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已有 5012 次阅读 2014-9-25 09:18 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记




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A-query: breast cancer
C-query: autophagy

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 597 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 31760 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 1888 terms on the current B-list (633 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.


job id # 31760 started Wed Sep 24 20:17:04 2014
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: breast cancerWed Sep 24 20:17:40 2014

A query = breast cancer started Wed Sep 24 20:17:42 2014
A query resulted in 50000 titles
C_query_raw: breast cancer Wed Sep 24 20:18:13 2014

C: breast cancer 286993

A: pubmed_query_A 286993

AC: ( breast cancer ) AND ( breast cancer ) 286993

C_query_raw: autophagy Wed Sep 24 20:18:26 2014

C: autophagy 17063

A: pubmed_query_A 286993

AC: ( breast cancer ) AND ( autophagy ) 597

C_query_raw: autophagy Wed Sep 24 20:18:38 2014

C: autophagy 17063

A: pubmed_query_A 286993

AC: ( breast cancer ) AND ( autophagy ) 597

C query = autophagy started Wed Sep 24 20:18:42 2014
C query resulted in 17063 titles
A AND C query resulted in 597 titles
21486 B-terms ready on Wed Sep 24 20:47:14 2014

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
1888 B-terms left after filter executed Wed Sep 24 20:56:13 2014

