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Nature Communications:植物表皮通过phyB-PIF4-生长素模块调控热形态发生
2020-3-3 08:28
The epidermis coordinates thermoresponsive growth through the phyB-PIF4-auxin pathway First author: Sara Kim ; Affiliations: Korea University(高丽大学):Seoul, Korea Corresponding author: Eunkyoo Oh In plants, an elevation in ambien ...
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Nature Biotechnology:植物双碱基编辑器介导的基因定向、随机诱变
2020-2-29 05:57
Targeted, random mutagenesis of plant genes with dual cytosine and adenine base editors First author: Chao Li ; Affiliations: CASInstitute of Genetics and Developmental Biology(中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所):Beijing, China Corresponding author: ...
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Plant Communications:核心被子植物五大类群之间的系统演化关系(补2020-02-28)
2020-2-29 05:54
Phylogenomic Insights into Deep Phylogeny of Angiosperms Based on Broad Nuclear Gene Sampling First author: Lingxiao Yang ; Affiliations: Nanjing Normal University(南京师范大学):Nanjing, China Corresponding author: Bojian Zhong Angiosperms ...
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Nature Plants:睡莲目芡实与金鱼藻目金鱼藻基因组揭示早期被子植物演化
2020-2-27 00:07
Prickly waterlily and rigid hornwort genomes shed light on early angiosperm evolution First author: Yongzhi Yang ; Affiliations: Sichuan University(四川大学):Chengdu, China Corresponding author: Jianquan Liu Angiosperms represent one of th ...
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Plant Cell:由HY5介导的光响应调控植物生长机制
2020-2-26 06:17
Chimeric Activators and Repressors Define HY5 Activity and Reveal a Light-Regulated Feedback Mechanism First author: Yogev Burko ; Affiliations: The Salk Institute for Biological Studies(萨克生物研究所):La Jolla,USA Corresponding author: Joan ...
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Current Biology:猴面花花瓣斑点形成的分子机制
2020-2-25 04:21
Two MYB Proteins in a Self-Organizing Activator-Inhibitor System Produce Spotted Pigmentation Patterns First author: Baoqing Ding ; Affiliations: University of Connecticut ( 康涅狄格大学 ): Storrs, USA Corresponding author: Yao-Wu Yuan ...
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Plant Communications:多组学分析揭示大麦不同基因型的耐盐性机制
2020-2-24 04:33
Integrative Multi-Omics Analyses of Barley Rootzones Under Salinity Stress Reveal Two Distinctive Salt ToleranceMechanisms First author: William Wing Ho Ho ; Affiliations: The University of Melbourne ( 墨尔本大学 ): Parkville, Australia ...
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Nature Communications:雷公藤基因组以及雷公藤甲素生物合成候选基因
2020-2-23 06:45
Genome of Tripterygium wilfordii and identification of cytochrome P450 involved in triptolide biosynthesis First author: Lichan Tu ; Affiliations: Capital Medical University ( 首都医科大学 ): Beijing, China Corresponding author:& ...
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