
Plant Physiology:水杨酸影响拟南芥根分生组织模式建成
郝兆东 2019-5-6 14:50
Salicylic acid affects root meristem patterning via auxin distribution in a concentration-dependent manner First author: Taras Pasternak ; Affiliations: Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg( 弗莱堡大学 ):Freiburg, Germany Corresponding author: Klau ...
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郝兆东 2019-5-4 15:33
Re-activation of Stem Cell Pathways for Pattern Restoration in Plant Wound Healing First author: Petra Marhava ; Affiliations: Institute of Science and Technology Austria(奥地利科学技术研究所):Klosterneuburg, Austria Corresponding author: Ji ...
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Nature Genetics:两篇小麦群体外显子组测序文章
郝兆东 2019-5-3 15:25
Tracing the ancestry of modern bread wheats First author: Caroline Pont ; Affiliations: Université Clermont Auvergne(克莱蒙奥弗涅大学):Clermont-Ferrand, France Corresponding author: Jérôme Salse For more than 10,000 years, the sel ...
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J EXP BOT:拟南芥shoot-to-root迁移的TCTP1调控侧根的形成
郝兆东 2019-5-2 15:28
Systemic signalling through TCTP1 controls lateral root formation in Arabidopsis First author: Rémi Branco; Affiliations: The Australian National University(澳大利亚国立大学):Canberra,Australia Corresponding author: Josette Masle ...
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the plant journal:猕猴桃内果皮组织特异性花青素合成的遗传基础
郝兆东 2019-5-1 15:00
A MYB/bHLH complex regulates tissue‐specific anthocyanin biosynthesis in the inner pericarp of red‐centered kiwifruit Actinidia chinensis cv. Hongyang First author: Lihuan Wang ; Affiliations: Sichuan University(四川大学):Chengdu, China Corresp ...
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Nature Communications:水稻OsGluA2的自然变异作用于籽粒蛋白含量调控
郝兆东 2019-4-29 14:47
Natural variation of OsGluA2 is involved in grain protein content regulation in rice First author: Yihao Yang; Affiliations: Yangzhou University(扬州大学):Yangzhou, China Corresponding author: Changjie Yan Grain protein content (G ...
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郝兆东 2019-4-28 16:58
Role for the shoot apical meristem in the specification of juvenile leaf identity in Arabidopsis First author: Jim P. Fouracre; Affiliations: University of Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚大学):Pennsylvania,USA Corresponding author: R. Scott Poeth ...
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Genome Biology:驯化植物全基因碱基演化模式及潜在分子机理
郝兆东 2019-4-27 17:04
Genome-wide nucleotide patterns and potential mechanisms of genome divergence following domestication in maize and soybean First author: Jinyu Wang ; Affiliations: Iowa State University(爱荷华州立大学):Ames,USA Corresponding author: Jianmin ...
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