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已有 7376 次阅读 2016-7-14 19:10 |个人分类:社会观察|系统分类:海外观察






注:上图出自http://sanwen8.cn/p/2dd0QHq.html                               注:上图摘自http://news.qq.com/original/quanmeipai/waimeituooubaodao.html

       据英文网络消息,http://www.pri.org/stories/2016-06-27/geography-brexit-what-vote-reveals-about-disunited-kingdomhttps://theconversation.com/the-geography-of-brexit-what-the-vote-reveals-about-the-disunited-kingdom-61633,美国马里兰大学公共政策教授John Rennie Short撰写了一篇文章《英国脱欧投票的地理学》。

 The geography of Brexit: what the vote reveals about the Disunited Kingdom

                                June 26, 2016 1.32 am AEST

John Rennie Short,Professor, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

A voting station in London where the remain vote was strong. Only the London region, Scotland and Northern Island voted to remain.Neil Hall/Reuters

A majority in the U.K. voted to leave the EU. But a look at the geography of the vote provides another angle on the result and insights into the political geography of the Disunited Kingdom.

The vote laid bare a seldom-acknowledged political and economic imbalance within the country. It has also raised the chances of dissolving a more than three centuries-old union.

Regional inequality

The very first result of the referendum came from Gibraltar, the giant rock in southern Spain at the mouth of the Mediterranean, home to 32,000. It was not a useful predictor of events to unfold as close to 96 percent of the votes cast were to stay with the EU. The reason: the EU assures that Gibraltar remains British and deflects Spanish claims. With the U.K. outside of the EU, Spain can press home their claim. Spain has already asserted the right to some form of joint control over the rock.

A major area of support for remaining in the EU was centered on London. So-called Greater London comprises 7.5 million people and the greater metropolitan region has a population of approximately 21 million. The reach of the city extends into most of the South East part of the country and beyond.

The city and its extended metropolitan dominate the nation. The wealthy, the influential, the movers and shakers live in the city; it is home to royalty, the political elites, those who control much of the making and moving of money. It is by far the most affluent part of Britain. London has emerged a global financial center attracting expertise and investment from across the globe and around Europe. London is hard-wired into the financial circuits of the EU and global economy.

Wikimedia, CC BY

For the past 30 years the principal aim of government economic policy has been, arguably, to protect London’s position, particularly as a financial center, while leaving the rest of the country largely ignored. In the U.K. version of trickle-down economics, London is the golden goose whose droppings fertilize the rest of the country. In reality there was not much trickle and the U.K., like the U.S., is becoming a more unequal society.

There is a spatial dimension to this social inequality. The U.K. has the most marked regional inequality in Europe. The rich and wealthy are concentrated in London and the South East where household incomes are higher than the rest of the country. As the U.K. became a more unequal and divided society, the cleavage between London and the South East compared to the rest of the country is becoming more marked.

Now let’s look the rest of England and Wales, where the majority voted to leave. The people in these regions, especially the lower income groups, were bypassed by the emphasis on the London money machine. Spatially, class conflict was often framed as the South East versus the rest of the country, although in reality the divisions were as much social and spatial.

But even though there existed this discontent with the South East power center in Wales and other parts of England, it was never strong enough to lead to demands for political separation as it could in Scotland. There was no constitutional basis and so the rest of of England and Wales seethed at the rising inequality and neglect.

The exit vote was prompted by many things, especially a disquiet at immigration, but is was also a vote against the dominance of London and the political establishment. The exit vote managed to capture popular resentment against the status quo just as Trump and Sanders did in the U.S.

Divergent interests

All districts in Scotland voted to remain in the EU. This is a complete reversal to the 1975 referendum when Scotland voted against joining the EU when much of the rest of the country embraced the European project.

What happened? The EU provided benefits to Scotland that the London-biased U.K. government did not. Scotland’s political culture, it turns out, is closer to the EU than that of London-based Tories. And years of punishing Thatcher rule in the 1980s soured many in Scotland against a reliance on the U.K. political system. The EU softened the neoliberalism of English Tory rule.

The Brexit vote highlights the problem of sharing a political space with divergent interests. The Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh will now move to draft legislation for another referendum on Scottish independence. The result could be different from the one in 2014 when 55 percent voted to stay in. The Brexit vote may herald the break up a Union first crafted in 1707.

