“I got my PhD from one of top institutes in Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Then I did postoc for 4 years in 3 US univeristies at different rankings up to one of the best in US. Now I am a Principal Scientist at R&D of a company. Based on my 13 years' observations in US, it's not particularly unfair to say most of pofessors in China is equivalent to assisstant professors in US. In top US universities, the quality of the science contributed by assistant professors is no different from those from full professors. The only difference is the younger assistant professors have less publications than full professors.
Based on my comparison, I feel full professors at top institutes of CAS and some top universities of China may be equivalent to their peers in second class US universities. I feel a number of full professors, even if they were promoted step by step along the ladder, lack of objective self-assessment of their work. They just don't how less competitive they are. However, I do believe there are about 10% of real professor in China. Hope this won't make the rest 90% unhappy.”
出自:[游客] WSHuang评论在我的博文《中科院神经所和北京生科所能成为中国科研院/所/校未来的样板吗?》
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