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已有 2200 次阅读 2014-7-8 09:43 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记


本报讯(记者黄辛)近日,同济大学医学院附属东方医院转化医学研究中心、同济大学医学院传染病与疫苗研究所张青锋博士等与法国巴斯德研究所Artur Scherf教授合作,首次发现能控制凶险型疟疾的关键调控因子——“PfRNase II”。这将为凶险型疟疾的防治提供新的思路和治疗靶点,相关研究成果已发表于《自然》杂志http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature13468.html





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知识发现平台 http://arrowsmith.psych.uic.edu/cgi-bin/arrowsmith_uic/edit_b.cgi



A-query: severe malaria
C-query: RNA silences genes

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 0 articles appeared in both literatures. The results of this search are saved under id # 13002 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 119 terms on the current B-list (42 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.

job id # 13002 started Mon Jul 7 22:01:32 2014
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: severe malariaMon Jul 7 22:06:03 2014

A query = severe malaria started Mon Jul 7 22:06:19 2014
A query resulted in 5532 titles
C_query_raw: severe malaria Mon Jul 7 22:06:26 2014

C: severe malaria 5532

A: pubmed_query_A 5532

AC: ( severe malaria ) AND ( severe malaria ) 5532

C_query_raw: RNA silences genes Mon Jul 7 22:06:42 2014

C: RNA silences genes 226

A: pubmed_query_A 5532

AC: ( severe malaria ) AND ( RNA silences genes ) 0

C_query_raw: RNA silences genes Mon Jul 7 22:06:47 2014

C: RNA silences genes 226

A: pubmed_query_A 5532

AC: ( severe malaria ) AND ( RNA silences genes ) 0

C query = RNA silences genes started Mon Jul 7 22:06:49 2014
C query resulted in 226 titles
A AND C query resulted in 0 titles
660 B-terms ready on Mon Jul 7 22:07:36 2014

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
119 B-terms left after filter executed Mon Jul 7 22:08:43 2014

B-list on Mon Jul 7 22:09:12 2014
1 toll receptor
2 gene promoter
3 single nucleotide polymorphism
4 virulence gene
5 tlr9
6 sir2
7 gene encoding
8 rnai
9 promoter region
10 factor promoter
11 nf kappab
12 vegf
13 chemokine
14 gene silencing
15 untranslated region
16 microrna
17 p38
18 transcription factor
19 mediated gene silencing
20 genome wide
21 ifn gamma
22 stat3
23 p38 mapk
24 beta globin
25 allele specific
26 rna polymerase
27 globin
28 tumor necrosis factor
29 necrosis factor promoter
30 helicase
31 allele
32 ifn
33 promoter
34 nf
35 hmgb1
36 gene cluster
37 intron
38 gene family
39 genomic
40 ncrna
41 polymerase
42 rna mediated gene




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