行为安全博客 Behavioral Safety分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Greg66 行为安全-用科学方法长效地解决“违章行为”



已有 4952 次阅读 2016-3-27 23:38 |个人分类:3|系统分类:教学心得| 翻译, 安全原理




1 The occurrence of an injury invariably results from a completedsequence of factors---the last one of these being the accident itself. The accident in turn is invariably caused or permitteddirectly by the unsafe act of person and/or a mechanical or physical hazard.事故永远都是由一个原因链条(因素序列)引起,这个链条的末端就是事故本身。反向看,事故的直接原因就是人的不安全动作和物的不安全状态。 

2 The unsafe acts of persons are responsible for a majority ofaccidents.人的不安全动作是绝大多数事故的原因。 

3 The person who suffers a disabling injury caused by an unsafeact, in the average case, has had over 300 narrowescapes from serious injury as a result of committing the very same unsafe act.Likewise, persons exposed to mechanical hazards hundreds of times before theysuffer injury.不安全动作导致300次以上轻伤之后,就会导致一次重伤。类似地,数百个不安全物态终将导致一次伤害。 

4 The severity of an injury is largelyfortuitous---the occurrence of the accident that results in injury is largelypreventable.事故导致伤害的严重性是偶然的,但绝大多数伤亡事故都是可以预防的。 

5 The four basic motives or reasons for the occurrenceof unsafe acts provide a guide to the selection of appropriate correctivemeasures.不安全动作的发生有四个基本动机,它们为避免不安全动作提供了措施指导。 

6 Four basic methods are available forpreventing accidents---engineering revision, persuasion and appeal, personneladjustment, and discip1ine.工程策略、教育感化、人员安排、规章要求是事故预防的四个基本方法。 

7 Methods of most value in accident prevention are analogous with the methods required for the controlof the quality, cost, and quantity of production.事故预防的方法与质量、成本、产量等控制的方法是完全类似的。


8 Management has the best opportunity and ability to initiate thework of prevention; therefore it should assume the responsibility.管理层最有能力预防事故,所以应当承担起责任。 

9 The supervisor or foreman is the keyman in industrial accidentprevention. His application of the art of supervision to the control of worker performance is the factor of greatest influence in success. It canbe expressed and taught asa simple four-step formula.班队长在事故预防中采取的管理方法或艺术十分重要,可归结为“四步法”。 

10 The humanitarian incentive forpreventing accidental injury is supplemented by two powerful economic factors:(1) the safe establishment is efficient productively and the unsafeestablishment is in efficient; (2) the direct employer cost of industria1injuries for compensation claims and for medical treatment is but one-fifth ofthe tota1 cost which the employer must pay.事故预防的两个有力的补充性经济激励措施是:(1)安全和效益相辅相成,提高效益促进事故预防。(2)资方至少为劳方赔付五分之一的工伤补偿和治疗费用。 

Ref.: Heinrich et al, Industrial Accident Prevention,1980, p21



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8 杨春 邵鹏程 王毅翔 解学才 蔡祎婧 信忠保 王智文 forword

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