B-list on Wed Sep 24 21:00:42 2014
1 brca1
2 mtor
3 akt
4 adiponectin
5 jnk
6 lrrk2
7 pi3k
8 vegf
9 stat3
10 microrna
11 beta catenin
12 toll receptor
13 tp53
14 target rapamycin
15 cxcr4
16 pten
17 estrogen receptor beta
18 her2
19 c myc
20 leptin
21 ampk
22 fdg
23 bcl-2
24 nf kappab
25 cyclin d1
26 bcl xl
27 foxo
28 endostatin
29 mdm2
30 eralpha
31 cox-2
32 bcl
33 transcription factor
34 rankl
35 nrf2
36 tlr4
37 e2f
38 hepcidin
39 chemokine
40 jak2
41 leptin receptor
42 suppressor cytokine signaling
43 gsk3beta
44 receptor tyrosine kinase
45 caspase-3
46 estrogen receptor alpha
47 e2f1
48 caspase-8
49 hdac
50 k ras
51 stat1
52 4e bp1
53 sp1
54 histone deacetylase
55 zinc finger protein
56 single nucleotide polymorphism
57 estrogen receptor
58 bag3
59 erk1
60 caspase-9
61 caspase
62 c jun n
63 ikappab
64 atm
65 cd147
66 ubiquitin
67 p38 mapk
68 parp1
69 grb2
70 skp2
71 p130cas
72 keap1
73 hdac6
74 g quadruplex
75 cd133
76 microsatellite
77 myc
78 s100a8
79 promoter hypermethylation
80 foxo3
81 egr-1
82 lc3
83 myd88
84 shc
85 traf6
86 ppargamma
87 c met
88 wnt
89 p53
90 signal regulated kinase
91 egfr
92 sonic hedgehog
93 hdac4
94 hmgb1
95 insulin receptor substrate
96 androgen receptor
97 th1
98 hif-1
99 toll
100 calreticulin
101 cyclophilin
102 tnfalpha
103 cd46
104 nod2
105 statin
106 cyclin dependent kinase
107 mhc
108 braf
109 cdk2
110 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
111 jak stat
112 mcl-1
113 egfr tyrosine
114 han
115 egfr tyrosine kinase
116 cftr
117 sequestosome
118 protein kinase b
119 grp78
120 socs
121 cip1
122 p70 s6 kinase
123 bax
124 rho kinase
125 xiap
126 eif4e
127 bcl6
128 c ebp
129 ghrelin
130 scfv
131 cd20
132 e2f-1
133 raralpha
134 brca1 gene
135 jun
136 snon
137 cathepsin b
138 vhl
139 sox2
140 epidermal growth factor
141 map kinase
142 cannabinoid receptor
143 axin
144 erk2
145 cd44
146 related gene
147 survivin
148 sirtuin
149 lkb1
150 sod1
151 paxillin
152 dicer
153 il6
154 microtubule associated protein
155 sgk1
156 tumor suppressor
157 chop
158 thioredoxin
159 ifn gamma
160 cd4
161 tak1
162 chaperonin
163 p53 tumor suppressor
164 ku70
165 genome wide
166 ercc1
167 sirt3
168 ryanodine receptor
169 c flip
170 angiopoietin
171 mre11
172 pml
173 traf2
174 mek1
175 her-2
176 kai1
177 vegf c
178 rac1
179 uncoupling protein
180 ikkbeta
181 neuregulin
182 p73
183 cd38
184 hspb1
185 sirt1
186 e cdk2
187 mda-7
188 c jun
189 cystatin c
190 insulin receptor
191 huntingtin
192 bnip3
193 s6k1
194 p38mapk
195 trpv1
196 syk
197 bak
198 il-23
199 cyclin
200 prnp
201 bcr
202 14-3-3zeta
203 nf
204 cd40
205 mek
206 ck2
207 swi snf
208 promoter
209 bcr abl
210 trail
211 p300
212 creb
213 tbk1
214 ezh2
215 gdnf
216 tau protein
217 annexin
218 tspo
219 p27
220 notch3
221 trka
222 n myc
223 g protein
224 fadd
225 cdna
226 gene promoter
227 chaperone
228 retinoblastoma protein
229 jak
230 c ebp beta
231 egfr signaling