Northern Ireland, as a whole, also voted to remain in the EU. But the Anglo Welsh vote across the water that tipped the balance in the opposite direction raises new issues for the province. Northern Ireland, the only part of the U.K. that has a land border with an EU country, is in a similar economic position to Scotland but in a very different political context. The province is split between those who want to join up with Eire and those who want to stay in the U.K. Sinn Féin, the party that seeks union with Ireland, has already proposed a vote on all Ireland unification.

The future

The geography of the Brexit vote tells us much about the political geography of the U.K. Buy what about the political future of the U.K.?

The Brexit vote reveals and embodies the deep divide in the U.K. between the different regions of England and Wales and especially between the affluent London and the South East. This division is unlikely to heal soon.

The different voting patterns between Scotland, Wales and England outside of the South East may herald the break up of the U.K. The United Kingdom was always something of a misnomer. It is not a kingdom – the head of state currently is a queen – and it is not all that united. The Brexit vote is likely to exacerbate the breakup of Britain.



                                             时间:2016-7-12 9:37:38


   英国公投脱欧,欧盟到了最危险的时刻。欧盟的分崩离析是哈贝马斯这一辈知识分子最不愿意看到的图景。已经许久没有出现在公众面前的87岁哈贝马斯日前在一场关于欧盟未来的座谈会上,接受了德国报纸《时代周报》(Die Zeit)的专访,专题谈论欧盟危机。长篇专访刊登在7月7日的报纸上,在2个整版的访谈中, 哈贝马斯直接批判了德国现任联邦总理默克尔对欧盟政治的立场:“她在比利时首都布鲁塞尔的欧盟多成员国分会上的采取观望态度”。他认为,默克尔在利用她的政治手腕屈服于“历史的铅化过程”(bleiernder Lauf der Geschichte),而欧盟的政治家们只是在“混日子”。









                                                   发布时间: 2016-07-05



                                         卡梅伦后悔公投 哀叹所有政治生命都以失败告终

                                                2016年07月03日 09:18 来源:中国日报网



  公投日当晚,卡梅伦的自传作者安东尼•塞尔登待在唐宁街10号的首相府,全程见证了卡梅伦的情绪从胜券在握的得意满满骤然跌至仕途受挫的伤心悲痛。 塞尔登称,当公投前的最后民调显示“留欧”阵营将会取胜时,唐宁街10号的氛围是轻松愉快的,卡梅伦的妻子萨曼莎、保守党联合主席安德鲁•西蒙•费尔德曼、幕僚长艾德•卢埃林和副幕僚长凯特•福尔等人都陪伴在卡梅伦的身边,收看电视上关于公投的报道。 纽卡斯尔市的公投数据出炉后,卡梅伦开始感觉到事情的发展方向似乎正在偏离自己的预期。











   网易财经6月25日讯 英国脱欧公投结果出来之后最震惊的应该是伦敦人, 在大伦敦地区有超过半数的投票者选择留欧,有些地区留欧支持率比例甚至接近80%。这其中自有他的原因,伦敦在大多数英国人看来已经不再是一个英国城市。

   2015年的数据显示伦敦总人口大概860万,外来移民,就是非英国出生的人口占据了三分之一,伦敦在英国这个非移民国家里,是一个彻头彻尾的移民城市,是一个另类,是一个大多数本土英国人尤其是年纪稍大的英国人不愿意去接近的地方,让英国人发怵的不仅仅是伦敦的交通,治安,更有新移民的文明程度。在某些地区整所学校里都见不到几个白人学生,一个班里可能有十几种不同的语言被同时使用。也正因为如此,伦敦也是一个年轻的城市,一个容易接受移民的城市,反正大家都是外来移民,没有彼此。04年之前伦敦大部分移民来自非洲大陆, 印度巴基斯坦,04年后随着欧洲东扩,东欧过来的移民在短短5年的时间里就成为了伦敦的主要移民国,根据14年独立日报发布的文章可以看出当时,在伦敦生活的东欧人就已经超过了50万,相当于一个谢菲尔德的总人口。 在这种背景之下伦敦留在欧盟的倾向是可以理解的。


















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