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Genome Research:大片段串联重复影响基因表达、染色体3D结构以及植物-病原菌响应

已有 2628 次阅读 2020-10-20 09:36 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Large tandem duplications affect gene expression, 3D organization, and plant–pathogen response

第一作者Ariadna Picart-Picolo


通讯作者Frédéric Pontvianne


大背景Rapid plant genome evolution is crucial to adapt to environmental changes.

小背景:Chromosomal rearrangements and gene copy number variation (CNV) are two important tools for genome evolution and sources for the creation of new genes.

问题:However, their emergence takes many generations.

主要发现:In this study, we show that in Arabidopsis thaliana, a significant loss of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes with a past history of a mutation for the chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF1) complex causes rapid changes in the genome structure.

结果1-大片段同向串联重复:Using long-read sequencing and microscopic approaches, we have identified up to 15 independent large tandem duplications in direct orientation (TDDOs) ranging from 60 kb to 1.44 Mb. Our data suggest that these TDDOs appeared within a few generations, leading to the duplication of hundreds of genes.

结果2-TDDOs的影响By subsequently focusing on a line only containing 20% of rRNA gene copies (20rDNA line), we investigated the impact of TDDOson 3D genome organizationgene expression, and cytosine methylationWe found that duplicated genes often accumulate more transcripts. Among them, several are involved in plant–pathogen response, which could explain why the 20rDNA line is hyper-resistant to both bacterial and nematode infections. Finally, we show that the TDDOs create gene fusions and/or truncations and discuss their potential implications for the evolution of plant genomes.

 摘  要 

快速的植物基因组演化对于植物适应环境的变化是非常重要的。染色体重排和基因拷贝数变异是两个基因组演化的主要方式,同时也是创造新基因的主要来源。但是,这两个的出现需要许多世代的积累。在本文中,作者发现拟南芥中,染色质组装因子CAF1复合物的突变以及大量rRNA基因的丢失会导致基因组结构的快速改变(CAF复合物的组成因子fas1fas2突变体杂交,产生的后代(FAS1 fas1/FAS2 fas2)再自交产生的野生型(FAS1 FAS1/FAS2 FAS2)基因型会导致植株的rRNA基因数目只有Col-0的20%,但是表型与Col-0一致,没有显著变化)。通过长读长测序和微观方法,作者鉴定了到了15个独立的大片段正向串联重复(TDDOs),大小从60kb到1.44Mb不等。作者的数据显示这些TDDOs在几个世代内就会出现,导致了数百个基因的复制。基于一个仅含有20%的rRNA基因拷贝的株系20rDNA,作者研究了TDDOs对于基因组3D结构、基因表达以及胞嘧啶甲基化的影响。作者发现复制的基因经常会积累更多的转录本。在这些基因中,有一些基因参与了植物对于病原菌的响应,从而也解释了为何20rDNA株系存在对细菌和线虫侵染的超高抗性。最后,作者发现TDDOs会导致某些基因的融合或截断,并且讨论了其对于植物基因组演化的潜在影响。


**Frédéric Pontvianne**







doi: 10.1101/gr.261586.120

Journal: Genome Research

Published date: Oct 15, 2020


上一篇:EMBO J:拟南芥BIC1作为转录共激活子促进油菜素内酯信号转导和植物生长
下一篇:Nature Communications:杜鹃花基因组
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