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已有 6808 次阅读 2011-8-24 06:07 |个人分类:伪劣科普打假|系统分类:人物纪事| 抄袭, 剽窃, 方舟子, 粉丝, 打假




Dear Yuanqing Tao,

In your most recent email, you requested to have your name removed from the discussion list. As much as I want to grant you your wishes, I cannot. You have sent Dr. Root-Bernstein emails with the most outrageous lies and most insulting slandering words. You are in the same situation as Dr. Fang. By plagiarizing Dr. Root-Bernstein's article, Dr. Fang cannot simply excuse himself from this forum. Similarly, by insulting and slandering many members of this forum, you are a relevant part in the discussion and you cannot be excused either.

Your emails were slanderous in nature and Dr. Root-Bernstein did not want to address it. But I can certainly enlighten you on your key questions and some key points.

1) Fifteen years are not long. In the circle discussing plagiarism, we can dig out cases well over one hundred years. Dr. Fang himself had discussed cases in previous decades.

2) You may be truly naive or may be not. People in this forum do learn that Dr. Fang's plagiarism against Dr. Root-Bernstein is not an isolated case at all. Dr. Fang has been accused of plagiarism so many times that he has probably surpassed any of the suspects he has personally accused of plagiarism. For your record, I had accused Dr. Fang of stealing interest of New Threads from his partners, for which Dr. Fang has never been able to offer a rebuttal of any kind. By the way, my accusation was made solely based on Dr. Fang's account of the series of events, therefore, very unlikely to be biased. There is so much negative material you'll soon realize that it is definitely more than you bargain for. Of course, it depends on your capacity for facts or opinions.

3) You had slandered about those people who raised this issue to Dr. Root-Bernstein. You insulted Dr. Root-Bernstein by suggesting that he and Dr. Fang were "the same kind of persons". Let me confront you with the facts. Dr. Root-Bernstein has never plagiarized and those who informed Dr. Root-Bernstein have mostly (apparently I cannot vouch for everyone) not plagiarized. You also need to know, Dr. Root-Bernstein has been informed by us as much as by Dr. Fang and his supporters like you. We (including Dr. Root-Bernstein) are NOT like Dr. Fang. We do not plagiarize, we do not use double standards to excuse our own bad behaviors, and we do not have lying and slanderous supporters who would bend U.S. constitution or use insulting languages without evidence-supported arguments.

4) I am really amused by your comments "To say the least, even if Dr.Fang was willing to say sorry to you for that unintentional article, he wouldn't decide to do this freely, and if I was him, I would not as well. Could you please understand, that's right the purpose what the trap is designed for." Can you make your position understandable there? You are downplaying the severity of Dr. Fang's plagiarism--almost suggesting "unintentional" or "random" plagiarism. Interesting concept, but no, all writing is a conscientious process. Therefore, plagiarism is intentional. Your poor English is excusable, but you apparently need to do more work before you jump all over the place attacking Dr. Root-Bernstein's points. For example, in the same paragraph, by blog, Dr. Root-Bernstein meant interactive online publishing, not exactly a blog post on Dr. Fang's personal blogs maintained by "blogging" services. Blogging had existed before Jorn Barger coined the term "weblog" in 1997. You see, Dr. Root-Bernstein had made himself perfectly clear and you misunderstood the meaning of words and made a fuss about it.

You repeatedly demanded Dr. Root-Bernstein to support, the exact word "protect", Dr. Fang. Yet you have not clearly stated how he could do so. Do you mean Dr. Root-Bernstein should lie to the public that Dr. Fang had not plagiarized against his article? How can this offer any protection to Dr. Fang? Even if Dr. Root-Bernstein wants to, he cannot change the fact. He had indeed offered protection to Dr. Fang by demanding a simple apology and get over with this issue. It is Dr. Fang, with the help of your likes of course, that trashed this  protection and made himself a big joke as a "fraud-buster".

Let me further expose your hypocrisy. You claim Dr. Fang as "GREAT" because he had busted frauds. Most of the frauds he had busted were plagiarisms. We are busting numerous frauds as well. Why aren't we "GREAT" the same? To our GREATNESS, you heaped insults and slander. What kind of person are you? You claim that you do not know Dr. Fang. Please think twice about this. It definitely makes you a better person if you do have connections to Dr. Fang and defend him like this. Will you be able to understand my logic here?


