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已有 3267 次阅读 2016-10-3 20:20 |个人分类:诺贝尔奖|系统分类:观点评述

Yoshinori Ohsumi




北京时间10月3日下午5点30分,2016年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖揭晓,日本科学家大隅良典(Yoshinori Ohsumi)获奖。获奖理由是“发现了细胞自噬机制。”






数据来源 http://www.pubmedplus.cn/

01.2016     2 1.370%
02.2015     9 6.164%
03.2014     13 8.904%
04.2013     7 4.795%
05.2012     13 8.904%
06.2010     8 5.479%
07.2009     15 10.274%
08.2008     20 13.699%
09.2007     12 8.219%
10.2006     13 8.904%
11.2013     7 4.795%
12.2011     6 4.110%
13.2010     8 5.479%
14.2002     8 5.479%
01.j biol chem     22 15.068%
02.autophagy     9 6.164%
03.febs lett     8 5.479%
05.biochem biophys res commun     6 4.110%
06.mol biol cell     6 4.110%
07.tanpakushitsu kakusan koso     6 4.110%
08.dev cell     5 3.425%
09.genes cells     5 3.425%
10.j cell biol     5 3.425%
11.j cell sci     4 2.740%
12.plant physiol     4 2.740%
13.plos one     4 2.740%
14.cell struct funct     3 2.055%
15.embo j     3 2.055%
16.nat struct mol biol     3 2.055%
17.plant cell     3 2.055%
18.embo rep     2 1.370%
19.iubmb life     2 1.370%
20.j clin invest     2 1.370%
21.mol cell biol     2 1.370%
22.nat commun     2 1.370%
23.nature     2 1.370%
24.seikagaku     2 1.370%
26.annu rev cell dev biol     1 0.685%
27.biochemistry     1 0.685%
28.biosci biotechnol biochem     1 0.685%
29.cell     1 0.685%
30.cell rep     1 0.685%
31.cell res     1 0.685%
32.chem rev     1 0.685%
33.curr biol     1 0.685%
34.int j biochem cell biol     1 0.685%
35.int j cell biol     1 0.685%
36.j biochem     1 0.685%
37.j biomol nmr     1 0.685%
38.j biomol screen     1 0.685%
39.j lipids     1 0.685%
40.j synchrotron radiat     1 0.685%
41.methods mol biol     1 0.685%
42.mol cell     1 0.685%
43.mol cells     1 0.685%
44.nat cell biol     1 0.685%
45.nat rev mol cell biol     1 0.685%
46.plant cell physiol     1 0.685%
47.proc natl acad sci u s a     1 0.685%
48.redox biol     1 0.685%
49.semin cell dev biol     1 0.685%
50.structure     1 0.685%
01.日本     127 86.986%
02.美国     5 3.425%
03.英国     2 1.370%
04.以色列     1 0.685%
05.德国     1 0.685%
06.法国     1 0.685%
07.韩国     1 0.685%
01.okazaki     41 28.082%
02.日本东京     41 28.082%
03.日本横滨     33 22.603%
04.日本札幌     30 20.548%
05.kawaguchi     4 2.740%
06.kita     4 2.740%
07.nishi     3 2.055%
08.日本吹田     3 2.055%
09.日本大阪     3 2.055%
10.chiba     2 1.370%
11.kashiwa     2 1.370%
12.nagahama     2 1.370%
13.ube     2 1.370%
14.日本京都     2 1.370%
15.日本仙台     2 1.370%
16.日本名古屋     2 1.370%
17.日本崎玉     2 1.370%
18.日本神户     2 1.370%
19.ames     1 0.685%
20.hayashi     1 0.685%
21.higashi     1 0.685%
22.langley park     1 0.685%
23.matsuyama     1 0.685%
24.midori     1 0.685%
25.muroran     1 0.685%
26.pierre     1 0.685%
27.potsdam     1 0.685%
28.rehovot     1 0.685%
29.saint-jean-de-la-ruelle     1 0.685%
30.saint-pierre-des-corps     1 0.685%
31.tarumi     1 0.685%
32.tarumizu     1 0.685%
33.versailles     1 0.685%
34.yamaguchi     1 0.685%
35.yamamoto     1 0.685%
36.日本冈山     1 0.685%
37.日本新潟     1 0.685%
38.日本静冈     1 0.685%
39.美国匹兹堡     1 0.685%
40.美国纽约     1 0.685%
41.美国芝加哥     1 0.685%
42.美国费城     1 0.685%
43.英国伦敦     1 0.685%
44.英国加的夫     1 0.685%
01.Ohsumi Y     146 100.000%
02.Inagaki F     39 26.712%
03.Noda NN     29 19.863%
04.Fujioka Y     27 18.493%
