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2016年美国科学院院士增选结果公布,4位华人当选 精选

已有 20303 次阅读 2016-5-4 00:51 |个人分类:海外观察|系统分类:科研笔记


贺飞 北京大学



加拿大British  Columbia大学1
密西根Van  Andel研究所1


斯坦福大学化学系的J.G. JacksonC.J. Wood化学教授戴宏杰、弗吉尼亚理工学院和州立大学兽医学院的分子病毒学教授、Carilion医学院内科医学教授孟祥金、加州大学伯克利分校化学系S.K. and Angela Chan杰出能源教授和化学教授杨培东等三名华人教授当选。中国科学院院士安芷生当选2016年美国科学院外籍院士。

戴宏杰,男,19665月出生于湖南邵阳,斯坦福大学终身教授,国际著名纳米技术专家,湖南大学客座教授。1982-1984 湖南省长沙市第一中学;1984-1989 清华大学应用物理系,获学士学位;1989-1991 美国哥伦比亚大学,获硕士学位;1991-1994 美国哈佛大学,跟随C.Lieber教授从事博士论文工作,获博士学位;1994.9-1995.9在哈佛大学Charles Liber教授的科研组从事博士后研究工作;1995.9-1997.7Rice大学跟随诺贝尔化学奖获得者R.E Smalley教授从事博士后研究工作; 1997.9-2002斯坦福大学化学系助理教授,科研方向为:新型纳米材料的化学 利用新型探针和新的成像机理的扫描探针显微技术及其应用 新型一维纳米材料与微米/纳米半导体结构的集成 发展新的纳米材料制备技术 纳米尺度的固体物理研究;2002年获得终身教授职位;2006年获得正教授职位;2007年获得J.G. Jackson & C.J. Wood 荣誉教授;20070629日受聘为湖南大学客座教授。

戴宏杰教授长期从事碳纳米材料的生长合成、物理性质研究、纳米电子器件研发,以及纳米生物医学以及能源材料等方面的研究,在上述领域都取得了卓越的成就,并获得了广泛的影响,是国际碳纳米材料研究领域的领军人物之一。他2009年当选美国科学与艺术学院院士(Fellow of American Academy of Artsand Sciences);2011年当选美国科学促进会会士。其主要学术成就包括:(1) 利用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)研究了掺杂二维电荷密度波(CDW)系统中金属杂质对电荷密度波的影响;发展出了二维熔化过程的定量计算方法。(2) 研究了高温Bi系超导体中磁通晶格的结构及超导材料的面缺陷,点缺陷和人为产生的柱状缺陷对磁通的影响。对理解高温超导中的磁通钉扎和寻找提高高温超导体的临界电流密度的途径具有重要意义;(3) 与当时在哈佛大学访问的清华大学范守善教授合作发展出了利用碳纳米管制备碳化物纳米棒的技术。研究结果为一维纳米碳化物材料的合成提供了一条有效的途径,在纳米科学领域产生了很大影响;(4) 在国际上首次实现了对单根碳纳米管电学性质进行实验测量,发展出了利用导电AFM测量单根碳纳米管电导的技术,为解决纳米尺度输运性质测量这一难题提供了一条途径,同时为AFM开辟了新的功能。(5) 发展了利用单根碳纳米管作为AFM探针的技术,解决了AFM针尖易损坏的的问题。同时可大大提高AFM垂直方向探测深度,研究结果对扫描探针显微镜在科学和技术领域应用产生革命性的影响。(6) 发展出了提纯和切断单壁碳纳米管的技术,可把单壁管切割成所希望的长度,获得类似于大的富勒烯分子的单壁碳纳米管。(7) 首次用四点法测量了单壁碳纳米管的输运性质。发现单壁碳纳米管的输运行为象完美的量子线。为单壁碳纳米管的理论研究和应用研究提供了重要依据。(8)戴宏杰教授负责的研究团队在铝电池领域取得突破性成果,他们开发出一种可以充放电,具有超快充电、不易燃烧爆炸、可折叠、材料成本低的突出优点的铝离子电池。2004年获得裘利斯史普林格应用物理奖2011210日,入选2000-2010年全球顶尖一百化学家名人堂榜单(TOP100CHEMISTS,2000-2010),总排名第7,华人排名第1 



孟博士的研究方向为兽医和人类医学公共卫生领域内重要的新发病毒、人兽共患病毒的致病分子机制和疫苗研发。迄今他已经在同行评审的国际刊物上发表超过250篇学术文章、综述和书籍章节。根据权威的汤姆森科技信息集团ISI 基本科学指标,孟博士是从1997至2007年间微生物学学科文章总引用数世界上排名前1%的高引用科学家。孟博士的代表性学术成就为发现新病毒,以及研制出一种注册的商用病毒疫苗。孟博士在弗吉尼亚理工大学教授分子病毒学与新发传染病课程。他在2012年当选为美国微生物学院院士。

















