

German Palaeobotany Umbrella-50: Carl Otto Weber (1827-1867)

已有 3465 次阅读 2017-2-28 06:05 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| Carl, palaeobotany, German, Umbrella, Otto

Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (50)

German physician and pathologist Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867)

德国医生和病理学家Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867)

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       19世纪德国医生和病理学家Carl Otto Weber(1827--1867)1827年出生于法兰克福。他的早期学习在德国西北部小镇Bremen主要由当校长的父亲教育。1846年,Carl Otto Weber入读波恩大学学习植物学、地质学和矿物学,还学习了古植物学。

      1851年,Carl Otto Weber完成题为Ossium mutationes osteomalacia universali effectae的学位论文,获得医学及外科学博士学位。同年,他还发表一篇古植物学论文。

       1852年,Carl Otto Weber开始在波恩行医,担任外科医生。1857年,他担任波恩大学病理解剖学教授。1865年,担任海德堡大学外科学教授。1867年,Carl Otto Weber因患白喉而英年早逝,年仅40岁。

       Carl Otto Weber生前勤于著述,主要探索病理解剖学问题,也热衷于著名科学家的传记写作。


Brief life chronology of German physician and pathologist Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867)

--1827: Born in Frankfurt;

--Educated at early age under the guidance of his father in Bremen, northwestern Germany;

--1846: Began to study botany, geology and mineralogy, palaeobotany  at the University of Bonn;

--1851: Completed the following dissertation and received a doctorate degree of medicine and surgery from the University of Bonn--

Ossiummutationes osteomalacia universali effectae Weber, Carl Otto,1827-1867. Bonnae, 1851.

--1851: Published the following palaeobotanical reseach--

Weber, Carl Otto, 1851. Die Tertiarflora derNiederrheinischen Braunkohlenfor- mation: Palaeontographica, Band 2, p.117-236, pis. 18-25.

--1852: Passed a state exam in Berlin;

--1852—1856:  Worked as an assistant of Born surgeon Karl Wilhelm Wutzer (1789--1863);

--1857: Appointed as a professor of pathological anatomy at the University of Bonn;

--1865: Appointed as a professor of surgery at the University of Heidelberg;

--1867: Died of Diphtheria(白喉) in Heidelberg at age of 40.


Qigao Sun (孙启高):


Story of Paleobotany Series(No.528) [The 529th issue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-528

《德国古植物学之伞》Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(50)

German physician and pathologist Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867)

德国医生和病理学家Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867)

Jan 31, 2017


German physician and pathologist Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867)


Story of Paleobotany Series(No.527) [The 528th issue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-527

《德国古植物学之伞》Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(49)

German botanist Carl Albert Weber(1856--1931)

德国植物学家Carl Albert Weber (1856--1931)

2017-2-6 21:30


Ossium mutationes osteomalacia universali effectaeWeber, Carl Otto,1827-1867.Bonnae, 1851-..

·        Title: Ossium mutationes osteomalacia universali effectae

·        Attribution:Carl Otto Weber.

·        Author / Creator:Weber, Carl Otto, 1827-1867.

·        Published:Bonnae, 1851-..

·        Description:25 dl. : ill. ; in-4.

·        Language:Latin

·        Notes:Thesis note: Thesis (doctoral)--Universitate Fridericia Guilelmia Rhenana.

·        HOLLIS Number:011601774

·        Creation Date:1851-.

·        Permalink:

·        Source:HVD ALEPH


SPS-528-German Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867)-rev3.pdf


上一篇:植物解剖学奠基人Marcello Malpighi FRS (1628--1694)
下一篇:Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-51: Ernst Louis Kalkowsky
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