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已有 2720 次阅读 2017-6-2 07:41 |个人分类:信息分析|系统分类:科研笔记






01.2016     6 0.543%
02.2015     374 33.877%
03.2014     405 36.685%
04.2013     131 11.866%
05.2012     82 7.428%
06.2011     79 7.156%
07.2010     15 1.359%
08.2009     5 0.453%
09.2008     2 0.181%
10.2007     1 0.091%
11.2007     1 0.091%
12.2005     1 0.091%
01.cell biochem biophys     1104 100.000%
01.中国大陆     1104 100.000%
02.美国     1 0.091%
01.上海市     119 10.779%
02.北京市     102 9.239%
03.江苏省徐州市     102 9.239%
04.重庆市     100 9.058%
05.江苏省南京市     67 6.069%
06.辽宁省沈阳市     56 5.072%
07.吉林省长春市     50 4.529%
08.山东省济南市     47 4.257%
09.广东省广州市     38 3.442%
10.黑龙江省哈尔滨市     31 2.808%
11.河南省郑州市     25 2.264%
12.浙江省杭州市     25 2.264%
13.湖北省武汉市     21 1.902%
14.陕西省西安市     19 1.721%
15.天津市     17 1.540%
16.江苏省无锡市     17 1.540%
17.湖南省长沙市     16 1.449%
18.湖北省荆州市     15 1.359%
19.江苏省江阴市     14 1.268%
20.四川省成都市     13 1.178%
21.山东省青岛市     13 1.178%
22.安徽省合肥市     12 1.087%
23.河北省石家庄市     11 0.996%
24.云南省昆明市     9 0.815%
25.江苏省苏州市     9 0.815%
26.山东省临沂市     8 0.725%
27.甘肃省兰州市     8 0.725%
28.广西南宁市     7 0.634%
29.河南省新乡市     7 0.634%
30.辽宁省大连市     7 0.634%
31.山东省聊城市     6 0.543%
32.河南省洛阳市     6 0.543%
33.福建省福州市     6 0.543%
34.辽宁省锦州市     6 0.543%
35.四川省泸州市     5 0.453%
36.安徽省蚌埠市     5 0.453%
37.山东省济宁市     5 0.453%
38.山东省滨州市     5 0.453%
39.广东省深圳市     4 0.362%
40.江苏省南通市     4 0.362%
41.江苏省淮安市     4 0.362%
42.浙江省绍兴市     4 0.362%
43.湖南省衡阳市     4 0.362%
44.安徽省芜湖市     3 0.272%
45.山东省烟台市     3 0.272%
46.新疆乌鲁木齐市     3 0.272%
47.江苏省扬州市     3 0.272%
48.江苏省泰州市     3 0.272%
49.江苏省镇江市     3 0.272%
50.河北省沧州市     3 0.272%
30.ZHENG,YI/25427890SN6     5 0.453%
32.ZHANG,PEIYING/25638345SN4     5 0.453%
03.解放军总医院     41 3.714%
05.吉林大学第一医院     20 1.812%
09.第三军医大学校本部     17 1.540%
11.南京军区南京总医院     16 1.449%
14.山东省立医院     15 1.359%
17.徐州医科大学校本部     13 1.178%
18.吉林大学第二医院     12 1.087%
26.中南大学湘雅医院     9 0.815%
28.南京妇幼保健院     9 0.815%
32.武汉大学人民医院     9 0.815%
35.临沂市人民医院     8 0.725%
36.北京大学人民医院     8 0.725%
37.南京医科大学校本部     8 0.725%
41.济南军区总医院     8 0.725%
43.青岛大学校本部     8 0.725%
46.北京协和医院     7 0.634%
47.北京大学校本部     7 0.634%
50.山东大学齐鲁医院     7 0.634%
01.cell line, tumor     88 7.971%
02.cell proliferation     85 7.699%
03.apoptosis     83 7.518%
04.rats, sprague-dawley     72 6.522%
05.treatment outcome     68 6.159%
06.disease models, animal     61 5.525%
07.gene expression regulation, neoplastic     61 5.525%
08.signal transduction     54 4.891%
09.rna, messenger     52 4.710%
10.gene expression regulation     48 4.348%
11.antineoplastic agents     46 4.167%
12.cells, cultured     43 3.895%
13.retrospective studies     43 3.895%
14.time factors     43 3.895%
15.polymorphism, single nucleotide     40 3.623%
16.liver neoplasms     38 3.442%
17.tomography, x-ray computed     38 3.442%
18.tumor necrosis factor-alpha     35 3.170%
19.lung neoplasms     33 2.989%
20.genetic predisposition to disease     32 2.899%
21.rabbits     32 2.899%
22.rats, wistar     32 2.899%
23.prognosis     31 2.808%
24.carcinoma, hepatocellular     30 2.717%
25.cell differentiation     30 2.717%
26.cell movement     30 2.717%
27.neoplasm staging     30 2.717%
28.case-control studies     29 2.627%
29.genotype     28 2.536%
30.cell survival     27 2.446%
31.risk factors     26 2.355%
32.immunohistochemistry     25 2.264%
33.mesenchymal stromal cells     25 2.264%
34.micrornas     25 2.264%
35.phosphorylation     25 2.264%
36.rna, small interfering     25 2.264%
37.cytokines     21 1.902%
38.liver     21 1.902%
39.severity of illness index     21 1.902%
40.alleles     20 1.812%
41.cell line     20 1.812%
42.reactive oxygen species     20 1.812%
43.up-regulation     20 1.812%
44.mice, inbred balb c     19 1.721%
45.caspase 3     18 1.630%
46.down-regulation     18 1.630%
47.interleukin-6     18 1.630%
48.mice, inbred c57bl     18 1.630%
49.postoperative complications     18 1.630%