安芷生院士,1941年生于湖南芷江。1962年南京大学地质系毕业。1966年中国科学院地质所、地球化学研究所研究生毕业。环境地质学家,1991年当选为中国科学院院士。2000年当选第三世界科学院院士。长期从事黄土、第四纪地质与全球变化研究。在第四纪地质和全球变化方面,以黄土和有关第四纪沉积物为主要对象,系统地研究了中国黄土的堆积、演化及其与古气候、古环境的关系,并与全球气候变化联系起来;率先将第四纪磁性地层学引入我国,最早指出我国240万年前的重大地质气候事件,测定了蓝田猿人和澳洲沙漠化年代;与刘东生院士一起将中国黄土与深海沉积序列进行了成功的对比,使中国黄土成为全球变化研究的生物气候纪录的支柱之一,重建了黄土高原的气候历史;提出了黄土堆积演化模式及其与环境演变的关系;由他所领导的研究集体,系统的提出了控制中国环境变迁的东亚季风控制理论,建立了最近240万年、13万年和最近两万年以来中国古环境变化序列,重建了最近两万年以来中国环境变化图景,并对古季风变迁机制进行了系统讨论;提出了末次冰期和间冰期季风气候的不稳定性和突发事件的证据和规律,开展了南北半球古气候对比的研究,并获国际承认。曾任中国科学院西安分院院长,陕西省科学院院长,黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室主任,中国科学院地球环境研究所所长。兼任中国第四纪研究委员会副主任,国际第四纪联合会副主席,国际地圈生物圈计划副主席等。同时兼任南京大学、复旦大学、中国科技大学、交通大学、西北大学、陕西师范大学兼职教授,“Quaternary Science Reviews”编委,陕西省生态学会会长,陕西省科协副主席等职。在国际国内刊物上发表100余篇论文,论文经SCI检索引用1500余次。先后获国家自然科学二等奖、中科院自然科学一等奖和陕西省科技进步一等奖,第二届李四光地质科学奖,何梁何利奖,2008年度陈嘉庚科学奖等。



Agol, Ian;professor of mathematics, department of mathematics, University of California,Berkeley


Ashtekar,Abhay V.; Eberly Professor of Physics and director, Institute for Gravitationand the Cosmos, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park


Bailey-Serres,Julia; director, Center for Plant Cell Biology, and professor of genetics,department of botany and plant sciences, University of California, Riverside


Bartel,Bonnie; Ralph and Dorothy Looney Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology,department of biosciences, Rice University, Houston


Blau,Helen M.; Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation Professor, Baxter Laboratoryfor Stem Cell Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, Calif.


Boothroyd,John C.; Burt and Marion Avery Professor of Immunology, department ofmicrobiology and immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto,Calif.


Brown,Myles A.; professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School, and director, Centerfor Functional Cancer Epigenetics, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston


Bull,James J.; Johann Friedrich Miescher Regents Professor, department ofintegrative biology, The University of Texas, Austin


Car,Roberto; Ralph W. Dornte '31 Professor in Chemistry and professor in physics,department of chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.


Cashman,Katharine V.; professor of volcanology, University of Bristol, Clifton, UnitedKingdom


Chakraborty,Arup K.; Robert T. Haslam Professor of Chemical Engineering and director,Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Cambridge


Cherlin,Andrew J.; Griswold Professor of Public Policy and Sociology, department ofsociology, John Hopkins University, Baltimore


Crimmins,Eileen M.; AARP Professor of Gerontology, Davis School of Gerontology, AndrusGerontology Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles


Dafermos,Constantine M.; Alumni-Alumnae University Professor, division of appliedmathematics, Brown University, Providence, R.I.


Dai, Hongjie; J.G. Jackson and C.J. Wood Professorof Chemistry, department of chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.


DeRisi,Joseph; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor and chair,department of biochemistry and biophysics, University of California, SanFrancisco


Deshaies,Raymond J.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor,division of biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena


Drinfeld,Vladimir; Harry Pratt Judson Distinguished Service Professor, department ofmathematics, The University of Chicago, Chicago


Eberhardt,Jennifer; associate professor, department of psychology, Stanford University,Stanford, Calif.


Ehleringer,James R.; distinguished professor of biology, department of biology, Universityof Utah, Salt Lake City


Eiler,John M.; director, Caltech Microanalysis Center, and Robert P. Sharp Professorof Geology and Geochemistry, division of geological and planetary sciences,California Institute of Technology, Pasadena


Evans,Steven N.; professor of statistics and mathematics, University of California,Berkeley


Fejer,Martin M.; co-director, Stanford Photonics Research Center, and professor ofapplied physics, Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, GinztonLaboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.


