The Epic of Palaeobotany-477
Umbrella of French Palaeobotany: édouard Léon François Boureau(1913--1999)
国际古植物学协会创建人、法兰西科学院院士édouard Léon François Boureau(1913--1999)
SPS-477-French Edouard Leon Francois Boureau (1913--1999)-rev4.pdf
法兰西科学院已故院士édouard Léon François Boureau(1913--1999)是20世纪法国杰出的古植物学家。他不仅为法国现代植物和化石植物的教学科研做出了重要成就,而且为促进国际古植物学的交流和合作做出了重要贡献。
1913年,édouard Boureau出生于法国西部的Champ-sur-Layon。1933年,入学法国中部偏西的Poitiers科学学院(Faculty of Sciences of Poitiers, west-Central France)。1938年,年仅25岁的édouard Boureau获得了自然科学的博士学位,他主要从解剖学角度研究松科植物实生苗的个体发生及其与系统发育的关系。
第二次世界大战结束后,édouard Boureau开始供职于法国国家科学研究中心[ Centrenational de la recherche scientifique (CNRS-- The French National Center for Scientific Research)],并且在巴黎的法国国家自然历史博物馆领导现代植物和化石植物比较解剖学实验室。
1954年,第八届国际植物学大学(The 8th International Botanical Congress, IBC-VIII, Paris)。édouard Boureau参加此次大会,并在会议期间提议成立“国际古植物学协会”( The International Organization of Palaeobotany--IOP)。édouard Boureau担任IOP首任秘书长。
1959年,édouard Boureau担任巴黎科学学院教授(Professor of Faculty of Sciences of Paris)。[该学院现称“皮埃尔&居里大学(Pierre& Marie Curie University)。] édouard Boureau开展前寒武纪微体化石等领域的研究。1964—1975年,édouard Boureau和国内国际同行合作,领导编纂9卷本Traité de paléobotanique。
Fig.1. Front cover of Traité de paléobotanique (Volume IV)
1977年,édouard Boureau当选为法兰西科学院“植物生物学”之学科的院士。1981年退休;1999年去世。
Brief chronology of French palaeobotanist--édouard Léon François Boureau(1913--1999)
--1913: Born in Champ-sur-Layon, Western France onJanuary 31, 1913;
--1933: Began to study at the Faculty of Sciences of Poitiers in west-Central France;
--1938: Received Doctor of Natural Science degree with a thesis, entitled "anatomical and experimental research on the ontogeny of seedling Pinacées and its relationship with phylogeny”;
--1943: Married with Jane Vallet;
--1946: Became a researcher of Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS-- The French National Center for Scientific Research); then, led the laboratory of comparative anatomy of living and fossil plants within the French National Museum of Natural History in Paris;
--Served as deputy director of this museum;
--1954: Attended the 8th International Botanical Congress (IBC-VIII in Paris), founded the International Organization of Palaeobotany (IOP), and served as the first secretary of IOP;
--1956—1973: Compiled the Rapport sur la paléobotanique dans le monde (World report on palaeobotany) ;
--1959: Professor of Faculty of Sciences of Paris(currently Pierre and Marie Curie University);
--1964—1975: Compiled Traitéde paléobotanique in 9 volumes;
Fig.2. Title page of Traité de paléobotanique (Volume IV)
--1977: Elected to the French Academy of Sciences (section de biologie végétale);
--1981: Retied;
--1999: Died at age of 86 on October 2, 1999.
Qigao Sun (孙启高):
Storyof Paleobotany Series (No.477) [The 478th issuein total]
TheEpic of Palaeobotany-477
Umbrella of French Palaeobotany: édouard Léon François Boureau(1913--1999)
国际古植物学协会创建人、法兰西科学院院士édouard Léon François Boureau(1913--1999)
French palaeobotanist édouard Léon François Boureau(1913--1999)--one of founders of the International Organization of Palaeobotany (IOP)
July 23, 2016
French palaeobotanist-- édouard Léon François Boureau(1913--1999)
Jean Broutin, 2000. International Organization of Palaeobotany (IOP) Newsletter (No.68), pages 5-6: "Obituary": Edouard Boureau (1913--1999).
Centre national de larecherche scientifique (CNRS-- The French National Center for Scientific Research);
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.15):Brief introduction to International Organization of Palaeobotany (IOP) [In Chinese with English citations]
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.24): About the early history of International Organization of Palaeobotany (IOP)(in Chinese)
发表于2010-1-12 23:39:04
Story of Palaeobotany Series(No.237) [The 238th issue in total]
Presidents and other officers of IOP---International Organization of Palaebotany
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