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已有 10226 次阅读 2016-11-3 13:48 |系统分类:论文交流| 肝癌, 标志物, DNA甲基化



DNA甲基化异常是肿瘤发生发展过程中的标志性事件之一。人类基因启动子区的CpG岛通常是非甲基化的状态,在癌症中CpG岛会发生明显的高甲基化现象(CpG island methylator phenotype,CIMP),可能会导致一些重要的抑癌基因、DNA修复基因的转录沉默,同时全基因通常呈现出去甲基化的状态(genome-wide hypo-methylation),与基因组的稳定性有很大关联。这两种异常变化均与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关。2015年Villanueva A(Hepatology 2015)等人对肝细胞癌患者异常甲基化的研究显示68%的探针存在低甲基化,32%的探针存在高甲基化的现象,且这些高甲基化的探针大部分都位于Promoter区的CpG岛上。


图1 TCGA样本全基因组及CpG岛甲基化状态




>>> 通过对DNA甲基化数据及基因表达数据的相关性分析,找到了一些与免疫反应及代谢过程相关的表观遗传分子标志物;

>>> 从生存期分析的结果来看,SFN, SPP1 和TKT等基因与肝癌病人的预后密切相关。

作者:黄倩倩  修改:古槿)


数据2:HCCdb http://bioinfo.au.tsinghua.edu.cn/database/hccdb

Briefings in Bioinformatics 2016, Advanced Access

Genome-wide DNA methylation analysisidentifies candidate epigenetic markers and drivers of hepatocellular carcinoma

Yongchang Zheng1,*, Qianqian Huang2,*,Zijian Ding2, Tingting Liu3, Chenghai Xue3,4, Xinting Sang1, Jin Gu2,#

The alteration of DNA methylation landscapeis a key epigenetic event in cancer. As the accumulation of large-scalegenome-wide DNA methylation data from clinical samples, we are able tocharacterize the patterns of DNA methylation alterations for identifyingcandidate epigenetic markers and drivers. In this survey, we takehepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) as an example to show the basic steps ofanalyzing the DNA methylation patterns in cancer across multiple datasets. Wecollected three genome-wide DNA methylation datasets with ~800 clinical samplesand the corresponding gene expression datasets. Firstly, by quantitativelyanalyzing two global methylation alterations, it is found that about 90% tumorsacquire either genome-wide DNA hypo-methylation (GDH) or CpG island methylatorphenotype (CIMP). Secondly, probe-level analysis identified 267, 228 and 197hyper-methylated sites in promoter regions for the three datasets,respectively. These local hyper-methylated patterns are highly consistent: 84sites (from 61 promoters) are hyper-methylated in all the three studieddatasets, including many previously reported genes, such as CDKL2, TBX15 andNKX6-2. Then, these hyper-methylated sites were used as candidate markers toclassify tumor and non-tumor samples. The classifiers based on only 10 selectedprobes can achieve high discriminative ability across different datasets.Finally, by integrative analyzing DNA methylation and gene expression data, weidentified 222 candidate epigenetic drivers, which are enriched in inflammatoryresponse and multiple metabolic pathways. A set of high-confidence candidates,including SFN, SPP1 and TKT, are significantly associated with patients’overall survivals. In summary, this study systematically characterized the DNAmethylation alterations and their impacts on gene expressions in HCCs based onmultiple datasets.


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3 孙学军 周健 郑永军

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