Forrest,Stephen R.; Peter A. Franken Distinguished University Professor of Engineeringand Paul G. Goebel Professor of Engineering, College of Engineering, Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor


Friesner,Richard A.; professor of chemistry, department of chemistry, ColumbiaUniversity, New York City


Germain,Ronald N.; chief, Laboratory of Systems Biology; and distinguishedinvestigator, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.


Giovannoni,James J.; research molecular biologist, Agricultural Research Service, BoyceThompson Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.


Glaeser,Robert M.; emeritus professor, University of California-Berkeley, and seniorscientist, Donner Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley,Calif.


Guerinot,Mary Lou; professor, department of biological sciences, Dartmouth College,Hanover, N.H.


Hart,Oliver; Andrew E. Furer Professor of Economics, department of economics,Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.


Hartmann,Dennis L.; professor, department of atmospheric sciences, University ofWashington, Seattle


Heal,Geoffrey M.; Donald C. Waite Professor of Social Enterprise and professor ofeconomics and finance, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, NewYork City


Heckman,Timothy M.; A. Herman Pfund Professor of Astronomy and director, Center forAstrophysical Sciences, department of physics and astronomy, Johns HopkinsUniversity, Baltimore


Heintz,Nathaniel; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and James and MarilynSimons Professor, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University,New York City


Hieter,Philip; professor of medical genetics, Michael Smith Laboratories, Universityof British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


Hoekstra,Hopi E.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and Alexander AgassizProfessor of Zoology, departments of organismic and evolutionary biology and ofmolecular and cellular biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.


Hu, Wayne;Horace B. Horton Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics and member, KavliInstitute for Cosmological Physics, The University of Chicago, Chicago


Irvine,Judith T.; Edward Sapir Collegiate Professor of Linguistic Anthropology,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Jones,Peter A.; research director and chief scientific officer, Van Andel ResearchInstitute, Grand Rapids, Mich.


Kastan,Michael B.; executive director, Duke Cancer Institute, and professor ofpharmacology and cancer biology, Duke University, Durham, N.C.


Kingston,Robert E.; molecular biologist and chief, department of molecular biology,Massachussetts General Hospital; and professor and vice chair, department ofgenetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston


Kinzler,Kenneth W.; professor of oncology and co-director,The Ludwig Center at JohnsHopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore


Klebanov,Igor R.; associate director, Princeton Center for Theoretical Sciences, andEugene Higgins Professor of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.


Koonin,Eugene V.; senior investigator, National Center for Biotechnology Information,National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.


Krumlauf,Robb; scientific director, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City,Mo.


Larsen,Clark S.; distinguished professor of social and behavioral sciences and chair,department of anthropology, The Ohio State University, Columbus


Leibler,Stanislas; professor, Institute for Advanced Study, and professor, School ofNatural Sciences, The Rockefeller University, New York City


Lester,Marsha I.; Edmund J. Kahn Distinguished Professor, department of chemistry,University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia


Liu,Andrea J.; Hepburn Professor, department of physics and astronomy, Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia


Lynch,Nancy A.; NEC Professor of Software Science and Engineering, department ofelectrical engineering and computer science, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Cambridge


Markus,Hazel R.; Davis-Brack Professor in the Behavioral Sciences, department ofpsychology, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.


Marqusee,Susan; director, QB3–Berkeley (California Institute for QuantitativeBiosciences), and Eveland Warren Endowed Chair Professor of Biochemistry,Biophysics, and Structural Biology, department of molecular and cell biology,University of California, Berkeley


Meng, Xiang-Jin; professor of molecular virology,College of Veterinary Medicine; professor of internal medicine, Carilion Schoolof Medicine; and professor, department of biomedical sciences and pathobiology,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg


Mirzakhani,Maryam; professor of mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.


Monroe,Christopher; fellow, Joint Quantum Institute, NIST; and Bice Zorn Professor ofPhysics, department of physics, University of Maryland, College Park


Murphy,Kenneth M.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and Eugene OpieCentennial Professor of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University Schoolof Medicine, St. Louis


Murphy,Susan A.; Herbert E. Robbins Distinguished University Professor of Statistics,department of statistics, and research professor, Institute for SocialResearch, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Niyogi,Krishna K.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; faculty scientist,physical biosciences division, DOE-Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; andprofessor, department of plant and microbial biology, University of California,Berkeley


O'Keefe,John; inaugural director, Sainsbury Wellcome Center for Neural Circuits andBehavior, and professor of cognitive neuroscience, University College London,London, United Kingdom


Palumbi,Stephen R.; Jane and Marshall Steele Chair of Biology and director, HopkinsMarine Station, Stanford University, Pacific Grove, Calif.


Parkinson,Claire L.; climate change senior scientist, Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory,NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.  


Pinker,Steven; Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology, department of psychology,Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.


