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已有 16724 次阅读 2011-3-29 17:07 |个人分类:翻译作品|系统分类:科研笔记| 同义突变, 非同义突变, 2倍简并位点, 4倍简并位点


熊荣川 译

在阅读关于同义替换和非同义替换方面的文献时经常遇到这两个名称,2倍简并位点(twofold degenerate site)及4倍简并位点(fourfold degenerate site)。困惑了作者很久,现在将维基百科中的有关解释翻译成为中文以供参考,译文如下:



如果密码子的某个位点上任何核苷酸都编码同样的氨基酸,则称这个位点为4倍简并位点。例如甘氨酸密码子(GGA, GGG, GGC, GGU)的第三个位点就是一个4倍简并位点,因为这个位点上所有的核苷酸替换(无论是AGUC)都是同义的,即编码同一个氨基酸。只有某些密码子的第三个位点可能是4倍简并位点。

如果密码子的某个位点上只有四个可能核苷酸其中的两个在该位点时编码同一个氨基酸,那么这个位点就是2倍简并位点。例如谷氨酸密码子GAA, GAG的第三位点就是2倍简并位点,因为密码子GAA, GAG)的第三位点上是AG都编码谷氨酸,而变成其他核苷酸则不再编码谷氨酸。




那么有没有3倍简并位点呢?有且只有一个——异亮氨酸密码子的第三位点,AUU AUCAUA都编码异亮氨酸,而AUA编码甲硫氨酸。在很多计算中,通常把这个3倍简并位点当成2倍简并位点处理。



A position of a codon is said to be a fourfold degenerate site if any nucleotide at this position specifies the same amino acid. For example, the third position of the glycine codons (GGA, GGG, GGC, GGU) is a fourfold degenerate site, because all nucleotide substitutions at this site are synonymous; i.e., they do not change the amino acid. Only the third positions of some codons may be fourfold degenerate.[8]:521–522 A position of a codon is said to be a twofold degenerate site if only two of four possible nucleotides at this position specify the same amino acid. For example, the third position of the glutamic acid codons (GAA, GAG) is a twofold degenerate site. In twofold degenerate sites, the equivalent nucleotides are always either two purines (A/G) or two pyrimidines (C/U), so only transversional substitutions (purine to pyrimidine or pyrimidine to purine) in twofold degenerate sites are nonsynonymous.[8]:521–522 A position of a codon is said to be a non-degenerate site if any mutation at this position results in amino acid substitution. There is only one threefold degenerate site where changing to three of the four nucleotides may have no effect on the amino acid (depending on what it is changed to), while changing to the fourth possible nucleotide always results in an amino acid substitution. This is the third position of an isoleucine codon: AUU, AUC, or AUA all encode isoleucine, but AUG encodes methionine. In computation this position is often treated as a twofold degenerate site.[8]:521–522






下一篇:同义置换和非同义置换率(dS/dN ratio)的估计
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