05.Nakatogawa H     25 17.123%
06.Suzuki K     22 15.068%
07.Mizushima N     20 13.699%
08.Yamamoto H     13 8.904%
09.Yoshimoto K     13 8.904%
10.Suzuki NN     12 8.219%
11.Obara K     10 6.849%
12.Yoshimori T     10 6.849%
13.Kondo-Kakuta C     9 6.164%
14.Kumeta H     9 6.164%
15.Kamada Y     8 5.479%
16.Noda T     8 5.479%
17.Sekito T     8 5.479%
18.Suzuki SW     8 5.479%
19.Kawamata T     7 4.795%
20.Kirisako H     7 4.795%
21.Yamamoto A     7 4.795%
22.Ichimura Y     6 4.110%
23.Kabeya Y     6 4.110%
24.Sakoh-Nakatogawa M     6 4.110%
25.Adachi W     5 3.425%
26.Akada R     5 3.425%
27.Hanada T     5 3.425%
28.Kakuta S     5 3.425%
29.Okamoto K     5 3.425%
30.Yamaguchi M     5 3.425%
31.Asai E     4 2.740%
32.Baba M     4 2.740%
33.Hirano H     4 2.740%
34.Kimura Y     4 2.740%
35.Kondo C     4 2.740%
36.Kondo-Okamoto N     4 2.740%
37.Kuma A     4 2.740%
38.Onodera J     4 2.740%
39.Sakai Y     4 2.740%
40.Satoo K     4 2.740%
41.Takao T     4 2.740%
42.Watanabe Y     4 2.740%
43.Hamasaki M     3 2.055%
44.Hashimoto A     3 2.055%
45.Hoshida H     3 2.055%
46.Imamura Y     3 2.055%
47.Ishii J     3 2.055%
48.Kobayashi T     3 2.055%
49.Kondo M     3 2.055%
50.Matoba K     3 2.055%
01.national institute for basic biology     40 27.397%
02.北海道大学     31 21.233%
03.东京工业大学     29 19.863%
04.日本科学与技术公司(jst)     4 2.740%
05.japan science and technology corporation     3 2.055%
06.东京大学     3 2.055%
07.大阪大学     3 2.055%
08.横浜市立大学     3 2.055%
09.综合研究大学院大学     3 2.055%
10.东京都临床医学综合研究所     2 1.370%
11.京都大学     2 1.370%
12.名古屋大学     2 1.370%
13.日本东北大学     2 1.370%
14.日本理化学研究所     2 1.370%
15.神户大学     2 1.370%
16.max planck institute of colloids and interfaces     1 0.685%
17.riken plant science center     1 0.685%
18.东京医科齿科大学     1 0.685%
19.东京都立大学     1 0.685%
20.伊利诺伊大学     1 0.685%
21.伊利诺斯大学     1 0.685%
22.伦敦国王学院     1 0.685%
23.伦敦大学国王学院     1 0.685%
24.冈山大学     1 0.685%
25.匹兹堡大学     1 0.685%
26.卡蒂夫大学     1 0.685%
27.名古屋大学医学研究生院     1 0.685%
28.哥伦比亚大学     1 0.685%
29.室兰工业大学     1 0.685%
30.宾夕法尼亚大学     1 0.685%
31.山口大学     1 0.685%
32.巴黎高等农艺科学学院     1 0.685%
33.布鲁斯堡大学     1 0.685%
34.帝京大学     1 0.685%
35.广岛大学     1 0.685%
36.新泻大学     1 0.685%
37.浦项科技大学     1 0.685%
38.爱媛大学     1 0.685%
39.爱荷华州立大学     1 0.685%
40.都市大学     1 0.685%
41.静冈县立大学     1 0.685%
42.魏茨曼科学研究所     1 0.685%
01.autophagy     111 76.027%
02.saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins     96 65.753%
03.saccharomyces cerevisiae     89 60.959%
04.microtubule-associated proteins     43 29.452%
05.phagosomes     36 24.658%
06.vacuoles     34 23.288%
07.molecular sequence data     25 17.123%
08.mutation     25 17.123%
09.protein transport     24 16.438%
10.amino acid sequence     23 15.753%
11.protein binding     23 15.753%
12.crystallography, x-ray     21 14.384%
13.protein structure, tertiary     20 13.699%
14.vesicular transport proteins     19 13.014%
15.membrane proteins     17 11.644%
16.carrier proteins     16 10.959%
17.models, molecular     16 10.959%
18.protein kinases     15 10.274%
19.ubiquitin     14 9.589%
20.lysosomes     13 8.904%
21.arabidopsis     12 8.219%
22.cell membrane     12 8.219%
23.intracellular membranes     12 8.219%
24.microscopy, fluorescence     12 8.219%
25.phosphatidylethanolamines     12 8.219%
26.green fluorescent proteins     11 7.534%
27.sequence homology, amino acid     11 7.534%
