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已有 4125 次阅读 2014-10-5 21:40 |系统分类:论文交流| miRNA, 结肠癌, miR-139, 基因模块, ClustEx

   基于上述分析,我们识别了三个抑癌的miRNA:miR-139, -101, -124。其中miR-139 q-value最显著,且bootstrapping稳定性最高。后续分子实验证明miR-139可显著抑制结肠癌细胞生长,而促癌转录因子ETS1是其直接靶基因。在TCGA数据集中可观察到miR-139在癌症早期阶段(pathologic stage)即显著下调。(注:在论文投稿过程中陆续有miR-139论文发表,其中NOTCH1在我们预测的核心靶基因集合中)。

核心思想就是通过分析miRNA靶基因在差异基因表达模块中的富集度来进行推断(Module-based Master Regulator Inference, ModMRI)。该方法的思想具有普适性:推断上游关键调控节点最有效的方法是观测其下游靶基因的行为,而不是仅仅观测其自身的变化。


Gene module based regulator inference identifying miR-139 as a tumor suppressor in colorectal cancer.

Molecular BioSystems 2014, In Press. [Abstract] [Please send me an email for full paper]
Jin Gu*#, Yang Chen*, Huiya Huang, Lingyun Yin, Zhen Xie, Michael Zhang#.

Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer types worldwide. Identifications of the key regulators of the altered biological networks are crucial for understanding the complex molecular mechanisms of colorectal cancer. We proposed a gene module based approach to infer key miRNAs regulating the major gene network alterations in cancer tissues. By integrating gene differential expression and co-expression information with protein-protein interaction network, the differential gene expression modules, which captured the major gene networks changes, were identified for colorectal cancer. Then, several key miRNAs, which extensively regulate the gene modules, were inferred by analyzing their target gene enrichments in the modules. Among the inferred candidates, three miRNAs, miR-101, miR-124 and miR-139 are frequently down-regulated in colorectal cancers. The following computational and experimental analyses demonstrate that miR-139 can inhibit cell proliferation and cell cycle G1/S transition. A known oncogene ETS1, a key transcription factor in the gene module, was experimentally verified as a novel target of miR-139. MiR-139 was found significantly down-regulated in early pathologic cancer stages and its expressions remained at very low levels in advanced stages. These results indicate that miR-139, inferred by the gene module based approach, should be a key tumor suppressor in early cancer development.


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