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韩春雨 NBT不会接受质疑论文

已有 3211 次阅读 2016-11-16 15:02 |个人分类:今日热点|系统分类:观点评述



韩春雨 几个结论


1.  方舟子类造谣诬陷 2.  饶毅的言论无效 3.  调查理由不成立 4.  论文不会撤稿 5.  国际关注持续 6.  相关研究论文 ...

韩春雨NgAgo技术 刘东仅采用NgAgo这个蛋白质而已

2016-11-14 17:00

研究的目的、方法、结果、结论,应该听论文作者的解释,其他人不可随意推测,胡乱解读。 为科研献身的斑马鱼是什么? 斑马鱼原产于南亚,是一种常见的热带观赏鱼,因其体侧具有斑马一样暗蓝与银色相间的纹条而得名。斑马鱼个体小,易于饲养,成年体长 4-5cm。可在有限空间里大量养殖,满足样本需求量大的研究。 之 ...

岳东晓   韩氏 NgAgo 之13 质疑果然没有被《自然》认为有效


Questions about NgAgo

  • Shawn Burgess

    • 1

  • Linzhao Cheng

    • 2

    • 3

  • Feng Gu

    • 4

  • Junjiu Huang

    • 5

  • Zhiwei Huang

    • 6

  • Shuo Lin

    • 7

  • Jinsong Li

    • 8

  • Wei Li

    • 9

  • Wei Qin

    • 10

  • Yujie Sun

    • 11

  • Zhou Songyang

    • 5

  • Wensheng Wei

    • 12

  • Qiang Wu

    • 13

  • Haoyi Wang

    • 9

  • Xiaoqun Wang

    • 14

  • Jing-Wei Xiong

    • 15

  • Jianzhong Xi

    • 16

  • Hui Yang

    • 17

  • Bin Zhou

    • 8

  • Bo Zhang

    • 18

  1. 1.National Human Genome Research Institute, NIHBethesdaUSA

  2. 2.Division of Hematology in Department of MedicineJohns Hopkins University School of MedicineBaltimoreUSA

  3. 3.Stem Cell Program in the Institute for Cell EngineeringJohns Hopkins University School of MedicineBaltimoreUSA

  4. 4.Center for Vision Research, Eye HospitalWenzhou Medical UniversityWenzhouChina

  5. 5.Stem Cell and Functional Genomics Laboratory, School of Life SciencesSun Yat-sen UniversityGuangzhouChina

  6. 6.HIT Center of Life SciencesHarbin Institute of TechnologyHarbinChina

  7. 7.Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental BiologyUniversity of California Los AngelesLos AngelesUSA

  8. 8.Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological SciencesChinese Academy of SciencesShanghaiChina

  9. 9.State Key Laboratory of Stem cell and Reproductive Biology, Institute of ZoologyChinese Academy of SciencesBeijingChina

  10. 10.College of Chemical Biology and BiotechnologyPeking University Shenzhen Graduate SchoolShenzhenChina

  11. 11.PKU BIOPICBeijingChina

  12. 12.BIOPIC, ICG, CLS, and School of Life SciencesPeking UniversityBeijingChina

  13. 13.Center for Comparative Biomedicine, Institute of Systems BiomedicineShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityShanghaiChina

  14. 14.Institute of BiophysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijingChina

  15. 15.Institute of Molecular MedicinePeking UniversityBeijingChina

  16. 16.College of EngineeringPeking UniversityBeijingChina

  17. 17.Laboratory of Disease Models in Non-Human Primates, Institute of NeuroscienceShanghai Chinese Academy of SciencesShanghaiChina

  18. 18.College of Life SciencesPeking UniversityBeijingChina



  • 2015 Impact Factor
  • 期刊影响因子3.817



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