
Revision makes perfect
邱敦莲 2011-9-10 13:32
Revision makes perfect
I dare say no one manuscript is published without any revision or editingafter itssubmission. Whena manuscript submitted to JMS isaccepted, it doesn't mean theauthors of this manuscript have beencompletely relieved. In fact ...
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邱敦莲 2011-7-12 15:19
在 2010 年新闻出版总署发布的 《出版专业技术人员继续教育暂行规定》(下称《规定》) 针对出版专业技术人员继续教育问题,在培训机构、培训内容、培训时间、培训方式等方面作了详细的规定。 但是,我到目前为止,还有一些问题不甚明白,也不知道向谁咨询,现将我的问题写在这里,请同行和相关专家指点 ...
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热度 1 邱敦莲 2011-5-31 18:51
How to write a review invitationletter? Allmanuscripts submitted toour journal JMSwill be sent out for peer-review unless they are directly rejected after the initial review. Nowadays with the large increase in manuscript amount around the world, ...
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One Language editing volunteer
热度 3 邱敦莲 2011-5-30 10:14
Lanuage editorand peer-reviewer for JMS As an international English journal published in China, we haveto face thebig problem in language fluency and accurate expression of partial manuscripts, especially those contributed byauthors from China   ...
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5月11日: 科学出版社组织的SCI选刊会及中科院出版委组织的交流
邱敦莲 2011-5-20 14:54
5月11日: 科学出版社组织的SCI选刊会及中科院出版委组织的交流
OnMay 11, under the invitation of Science Press of China and the Publication Committee under Chinese Academy of Sciences, James Testa, vice president of Thomson Reuters Science, Technology, andMedicalInformation Group visitedthe Science ...
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邱敦莲 2011-4-30 10:23
中国人以英文发表文章时作者姓名的写法跟各个期刊的要求和英语的习惯有关。 很多研究人员和期刊编辑人员讨论过中文作者的姓名究竟应该怎么写这一问题,这一点也是期刊编辑人员非常的纠结的事。 虽然英语的姓名写作习惯是名前姓后,但是,作为中国人始终感觉有些别扭。国内相关的协会有一个关于中国人的姓名的写法 ...
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热度 3 邱敦莲 2011-3-14 11:05
ProblemsinManuscript Reviewer Recommendation Generally speaking, many English journals require authors recommend two to five reviewers for their own manuscripts. I find several issues exist in the reviewer recommendation. 1. Don't knowwho to recomm ...
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热度 1 邱敦莲 2011-2-20 17:34
Evaluating a Manuscript From its Cited Literature Reference (literature citation) is an important part of a science paper, and itis an important criteria for me to do initial review on the manuscripts sumbitted to the JMS. For those manuscripts that have no reference or only several r ...
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