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致伯明翰大学陶圆清(Yuanqing Tao)公开信

已有 6398 次阅读 2011-8-25 05:36 |个人分类:伪劣科普打假|系统分类:人物纪事| 方舟子, tao, 诽谤, 陶圆清, Yuanqing






Dear Yuanqing Tao,(亲爱的陶圆清)

You have demonstrated the same level of defiance toward your own bad behaviors as Dr. Fang did. You insulted people and wanted to walk away. I am generally lenient toward students. That is why I tried to educate you what is appropriate and what is not. In return you insulted me more. You gave me no choice but to elevate the issue. Now you listen carefully. Dr. Fang can play his game his way because he has a network of relationships that protects him in China. But you are within a civil society that has rules and regulations.

Herein I demand you, within two days, by the date of Aug 26, 2011 London time, to apologize openly to Dr. Ge and the rest of us for your slandering activity.

Your insulting and slandering letters were sent through your university email system. You have used resources from your university to launch your attack on us, which essentially puts your university in risk for being liable for your actions. We could launch a legal action against you and your university, but we will not because of the cost. However, we can report you and your activity to your university and demand them to take away your email privileges. This will also tarnish your reputation there and help us tremendously by gaining wider audience of Dr. Fang’s case. We are not ready to do this yet simply for your “protection”. You choose carefully.

Dr. Fang’s longtime supporters always hide their true identity and use proxies to hide their trails. They show no respect to civil rules. That is exactly why I always demand them to reveal their true identity and credentials. You can hide behind proxies, but at least it cost you credibility. Mr. Tao here has to learn his lesson.


Junlin Liao, Ph.D.(廖俊林博士)

0) 陶圆清此前的诽谤与造谣信见先前的博文《方舟子的粉丝总是帮倒忙》

1) 陶要求不列出名单:
Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 8:15 AM
Delete my email address from your list. I quit.

2) 我的礼貌回复:
Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 4:43 PM
Dear Yuanqing Tao,

In your most recent email, you requested to have your name removed from the discussion list. As much as I want to grant you your wishes, I cannot. You have sent Dr. Root-Bernstein emails with the most outrageous lies and most insulting slandering words. You are in the same situation as Dr. Fang. By plagiarizing Dr. Root-Bernstein's article, Dr. Fang cannot simply excuse himself from this forum. Similarly, by insulting and slandering many members of this forum, you are a relevant part in the discussion and you cannot be excused either.

Your emails were slanderous in nature and Dr. Root-Bernstein did not want to address it. But I can certainly enlighten you on your key questions and some key points.

1) Fifteen years are not long. In the circle discussing plagiarism, we can dig out cases well over one hundred years. Dr. Fang himself had discussed cases in previous decades.

2) You may be truly naive or may be not. People in this forum do learn that Dr. Fang's plagiarism against Dr. Root-Bernstein is not an isolated case at all. Dr. Fang has been accused of plagiarism so many times that he has probably surpassed any of the suspects he has personally accused of plagiarism. For your record, I had accused Dr. Fang of stealing interest of New Threads from his partners, for which Dr. Fang has never been able to offer a rebuttal of any kind. By the way, my accusation was made solely based on Dr. Fang's account of the series of events, therefore, very unlikely to be biased. There is so much negative material you'll soon realize that it is definitely more than you bargain for. Of course, it depends on your capacity for facts or opinions.

3) You had slandered about those people who raised this issue to Dr. Root-Bernstein. You insulted Dr. Root-Bernstein by suggesting that he and Dr. Fang were "the same kind of persons". Let me confront you with the facts. Dr. Root-Bernstein has never plagiarized and those who informed Dr. Root-Bernstein have mostly (apparently I cannot vouch for everyone) not plagiarized. You also need to know, Dr. Root-Bernstein has been informed by us as much as by Dr. Fang and his supporters like you. We (including Dr. Root-Bernstein) are NOT like Dr. Fang. We do not plagiarize, we do not use double standards to excuse our own bad behaviors, and we do not have lying and slanderous supporters who would bend U.S. constitution or use insulting languages without evidence-supported arguments.

4) I am really amused by your comments "To say the least, even if Dr.Fang was willing to say sorry to you for that unintentional article, he wouldn't decide to do this freely, and if I was him, I would not as well. Could you please understand, that's right the purpose what the trap is designed for." Can you make your position understandable there? You are downplaying the severity of Dr. Fang's plagiarism--almost suggesting "unintentional" or "random" plagiarism. Interesting concept, but no, all writing is a conscientious process. Therefore, plagiarism is intentional. Your poor English is excusable, but you apparently need to do more work before you jump all over the place attacking Dr. Root-Bernstein's points. For example, in the same paragraph, by blog, Dr. Root-Bernstein meant interactive online publishing, not exactly a blog post on Dr. Fang's personal blogs maintained by "blogging" services. Blogging had existed before Jorn Barger coined the term "weblog" in 1997. You see, Dr. Root-Bernstein had made himself perfectly clear and you misunderstood the meaning of words and made a fuss about it.