28.mitochondria     10 6.849%
29.nitrogen     10 6.849%
30.aminopeptidases     9 6.164%
31.arabidopsis proteins     9 6.164%
32.crystallization     9 6.164%
33.phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases     9 6.164%
34.protein conformation     9 6.164%
35.protein structure, secondary     9 6.164%
36.signal transduction     9 6.164%
37.ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes     9 6.164%
38.fungal proteins     8 5.479%
39.proteins     8 5.479%
40.starvation     8 5.479%
41.binding sites     7 4.795%
42.microscopy, electron     7 4.795%
43.models, biological     7 4.795%
44.multiprotein complexes     7 4.795%
45.protein-serine-threonine kinases     7 4.795%
46.receptors, cytoplasmic and nuclear     7 4.795%
47.time factors     7 4.795%
48.cytoplasm     6 4.110%
49.cytosol     6 4.110%
50.gene expression regulation, fungal     6 4.110%
01.saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins     96 65.753%
02.microtubule-associated proteins     43 29.452%
03.atg8 protein, s cerevisiae     30 20.548%
04.vesicular transport proteins     19 13.014%
05.membrane proteins     17 11.644%
06.carrier proteins     16 10.959%
07.protein kinases     15 10.274%
08.ubiquitin     14 9.589%
09.atg1 protein, s cerevisiae     13 8.904%
10.phosphatidylethanolamines     12 8.219%
11.green fluorescent proteins     11 7.534%
12.nitrogen     10 6.849%
13.phosphatidylethanolamine     10 6.849%
14.aminopeptidases     9 6.164%
15.arabidopsis proteins     9 6.164%
16.atg3 protein, s cerevisiae     9 6.164%
17.phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases     9 6.164%
18.ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes     9 6.164%
19.atg11 protein, s cerevisiae     8 5.479%
20.atg12 protein, s cerevisiae     8 5.479%
21.atg16 protein, s cerevisiae     8 5.479%
22.fungal proteins     8 5.479%
23.proteins     8 5.479%
24.lap4 protein, s cerevisiae     7 4.795%
25.multiprotein complexes     7 4.795%
26.protein-serine-threonine kinases     7 4.795%
27.receptors, cytoplasmic and nuclear     7 4.795%
28.atg7 protein, s cerevisiae     6 4.110%
29.phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate     6 4.110%
30.phosphatidylinositol phosphates     6 4.110%
31.receptors, cell surface     6 4.110%
32.recombinant fusion proteins     6 4.110%
33.adaptor proteins, signal transducing     5 3.425%
34.cysteine endopeptidases     5 3.425%
35.liposomes     5 3.425%
36.phosphoric monoester hydrolases     5 3.425%
37.ubiquitin-protein ligases     5 3.425%
38.alpha-mannosidase     4 2.740%
39.apg5 protein, s cerevisiae     4 2.740%
40.atg17 protein, s cerevisiae     4 2.740%
41.atg18 protein, s cerevisiae     4 2.740%
42.atg32 protein, s cerevisiae     4 2.740%
43.atg9 protein, s cerevisiae     4 2.740%
44.cvt19 protein, s cerevisiae     4 2.740%
45.dna, bacterial     4 2.740%
46.phospholipids     4 2.740%
47.transcription factors     4 2.740%
48.amino acids     3 2.055%
49.apg2 protein, s cerevisiae     3 2.055%
50.atg13 protein, s cerevisiae     3 2.055%
01.绝食     44 30.137%
02.营养不良     8 5.479%
03.营养与代谢疾病     8 5.479%
04.营养障碍     8 5.479%
05.扭伤与劳损     5 3.425%
06.传染性深脓疱     2 1.370%
07.线粒体疾病     2 1.370%
08.肌疾病     2 1.370%
09.肝炎     2 1.370%
10.肿瘤     2 1.370%
11.不育     1 0.685%
12.中毒     1 0.685%
13.代谢疾病     1 0.685%
14.低色素性贫血     1 0.685%
