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已有 6305 次阅读 2011-8-23 05:43 |个人分类:伪劣科普打假|系统分类:人物纪事| 科普, 抄袭, 剽窃, 方舟子, Root-Bernstein


所以指控方舟子造假剽窃行为的人,都会在第一时间内被方舟子及其粉丝打成“方学家”,所有的指控变成谣言,指控者变成了被方舟子打假而怀恨报复的人。美国密西根州立大学生理学教授Robert Root-Bernstein(罗伯特*卢-伯恩斯顿)博士指责方舟子剽窃其作品,要求方舟子道歉,起初方舟子表现出了克制,还假心假意地道歉,试图蒙混过关,但遭到了卢-伯恩斯顿教授的拒绝。




【卢伯恩斯顿针对方舟子的无耻策略就一句公开评语:Well, if I had any doubts about his underhandedness prior to this, I certainly don't now. 好吧,如果说我此前对他的阴险狡诈还存有疑问的话,现在显然没有了。(卢伯恩斯顿针对刘实信的公开回复)】

Dear All,

As always, Dr. Fang does not face anyone who accuses him of wrongdoings directly, but he sends his response to the public in ways to seriously distort the fact to his best advantage. Because Dr. Root-Bernstein is a professor in MSU in U.S., he is probably the only person who had accused of Dr. Fang of wrongdoings and had been responded to with restraint. All others have had been labeled as frauds and accusations as libel and slander the minute they have made their charges. Unfortunately, this level of restraint is melting away. Dr. Fang has sent his "FINAL" response to Chinese public about this matter. Here's my translation of Dr. Fang's latest response. If I'm not 100% accurate, Dr. Fang and his "neutral" supporters, please feel free to correct me.

======message from Dr. Fang's blog===========

Dr. Root-Bernstein slandered me by saying that I received salary from the New Threads to post online essays, 90 percent of my article was content of his article, I had literally copied his text and examples (in fact, I had rewritten it appropriately with my own examples), and I had plagiarized and infringed the copyright of his article. All of these are rumors. He had authorized "Fang Specialists" to slander me. I have been kind enough not to launch legal actions against him, he dares to threaten me for legal actions? This is my final statement on the issue, from now on, anyone asking about this issue will be on my blacklist. (Root-
Bernstein博士污蔑我从新语丝拿工资发博文、我的文章90%是其论文内容、我逐字照抄其文字和例子(其实我已做恰当的改写并举自己的例 子)、我剽窃其论文和侵犯其版权,全是谣言,他授权“方学家”诋毁我,我不起诉他已算客气,他还敢扬言告我?这是我对该事件最后表态,以后有人再问一概拉 黑。 )

======end of message=====================

The "final" status has yet to stand the test of time (my best guess is that there will be more "final" responses coming depending on circumstances), but I know that by insisting on justice and appropriate actions from a plagiarizer, Root-Bernstein officially becomes Dr. Fang's "political" enemy and possibly one of "Fang Specialists" who spread bad words about Dr. Fang because Dr. Fang had courageously exposed them. I congratulate Dr. Root-Bernstein on this, because from now on, you get a whole army of proof-readers for anything you wrote or will write, for free.

Best Regards,

Junlin Liao, Ph.D.

P.S. It would be misleading if you think you can avoid professional editing services because of the free "fraud-busting" proof-reading services. Quality does not come free, so says the Chinese saying. Dr. Fang offered his services twice to me, only proving the ignorance of himself and his gangs.


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