232 ubc9
233 cancer gene therapy
234 fxr
235 smurf1
236 retrotransposon
237 malt1
238 cyclin e
239 aromatase
240 heat shock factor
241 ifn
242 mct4
243 apaf-1
244 dna pkcs
245 ring finger protein
246 irf-1
247 angiotensin receptor
248 gp120
249 p53 gene
250 calcium sensing receptor
251 pkc
252 intron
253 cathepsin
254 caveolin-1
255 rab5
256 matrix metalloproteinase
257 runx1
258 ccn2
259 cop1
260 activin
261 pcr
262 gpcr
263 glycogen synthase
264 ppar gamma
265 park2
266 bmp4
267 cdkn2a
268 uchl1
269 deubiquitinating enzyme
270 c jun nh2-terminal
271 pi 3-kinase
272 prion protein
273 e3
274 ret
275 glycogen synthase kinase
276 il-24
277 rnai
278 b raf
279 erp57
280 rhoa
281 pgc-1alpha
282 chk2
283 cd28
284 gpr30
285 tlr7
286 p2x7
287 galectin-1
288 gsk-3beta
289 galectin-3
290 usp9x
291 pik3ca
292 genome wide transcriptional
293 foxo3a
294 saha
295 myod
296 hsf1
297 tubulin
298 tgfbi
299 tor
300 hypoxia response element
301 ppar
302 cytokine production
303 nadph oxidase
304 genomic
305 mda
306 p70s6k
307 cbl
308 cdkn1b
309 npc2
310 ogg1
311 ebp
312 fas ligand
313 cd74
314 p38alpha
315 fn14
316 akt pkb
317 trpm8
318 exon
319 il-10
320 interferon regulatory factor
321 arhi
322 sting
323 promoter single nucleotide
324 arp2
325 il-27
326 igf-1
327 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase
328 cdcp1
329 prostate cancer
330 mitochondrial genome
331 metabolic syndrome
332 vitamin d receptor
333 collagen induced arthritis
334 clock gene
335 topoisomerase i
336 rip3
337 b16
338 mitofusin
339 ago2
340 gene family
341 pet
342 non viral gene
343 igfbp-3
344 klotho
345 ctgf
346 cd14
347 tctp
348 hiv
349 tlr9
350 cre
351 p66shc
352 diabetes
353 ep300
354 atbf1
355 hdac1
356 d3
357 cathepsin l
358 hox
359 glut3
360 igf i
361 ret signaling
362 gal4
363 rrna
364 pde5
365 rgs
366 il-18
367 hif-1alpha
368 activation c jun
369 shp-2
370 p38
371 cdk5
372 tankyrase
373 phosphatase tensin homolog
374 hnrnp
375 ikk
376 erk
377 ask1
378 gadd153
379 tlr
380 s6
381 metastasis suppressor
382 viral gene delivery
383 vacuolar protein sorting
384 egfr mediated
385 apolipoprotein e
386 stanniocalcin
387 protein kinase
388 mmp-2
389 parp-1
390 tyrosine kinase
391 filaggrin
392 runx3
393 prohibitin
394 snp
395 ubc13
396 cyclin b
397 raf-1
398 mll
399 erbeta
400 oncogene
401 nrdp1
402 chemokine receptor
403 endothelin
404 heparan sulfate proteoglycan
405 node
406 protocadherin
407 guardian genome
408 connexin
409 ataxia telangiectasia mutated
410 ubiquitin protein
411 gw182
412 targeting her2 neu
413 fgf
414 igf
415 perforin
416 vimentin
417 tlr2
418 tumor suppressor gene
419 ctl
420 tsc2
421 foxd3
422 lamin
423 aml
424 mt1-mmp
425 cxcr6
426 glioma
427 histone
428 topoisomerase
429 decorin
430 mri
431 ctip
432 pkr
433 activating transcription factor
434 bcl-2 gene
435 bik
436 ack1
437 bag-1
438 g9a
439 her2 neu
440 interleukin
441 bip
442 genome
