即将实施的《煤矿安全文化建设导则》(AQ/T 1099—2014)中,安全文化的定义是:安全生产管理及实践过程中累积形成的价值观念、团体意识、工作作风、思维方式和行为规范、安全技能和安全知识、工作及生活环境的总和。
据Safety Series No.75-INSAG-4(1991)的Foreword说,“安全文化一词最初在Safety Series No.75-INSAG-l(1986)中创造,在Safety SeriesNo.75-INSAG-3(1988)中进一步得到解释(我以前将时间弄错过,这里是准确的)”。INSAG-3的解释是,安全文化是“the assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issue sreceive the attention warranted by their significance(见维基百科的摘录,阅网时间:2014年3月24日).”
被引较多的Cox, S. & Cox的安全文化定义是“the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values that employees share in relation tosafety”,见 Cox, S. & Cox, T. (1991) The structure of employee attitudes to safety - a European example Work and Stress,5, 93 - 106.
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