You repeatedly demanded Dr. Root-Bernstein to support, the exact word "protect", Dr. Fang. Yet you have not clearly stated how he could do so. Do you mean Dr. Root-Bernstein should lie to the public that Dr. Fang had not plagiarized against his article? How can this offer any protection to Dr. Fang? Even if Dr. Root-Bernstein wants to, he cannot change the fact. He had indeed offered protection to Dr. Fang by demanding a simple apology and get over with this issue. It is Dr. Fang, with the help of your likes of course, that trashed this protection and made himself a big joke as a "fraud-buster".

Let me further expose your hypocrisy. You claim Dr. Fang as "GREAT" because he had busted frauds. Most of the frauds he had busted were plagiarisms. We are busting numerous frauds as well. Why aren't we "GREAT" the same? To our GREATNESS, you heaped insults and slander. What kind of person are you? You claim that you do not know Dr. Fang. Please think twice about this. It definitely makes you a better person if you do have connections to Dr. Fang and defend him like this. Will you be able to understand my logic here?


Junlin Liao, Ph.D.

P.S. Dr. Fang had once accused me of plagiarism. But that was only to excuse of himself out of charges I made against him. He had not offered any evidence at all such as the essays and specific sections of words. Other than slanderous insulting languages, Dr. Fang and his supporters have accused me of nothing. Dr. Ge and many others in this forum are in similar situation as far as I know. We are insulted simply because we tried to bust Dr. Fang's frauds.

Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 9:44 PM

I respected Dr. Root-Bernstein enough all the time until he opened our private correspondence to you. It doesn't make sense to do any discussions now because I was never expecting any answers from you.

Listen. I quit. All the names below have nothing to do with me from now on. It's my freedom and right to decide whether to stay on your sending list. Now I am regarding you as doctors, but If you still retain my email address in the list next time, I will only feel you are spammers who like producing harassment.

Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 11:20 PM
主题:Please play by rules
Dear Yuanqing Tao,

I'm sorry that I have to keep you on this list. I have stated reasons before. Since you are probably a student at the University of Birmingham, you may also benefit from learning how we deal with things and what pitfalls to avoid in your future career.

Dr. Root-Bernstein wrote an open letter. You have no relationship to Dr. Root-Bernstein and he had not solicited your comments and promised you to keep your comments private. Any unsolicited responses to open letters are public in nature! Additionally, even if the comments are solicited, unless with a promise of privacy, they are also public. If you are truly a fan of Dr. Fang, you should have noticed that the GREAT Fang of yours had regularly exposed the "private" defending responses.

Let's put it in another way. Why are you afraid of participating in public discussions? If you are truly as righteous as your words indicating, why do you need to slander us behind our backs? Don't defending a GREAT man give you confidence to speak in public? Don't you claim that you have a almost holy mission, academic integrity of China, right? Does the mission match your behaviors?

Your fellow 'protectors" have been twisting "fair use" principle in vain to defend GREAT Fang. Have you heard of "fair dealing"? Is it fair for you to vent all your insults and slander to Dr. Root-Bernstein and us and then cover your ears to our rebuttal? Don't you remember that you had made specific demands of Dr. Root-Bernstein to read your letters carefully and thoroughly? You broke the law by slandering and insulting us and you do not want to hear what we have to say? Do you have even the concept of justice and fairness? You are just like GREAT Fang, obeying nobody's but your own rules.

If your regards or respect means anything to me, it would be an insult (typo corrected). You can do whatever you like, I will always keep you on the list.


Junlin Liao, Ph.D.

5) 陶的再次强求:
Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 5:14 AM
Dear Yiming and Junlin,

Again. I respected Dr. Root-Bernstein enough all the time until he opened our private correspondence to you. It doesn't make sense to do any discussions now because I was never expecting any answers from you.

Listen. I quit. All the names below have nothing to do with me from now on. It's my freedom and right to decide whether to stay on your sending list unless you are real hooligans. Now I am still regarding you as doctors, but If you retain my email address in the list next time, you are only spammers who like producing harassment.

The same automatic reply as above against harassment has already been set ready for your next email. It's you two idle doctors love penfriend games which are actually resolving nothing, rather than I. If you really love penfriends, ok, go to this website and contribute sales. http://www.jiayuan.com/.

All my advice is done. Shut up, please.



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