443 nucleoporin
444 ef hand
445 obesity
446 transgene
447 il-1beta
448 usp15
449 cxcr3
450 protein tyrosine phosphatase
451 c src
452 transferrin receptor
453 gene caenorhabditis elegans
454 tgfbeta
455 tab2
456 oncogene tumor suppressor
457 chromatin remodeling
458 apelin
459 pelp1
460 cb1
461 il-6
462 cdk1
463 high mobility group
464 defensin
465 novel gene
466 tumor suppressor pten
467 gastrin releasing peptide
468 repressor
469 e6
470 clusterin
471 mef2
472 hif1
473 vapb
474 galectin
475 prolactin
476 hsp70
477 cryab
478 rab25
479 legumain
480 iga nephropathy
481 pkb
482 rna
483 hepatocyte growth factor
484 gene encoding
485 ccr5
486 eif2alpha
487 ikkalpha
488 cd8
489 frizzled
490 p110beta
491 aqp5
492 ap-1
493 bcl w
494 cyld
495 huntington disease
496 promoter methylation
497 phospholipase d1
498 bcl2
499 neu oncogene
500 tumor suppressor p53
501 tumor suppressor or
502 adrenomedullin
503 lamin a c
504 cxcl8
505 er
506 connexin43
507 cd11b
508 gene inflammatory
509 c kit
510 cytidylyltransferase
511 ribosomal protein
512 apoptosis related gene
513 erbb
514 foxo1
515 lamin b receptor
516 cd95
517 telomerase rna
518 e6-ap
519 tau
520 tip60
521 gene identification
522 pi3 kinase
523 4e bp
524 gata
525 fasn
526 claudin-1
527 egf
528 anti egfr
529 serine protease gene
530 h ras
531 caveolin
532 lrr
533 fak
534 tyrosine phosphatase
535 vamp7
536 cd68
537 v atpase
538 major histocompatibility complex
539 frameshift
540 cdc37
541 protein phosphatase 2a
542 caspase-2
543 midkine
544 nuclear receptor coactivator
545 ubiquitin specific protease
546 nijmegen breakage syndrome
547 open reading frame
548 epac
549 xpa
550 amino acid transporter
551 rack1
552 abl kinase
553 sphingosine kinase
554 bcl x l
555 abl
556 inhibition egfr
557 interleukin receptor
558 copy
559 troponin
560 fat
561 trp53
562 mcp-1
563 hdac3
564 rkip
565 hdl
566 protein tau
567 progesterone receptor
568 promyelocytic leukemia
569 bmi-1
570 cancer gene
571 death associated protein
572 histocompatibility complex class
573 transgene delivery
574 adp ribosylation factor
575 reic dkk-3 gene
576 tumor suppressor pathway
577 synergistic cytotoxicity
578 hipk2
579 hif
580 mcl1
581 vrk1
582 hsp90
583 mpl
584 sirt2
585 meta
586 rho
587 helicase
588 calmodulin
589 gene environment
590 c cbl
591 rad51
592 lif
593 dual specificity phosphatase
594 mir
595 glutamate receptor
596 flt3
597 rac3
598 antioxidant response element
599 xpc
600 reading frame
601 neurofibromin
602 akt2
603 nogo b
604 receptor kinase
605 inflammatory bowel disease
606 smac
607 kinesin
608 cofilin
609 bim
610 e1a
611 pfkfb3
612 src
613 tsg101
614 wwox
615 opioid receptor
616 aaa atpase
617 p53 target gene
618 constitutive
619 pp2a
620 c3b
621 mdr
622 response element
623 sh3
624 gc1qr
625 peroxiredoxin
626 diacylglycerol kinase
627 neu
628 dj-1
629 pikfyve
630 lps
631 tie-2
632 gene expressed
633 tlr3







