 22:17
Chomsky, the geatest linguist of all time and the most cited scholar on earth, has this famous quotation : Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. from: http://paris.unlike.net/event_occurrences/111964-Colorless-green-ideas-sleep-furiously One day I had a slip of ton ...
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|3046 次阅读|没有评论
Little Stories of Tian Tian
2013-4-24 21:33
Parenting is most enjoyable experience of life. Parenting is not one way, it is a mutually learning and enrichment experience. To an extent, 'childing', if you will, is as important as - and certainly more fun than - parenting in the daily parent-child interactions. Child ...
个人分类: Little Stories of Tian Tian|2497 次阅读|没有评论

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