50.transfection     18 1.630%
01.rna, messenger     52 4.710%
02.antineoplastic agents     46 4.167%
03.tumor necrosis factor-alpha     35 3.170%
04.micrornas     25 2.264%
05.rna, small interfering     25 2.264%
06.cytokines     21 1.902%
07.reactive oxygen species     20 1.812%
08.caspase 3     18 1.630%
09.interleukin-6     18 1.630%
10.proto-oncogene proteins c-akt     17 1.540%
01.肿瘤     329 29.801%
02.创伤和损伤     118 10.688%
03.癌,肿瘤     102 9.239%
04.心血管疾病     97 8.786%
05.消化系统疾病     89 8.062%
06.血管疾病     77 6.975%
07.肿瘤转移     71 6.431%
08.神经系统疾病     69 6.250%
09.感染     67 6.069%
10.消化系统肿瘤     66 5.978%
11.动物疾病模型     61 5.525%
12.心脏病     61 5.525%
13.动物疾病     57 5.163%
14.中枢神经系统疾病     49 4.438%
15.腺和上皮癌     49 4.438%
16.胃肠疾病     45 4.076%
17.脑疾病     44 3.986%
18.肺癌     43 3.895%
19.糖尿病     42 3.804%
20.疼痛     41 3.714%
21.呼吸道疾病     39 3.533%
22.肝疾病     39 3.533%
23.肺疾病     39 3.533%
24.胃肠癌     38 3.442%
25.营养与代谢疾病     38 3.442%
26.肝细胞癌     36 3.261%
27.腺癌     35 3.170%
28.女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症     33 2.989%
29.心肌缺血     33 2.989%
30.乳腺癌     31 2.808%
31.癌形成过程     30 2.717%
32.皮肤与结缔组织疾病     30 2.717%
33.肝癌     30 2.717%
34.高血压     30 2.717%
35.代谢疾病     29 2.627%
36.女性泌尿生殖器疾病     28 2.536%
37.结直肠癌     26 2.355%
38.心肌梗塞     25 2.264%
39.皮肤疾病     25 2.264%
40.中风     24 2.174%
41.肌骨骼疾病     24 2.174%
42.冠状动脉疾病     22 1.993%
43.肠道疾病     22 1.993%
44.脑血管障碍     22 1.993%
45.内分泌系统疾病     21 1.902%
46.胃癌     21 1.902%
47.呼吸道癌     20 1.812%
48.小细胞肺癌     20 1.812%
49.胸部癌     20 1.812%
50.动脉粥样硬化     19 1.721%
01.department of cardiology     68 6.159%
02.department of neurology     59 5.344%
03.department of neurosurgery     42 3.804%
04.department of urology     31 2.808%
05.school of medicine     31 2.808%
06.department of anesthesiology     27 2.446%
07.department of orthopedics     26 2.355%
08.department of oncology     25 2.264%
09.department of general surgery     23 2.083%
10.department of hematology     20 1.812%
11.department of pathology     18 1.630%
12.department of gastroenterology     17 1.540%
13.department of orthopaedics     17 1.540%
14.department of obstetrics and gynecology     15 1.359%
15.department of pediatrics     15 1.359%
16.department of radiology     15 1.359%
17.department of medical oncology     13 1.178%
18.department of pharmacology     11 0.996%
19.department of respiratory medicine     11 0.996%
20.department of ultrasound     11 0.996%
21.institute of surgery research     11 0.996%
22.cancer center     10 0.906%
23.department of colorectal surgery     10 0.906%
24.department of endocrinology     10 0.906%
25.department of nephrology     10 0.906%
26.department of cardiothoracic surgery     9 0.815%
27.department of ophthalmology     9 0.815%
28.department of vascular surgery     9 0.815%
29.department of dermatology     8 0.725%
30.department of emergency     8 0.725%
31.department of hepatobiliary surgery     8 0.725%
32.department of laboratory medicine     8 0.725%
33.department of radiation oncology     8 0.725%
34.department of surgery     8 0.725%
35.department of thoracic surgery     8 0.725%
36.department of orthopedics of jinling hospital     7 0.634%
37.department of stomatology     7 0.634%
38.school of life sciences     7 0.634%
39.xuzhou center hospital     7 0.634%
40.department of pharmacy     6 0.543%
41.department of cardiovascular surgery     5 0.453%
42.department of gastrointestinal surgery     5 0.453%
43.department of internal medicine     5 0.453%
44.department of interventional radiology     5 0.453%
45.department of orthopedic surgery     5 0.453%
46.department of otolaryngology     5 0.453%
47.department of plastic surgery     5 0.453%
48.department of spine surgery     5 0.453%
49.division of cardiology     5 0.453%
50.national hepatobiliary and enteric surgery research center     5 0.453%


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