AB literature




BC literature


breast cancercxcr4autophagy
1:CXCR4 Drives the Metastatic Phenotype in Breast Cancer through Induction of CXCR2, and Activation of MEK and PI3K Pathways. 2014
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2: Antitumour activity of the recombination polypeptide GST-NT21MP is mediated by inhibition of CXCR4 pathway in breast cancer. 2014
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3: Expression of CXCR4 and breast cancer prognosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2014
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4:Breast cancer nodal metastasis correlates with tumour and lymph node methylation profiles of Caveolin-1 and CXCR4. 2014
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5: Anti-Metastatic Effect of Supercritical Extracts from the Citrus hassaku Pericarp via Inhibition of C-X-C Chemokine Receptor Type 4 (CXCR4) and Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). 2014
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6: Post-transcriptional control of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 expression in cancer cells. 2014
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7: Effects of the chemokine CXCL12 and combined internalization of its receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7 in human MCF-7 breast cancer cells. 2014
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8: Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis reveals system-wide signaling pathways downstream of SDF-1/CXCR4 in breast cancer stem cells. 2014
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9:Breast cancer metastasis: demonstration that FOXP3 regulates CXCR4 expression and the response to CXCL12. 2014
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10: COUP-TFI modifies CXCL12 and CXCR4 expression by activating EGF signaling and stimulates breast cancer cell migration. 2014
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11: Inhibition of breast cancer metastasis with microRNA-302a by downregulation of CXCR4 expression. 2014
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12: Expression patterns of SDF1/CXCR4 in human invasive breast carcinoma and adjacent normal stroma: Correlation with tumor clinicopathological parameters and patient survival. 2014
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13: Interfering with CXCR4 expression inhibits proliferation, adhesion and migration of breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells. 2014
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14: Cytoplasmic CXCR4 high-expression exhibits distinct poor clinicopathological characteristics and predicts poor prognosis in triple-negative breast cancer. 2013
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15: The Role of chemokine receptor CXCR4 in breast cancer metastasis. 2013
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16: The CXCR4 Antagonist AMD3465 Regulates Oncogenic Signaling and Invasiveness In Vitro and Prevents Breast Cancer Growth and Metastasis In Vivo. 2013
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17: Targeting CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling with oncolytic virotherapy disrupts tumor vasculature and inhibits breast cancer metastases. 2013
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18: The impact of chemokine receptor CXCR4 on breast cancer prognosis: A meta-analysis. 2013
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19: Bioinformatics analysis of breast cancer bone metastasis related gene-CXCR4. 2013
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20: Baclofen and Other GABAB Receptor Agents Are Allosteric Modulators of the CXCL12 Chemokine Receptor CXCR4. 2013
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21: Steroid receptor coactivator-3 promotes bladder cancer through upregulation of CXCR4. 2013
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22: An isoform of C/EBP beta, LIP, regulates expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 and modulates breast cancer cell migration. 2013
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23: Novel guanide-substituted compounds bind to CXCR4 and inhibit breast cancer metastasis. 2013
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24: High-level expression of CXCR4 in breast cancer is associated with early distant and bone metastases. 2013
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25: Emerging targets in cancer management: role of the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis. 2013
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26: Src and CXCR4 are involved in the invasiveness of breast cancer cells with acquired resistance to lapatinib. 2013
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27: Discovery and computer aided potency optimization of a novel class of small molecule CXCR4 antagonists. 2013
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28: Aberrant expression of CXCR4 significantly contributes to metastasis and predicts poor clinical outcome in breast cancer. 2013
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29: Combined Wnt/beta-Catenin, Met, and CXCL12/CXCR4 Signals Characterize Basal Breast Cancer and Predict Disease Outcome. 2013
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30: High level of CXCR4 in triple-negative breast cancer specimens associated with a poor clinical outcome. 2013
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31: A differential role for CXCR4 in the regulation of normal versus malignant breast stem cell activity. 2013
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32: HGF-Induced PKCzeta Activation Increases Functional CXCR4 Expression in Human Breast Cancer Cells. 2012
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33:CXCR4/CXCL12 Participate in Extravasation of Metastasizing Breast Cancer Cells within the Liver in a Rat Model. 2012
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34: Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of (68)Ga-DOTA-4-FBn-TN14003, a novel tracer for the imaging of CXCR4 expression. 2012
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35: The dynamic yin-yang interaction of CXCR4 and CXCR7 in breast cancer metastasis. 2012
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36: Molecular modeling study of cyclic pentapeptide CXCR4 antagonists: new insight into CXCR4-FC131 interactions. 2012
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37:CXCR4 expression in feline mammary carcinoma cells: evidence of a proliferative role for the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis. 2012
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38: NMR Metabolomics of MTLn3E Breast Cancer Cells Identifies a Role for CXCR4 in Lipid and Choline Regulation. 2012
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39: The chemokine receptor CXCR4 as a novel independent prognostic marker for node-positive breast cancer patients. 2012
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40: Development of a unique small molecule modulator of CXCR4. 2012
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41:CXCR4 activation maintains a stem cell population in tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells through AhR signalling. 2012
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42: CXCL12, CXCR4 and IFNgamma genes expression: implications for proinflammatory microenvironment of breast cancer. 2012
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43: New insight into the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis in a breast carcinoma model: Hypoxia-induced endothelial SDF-1 and tumor cell CXCR4 are required for tumor cell intravasation. 2012
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44: Using breast cancer cell CXCR4 surface expression to predict liposome binding and cytotoxicity. 2012
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45: TGF-beta polymorphism and its expression correlated with CXCR4 expression in human breast cancer. 2012
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46: Regulation of CXCR4 gene expression in breast cancer cells under diverse stress conditions. 2012
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47: Decreased expression of C-erbB-2 and CXCR4 in breast cancer after primary chemotherapy. 2012
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48: Involvement of CXCR4 Chemokine Receptor in Metastastic HER2-Positive Esophageal Cancer. 2012
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49: Histone deacetylase inhibitors induce CXCR4 mRNA but antagonize CXCR4 migration. 2012
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50: The differences in CXCR4 protein expression are significant for the five molecular subtypes of breast cancer. 2012
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51: Monomeric and dimeric CXCL12 inhibit metastasis through distinct CXCR4 interactions and signaling pathways. 2011
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52: Opposing roles of CXCR4 and CXCR7 in breast cancer metastasis. 2011
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53: Xanthohumol, a Prenylated Chalcone Derived from Hops, Suppresses Cancer Cell Invasion through Inhibiting the Expression of CXCR4 Chemokine Receptor. 2011
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54: Epigenetic Changes of CXCR4 and Its Ligand CXCL12 as Prognostic Factors for Sporadic Breast Cancer. 2011
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55:CXCR4 and axillary lymph nodes: review of a potential biomarker for breast cancer metastasis. 2011
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1: Chloroquine targets pancreatic cancer stem cells via inhibition of CXCR4 and hedgehog signaling. 2014
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2: Blocking on the CXCR4/mTOR signalling pathway induces the anti-metastatic properties and autophagic cell death in peritoneal disseminated gastric cancer cells. 2008
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3: HIV and CXCR4 in a kiss of autophagic death. 2006
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4:Autophagy is involved in T cell death after binding of HIV-1 envelope proteins to CXCR4. 2006
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