15.前列腺癌     1 0.685%
16.动物疾病     1 0.685%
17.动物疾病模型     1 0.685%
18.感染     1 0.685%
19.消化系统疾病     1 0.685%
20.生殖细胞和胚胎性癌     1 0.685%
21.男性不育     1 0.685%
22.畸胎癌     1 0.685%
23.癌形成过程     1 0.685%
24.神经变性疾病     1 0.685%
25.神经系统疾病     1 0.685%
26.神经肌肉疾病     1 0.685%
27.细胞转化, 肿瘤     1 0.685%
28.肌萎缩     1 0.685%
29.肌骨骼疾病     1 0.685%
30.肝炎, 乙型     1 0.685%
31.肝疾病     1 0.685%
32.肝肿大     1 0.685%
33.超敏反应     1 0.685%
01.department of cell biology     26 17.808%
02.frontier research center     26 17.808%
03.department of structural biology     24 16.438%
04.division of molecular cell biology     15 10.274%
05.institute of microbial chemistry     4 2.740%
06.advanced medical research center     3 2.055%
07.bioimaging center     3 2.055%
08.department of chemistry     3 2.055%
09.institute of microbial chemistry (bikaken)     3 2.055%
10.department of applied plant science     2 1.370%
11.department of medicine     2 1.370%
12.division of applied life sciences     2 1.370%
13.frontier research center; tokyo institute of technology; yokohama    2 1.370%
14.laboratory of mitochondrial dynamics     2 1.370%
15.laboratory of molecular structure     2 1.370%
16.1] frontier research center     1 0.685%
17.1riken systems and structural biology center     1 0.685%
18.biosignal research center     1 0.685%
19.college of science and engineering     1 0.685%
20.department of anatomy and molecular cell biology     1 0.685%
21.department of anatomy and molecular cell biology; nagoya university graduate school of medicine; nagoya     1 0.685%
22.department of applied biological chemistry; niigata university; niigata     1 0.685%
23.department of applied bioscience     1 0.685%
24.department of applied chemistry     1 0.685%
25.department of applied molecular bioscience     1 0.685%
26.department of biological chemistry     1 0.685%
27.department of biological sciences     1 0.685%
28.department of biology     1 0.685%
29.department of bioregulation and metabolism     1 0.685%
30.department of bioscience     1 0.685%
31.department of bioscience; nagahama institute of bio-science and technology; nagahama     1 0.685%
32.department of biotechnology     1 0.685%
33.department of cardiovascular medicine     1 0.685%
34.department of cell biology; national institute for basic biology; okazaki     1 0.685%
35.department of genetics     1 0.685%
36.department of life science     1 0.685%
37.department of molecular biotechnology     1 0.685%
38.department of molecular oncology     1 0.685%
39.department of physics     1 0.685%
40.department of physiology and cell biology     1 0.685%
41.department of theory and bio-systems     1 0.685%
42.division of molecular and life sciences     1 0.685%
43.from the frontier research center     1 0.685%
44.frontier research center and     1 0.685%
45.frontier research center and department of biological information    1 0.685%
46.frontier research center and graduate school of bioscience and biotechnology     1 0.685%
47.frontier research center and yamamoto-hayashi@iri.titech.ac.jp yohsumi@iri.titech.ac.jp     1 0.685%
48.graduate school of medical life science and advanced medical research center     1 0.685%
49.institute of infection and immunity     1 0.685%
50.institute of innovative research     1 0.685%


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