Junlin Liao, Ph.D.

P.S. Dr. Fang had once accused me of plagiarism. But that was only to excuse of himself out of charges I made against him. He had not offered any evidence at all such as the essays and specific sections of words. Other than slanderous insulting languages, Dr. Fang and his supporters have accused me of nothing. Dr. Ge and many others in this forum are in similar situation as far as I know. We are insulted simply because we tried to bust Dr. Fang's frauds.

Attached please find your emails to Dr. Root-Bernstein:

----- Forwarded message from YXT030@bham.ac.uk -----
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 14:18:08 +0000
From: Yuanqing Tao <YXT030@bham.ac.uk>
Subject: FW: petition
To: "rootbern@msu.edu" <rootbern@msu.edu>

Dear Dr Rober S.Root-Bernstein,

Could you please read through the letter and give a response? As an
ordinary Chinese citizen and a objective third party,  I just pay the
whole enthusiasm to explain and support Dr.Fang's career in the
letter, for both Chinese academic sector and the world.

Could you please allow me to remind you of the following questions?

1. Who would from a forum dig out an online debate article written 15 years ago?

2. why there are no any other negative materials about Dr.Fang found
by them during the 15 years?

The answer is,  those scums have been seeking Dr.Fang's Achilles'Heel
for 15 years, but every time comes failure. This time,  that online
debate article and you who seem to be a authoritative helper by the
public are found by them for their conspiracy of slander. Do you
really think Dr.Fang who are followed by millions of people needs to
take the initiative to profit from that small piece of article? Do you
really think he really was attempting or intending to do such kind of
infringement? If your answer is no, why don't you two stand together
for the science popularization rather than personal love or hate ? I
believe you two guys are the same kind of persons, so you really
should be standing together and becoming real friends. Why not??? The
same dream of science and civilization, why not?

To claim your personal interest on copyright is definitely right. I'm
not making a request to you to not to do anything. Actually, I just
hope you can stand together with the people full of justice, to
protect Dr.Fang.. Yes, the word is "Protect". We need him, not those
academic and moral scums.

To the end, the same, what do I want? Nothing. I believe you can find
that, as ordinary strangers, only those full of real sentiments could
be willing to write long letters like this. Sincerely hope you can
read through carefully the last letter and this, and adopt each action
to Dr.Fang more systematically rather than personally. Thank you very


Yuanqing Tao

From: Yuanqing Tao
Sent: 21 August 2011 20:10
To: rootbern@msu.edu
Subject: petition

Dear Dr Robert S. Root-Bernstein,

I'm a UK scholar and writing this letter to express the viewpoint on
the matter of Dr.Shimin Fang, to some degree, on behalf of thousands
of just Chinese academic guys and candid ordinary people.Please make
sure you can read through this letter, and hope the sentiment inside
could be exactly caught.

Firstly,Dr. Shimin and I, don't know each other.The only linkage
between us is that we are both the Chinese who are seriously concerned
about Chinese civilizing&modernizing environment including the
academic area. Dr.Shimin Fang is the most important anti-counterfeit
warrior and science-popularization writer in PRC's history,where you
must pay notice is that, it's not 'one of the most important
warriors', but right the only most important one. Maybe initially you
cannot imagine how important his career is for China, but I believe
you will recognize all soon.

Dr.Fang has been fighting against pseudoscience and academic
plagiarism in hundreds of cases during the last 15 years, and
contributing all himself to purify the civilizing process of
China,even when several times got death treats. In his arduous way,
most of the enemies he has made seem to be 'high-class' ones who
usually have senior administrative positions or PhD degrees but still
are unflinchingly exposed by him. That's why several few 'PhDs' are
trying every path to harm Dr.Fang's reputation
everywhere----------They are all the guys who encroach on public
interest by using fake documents or usurp premium power by other fraud
ways such as serious plagiarism in PhD thesis and then are inexorably
detected and exposed by Dr.Fang.

Though I believe you are a respectable scholar in your area, this time
after reading your open letter in which you only claim an apology from
Dr.Fang, I have to regretfully say that you are totally utilized as a
chess piece by those academic scums who all have a history of
plagiarizing in their PhD theses or cheating the Chinese public,and
finally being exposed by Dr.Fang. Your open letter gives those scums
an perfect excuse to attack Dr.Fang and successfully helps divert the
Chinese public attention from them, right on their schedule. I have to
say that making your response letter open to public is quite an
improper action.

