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爱因斯坦的幸福观 精选

已有 8353 次阅读 2017-10-26 23:44 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:人物纪事



When Einstein arrived at the station there were such large crowds that the police was unable to cope with the perilous crush . . .at the chrysanthemum festival it was neither the empress nor the prince regentnor the imperial princes who held reception; everything turned around Einstein.

 这段话转引自Pais的老爱传(最近商务印书馆出了新版,加了彭罗斯的序言),老P注引Philipp FrankEinstein: Sein Leben und seine Zeit,但我没找到那段话;Frank的书有英译本:Einstein: His Life and Times,但内容似乎不全同。

  那会儿,老爱从喧闹的欧洲出来,东方(印度、中国、日本等)的宁静、幽思和彬彬有礼(calmness, meditativeness, and politeness)令他着迷,而日本人对艺术的热爱更令他惊讶(据其他文献,他对上海的感觉可不太好)。

   他不想面对那么多看热闹的人,就想写几句话表一个态度。正巧送信的小哥来了,他就顺手用帝国饭店的便笺写了两张(德文),一张写的是,宁静淡泊比终日蝇营幸福得多。(A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.)另一张是一句大家都熟悉的谚语When there's a will, there's a way(“有志者事竟成”却不是谚语,见《后汉书》,相关片段因入选《古文观止》而更加流行。)


A life directed chiefly toward the fulfillment of personal desires will soon or later always lead to bitter disappointment.

而他在30年代谈生活的一篇文章What I believes, Forum and Century84 (Oct. 1930): 193-194.说得更具体:令我阳光快乐的生活理念是真善美,对安逸舒适我不感兴趣,那只是喜羊羊们的生活:The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth. To make a goal of comfort or happiness has never appealed to me; a system built on this basis would be sufficient only for a herd of cattle.



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