Ploegh,Hidde L.; professor of biology and member, Whitehead Institute for BiomedicalResearch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge


Raymo,Maureen E.; Lamont Research Professor and director, Lamont-Doherty CoreRepository, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades,N.Y.


Rosakis,Ares J.; Theodore von Karman Professor of Aeronautics and chair, division ofengineering and applied science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena


Sabatini,David M.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor ofbiology and member, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Cambridge


Sanford,Melanie S.; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Chemistry, department of chemistry,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Schapire,Robert E.; principal researcher, Microsoft Research, New York City


Segall,Paul; professor of geophysics, department of geophysics, Stanford University,Stanford, Calif.


Sehgal,Amita; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and John Herr MusserProfessor of Neuroscience, Perelman School of Medicine, University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia


Seydoux,Geraldine; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor,department of molecular biology and genetics, Johns Hopkins University Schoolof Medicine, Baltimore


Sigworth,Frederick J.; professor of cellular and molecular physiology and of biomedicalengineering, department of cellular and molecular physiology, Yale UniversitySchool of Medicine, New Haven, Conn.


Slovic,Paul; professor, department of psychology, University of Oregon, Eugene


Soltis,Pamela; distinguished professor and curator, Florida Museum of Natural History,University of Florida, Gainesville


Stone,Anne C.; professor and director, Center for Bioarchaeological Research, Schoolof Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, Tempe


Stover,Patrick J.; professor and director, division of nutritional sciences, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, N.Y.


Summers,Michael F.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and distinguisheduniversity professor, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore


Urry, C.Megan; director, Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Israel MunsonProfessor of Physics and Astronomy and chair, department of physics, YaleUniversity, New Haven, Conn.


Virgin,Herbert W., IV; Edward Mallinckrodt Professor and chair, department ofpathology and immunology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis


Wasserman,Larry A.; professor, department of statistics, Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh


Yang,Peidong; S.K. and Angela Chan Distinguished Professor of Energy and professorof chemistry, department of chemistry, University of California, Berkeley


Young,Stephen G.; associate director, Star Program, and professor of medicine andhuman genetics, School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles


Zamolodchikov,Alexander B.; leading researcher, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics,Russian Academy of Sciences; and Board of Governors Professor of Physics,department of physics and astronomy, Rutgers, The State University of NewJersey, Piscataway


Zank, GaryP.; director, Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, and EminentScholar and distinguished professor of the Department of Space Science,University of Alabama, Huntsville

Newlyelected foreign associates, their affiliations at the time of election, andtheir country of citizenship are:

An, Zhisheng; professor, Institute of EarthEnvironment, and member, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an, People's Republicof China (People's Republic of China)


Berns,Anton J.M.; principal investigator, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam,Netherlands (Netherlands)


Bird,Adrian; professor and Buchanan Chair of Genetics, Wellcome Trust Centre forCell Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (UnitedKingdom)


Fabian,Andrew C.; Royal Society Research Professor in Astronomy, Institute ofAstronomy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom (United Kingdom)


Fernández,Julio A.; professor, department of astronomy, and dean of the school ofscience, University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay (Uruguay)


Frenkel,Daan; 1968 Professor of Chemistry, department of chemistry, University ofCambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom (United Kingdom)


Hell,Stefan W.; director, department of nanobiophotonics, Max Planck Institute forBiophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany (Germany)


Jouzel,Jean; research scientist, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et del'Environnement, CEA-Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Orme des Merisiers, France(France)


Kornai,János; honorary professor emeritus, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest,Hungary (Hungary)


Lanzavecchia,Antonio; director, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona,Switzerland (Switzerland)


Lutz,Wolfgang; program director, World Population, International Institute forApplied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria (Austria)


McDonald,Arthur B.; professor emeritus, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada (Canada)


Peres,Yuval; principal researcher in theory group, Microsoft Research, Redmond, Wash.(Israel)


Petit,Christine; professor, Collège de France, and director, Unité de Génétique etPhysiologie de l'Audition, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France (France)


Possingham,Hugh; professor of mathematics and ecology, University of Queensland, St.Lucia, Australia (Australia)


Rabinovich,Gabriel A.; professor of immunology, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,Argentina (Argentina)


Reid,Nancy M.; Canada Research Chair and University Professor, department ofstatistics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (Canada)


Suwa, Gen;professor, The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (Japan)


Voisin,Claire; director of research, CNRS, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu,France (France)


West,Stephen C.; senior group leader and deputy director, Clare Hall Laboratories,Francis Crick Institute, Herts, United Kingdom (United Kingdom)


Wilson,Ian A.; Hansen Professor of Structural Biology and chair, department ofintegrative structural and computational biology, The Scripps ResearchInstitute, La Jolla, Calif. (United Kingdom)



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