After all,we need to come to the controversial article itself. The
article 16 years ago was only a random writing written by a young
science-defended guy in his twenties, and posted in an online forum
for a instant warm-blooded debate, not for selfish interests,not for
making profits, not for personal reputation, not for academic
publishing, but purely for science popularization as well as his
ambition of doing benefits for the public. Do you often view the
online Yahoo News? What Dr.Fang had done was all the same as the
e-friends' comments below each page of news, not formally, but freely
and impulsively.The earliest raw random-writing article is even not
mentioned again by Dr.Fang himself during the 16 years except in the
cases with proper citation, but now maliciously dug out by his
enemies, i.e those academic scums. As a famous scholar, and one of the
world's most intellectual guys,don't you really understand it is why
'behind the scene'?

Your public letter to Yiming(yimingcunfu@yahoo.com.cn) in fact not
only helps those scums find a kind of chance or helper to escape from
public attention, but also disappoints most of the really just Chinese
ordinary people and academic people like me. Yiming (not real name
used when communicating with you) is a typical scum who cheated a lot
in Chinese community but exposed by Dr.Fang. You are misled and
falling in a trap even obstructing the Chinese civilization progress.
Do you know why I say so seriously like this? In the Chinese
Twitter---Sina.com's Weibo Service, more than one million people full
of sense of justice are following Dr.Fang
(http://weibo.com/fangzhouzi), which is the only reason why those
scums have a great fear of him. Could you understand that in front of
millions of people, any slight misjudgment from you would lead to
seriously negative effect on Chinese society improvement, because in
China's 5000-year history, Dr.Fang is the only one professionally
fighting against academic evil and pseudoscience, which perhaps you
have never imagined, but is indeed the most crucial part in the
function of boosting China's modernization and civilization,even for
the world.

To say the least, even if Dr.Fang was willing to say sorry to you for
that unintentional article, he wouldn't decide to do this freely, and
if I was him, I would not as well. Could you please understand, that's
right the purpose what the trap is designed for. Because every enemy
of his is eagerly waiting for a time to say "a guy like Dr.Fang with
plagiarism history have no eligibility to censure others' plagiarisms
or specialize in a anti-plagiarism career". But the fact, as mentioned
above, is only a internet random writing posted in a  forum for a
instant warm-blooded debate, not for selfish interests,not for making
profits, not for personal reputation, not for academic publishing, but
purely for science popularization. Please pay notice,the article is
not in a personal blog, because there is no blog service in 1995. It's
only a BBS comment for a feverish online instant debate.

Dr.Fang is not a single person fighting at the current time but with
millions of Chinese supporters around the world who have already
formed a healthy base for China's civilization. He, and all his fans
including me would not bow to any of those academic scums and
cheaters, but you, a scholar from a famous U.S university is
completely utilized as a tool by the scums now. You are claiming a
kind of personal comfort which is called 'apology' from Dr.Fang, but
meanwhile producing a sharp sword for all his enemies to attack him.
Do you really think a random writing on internet BBS post for a
instant debate without any personal motives is worth an apology? Do
you know that in each publications containing that article with profit
motives all formal citations had been added by Dr.Fang? Do you know
your seemingly strict attitude on that article actually plays more
negative functions for academic world, Chinese people and even the
world civilization? Do you know you are actually helping the real
academic thieves extricate themselves from public attention?

Now,what do I want from you,the answer is, please do your best to
protect Dr.Fang, like us, millions of other just Chinese people. You
have to believe, he is the only kind of guys China is needing at
current stage, a guy fighting against every fake stuff for China. To
do anything to prevent those scums from making the kind people
misunderstand him is a kind of responsibility of the really prominent
scholars in the world. I believe after careful investigations you can
finally find in time that you were only alienated from Dr.Fang. As one
of his supporters, I'm always staring at what he does for the Chinese
society, and able to make sure that he is a man extremely direct
rather than a sneaker stingy to say a sorry. He is killing devils
producing frauds during the last 15 years without any stop, either
general frauds or academic ones.He deserves the word GREAT.

Yours Sincerely,

Yuanqing Tao


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