美国古植物学家Kathleen B. Pigg曾在俄亥俄大学植物系(Ohio University, Athens, OH)学习,分别于1980年和1982年获得学士和硕士学位。1988年,从俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University, Columbus, OH)获得博士学位。
Kathleen B. Pigg曾在University of Alberta 植物系从事博士后研究[Department of Botany, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada]。现供职于亚利桑那州立大学植物生物系(Arizona State University, Tempe)。
2001--2004年,Kathleen B. Pigg服务美国植物学会古植物学分会,担任主席、秘书和会计。参见:
FormerSection Officers, Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America
Year | Meeting Location | Month Elected | Chairperson | Secretary /Treasurer | Editor/compiler Bibliography | Web Manager | Editorial Rep. Amer. J. Bot. |
2001 | Albuquerque | 8/00 | K. Pigg | S.R. Manchester | W.A. Taylor |
KathleenB. Pigg, Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1988
Year | Meeting Location | Month Elected | Chairperson | Secretary /Treasurer | Editor/compiler Bibliography | Web Manager | Editorial Rep. Amer. J. Bot. |
2002 | Madison | 8/01 | B. Jacobs | K. Pigg | W.A. Taylor |
Year | Meeting Location | Month Elected | Chairperson | Secretary /Treasurer | Editor/compiler Bibliography | Web Manager | Editorial Rep. Amer. J. Bot. |
2003 | Mobile | 8/02 | B. Axsmith | K. Pigg | W.A. Taylor |
Year | Meeting Location | Month Elected | Chairperson | Secretary /Treasurer | Editor/compiler Bibliography | Web Manager | Editorial Rep. Amer. J. Bot. |
2004 | Snowbird | 7/03 | L. Boucher | K. Pigg | W.A. Taylor |
∮1 教育背景(Education)
1988: Ph.D. Botany, Ohio State University;
1982: M.S. Botany, Ohio University;
1980: B.S. Botany, Ohio University;
1975—1977: Shawnee State College,Portsmouth, Ohio
Kathleen B. Pigg的博士学位论文:
Author: Pigg,Kathleen Belle, 1958-
Title: Anatomically preserved Glossopteris and Dicroidium from the Transantarctic Mountains / by Kathleen Belle Pigg
Publish Info: 1988
Local Note: Also on microfiche. 3 sheets
Description: xii,241 leaves : ill
Notes: Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 1988;Bibliography: leaves 146-180; Advisor: Thomas N. Taylor, Dept. of Botany
OCLC #20211483
Other Titles: Glossopterisand Dicroidium from the Transantarctic Mountains, Anatomically preserved
∮2 研究兴趣 (Research interests)
Kathleen B. Pigg教授的研究兴趣广泛,主要包括:“Diversification and biogeography of Tertiary angiosperms and pteridophytes Origin and early diversification of Northern Hemisphere temperate floras Structure, ontogeny and phylogeny of isoetalean lycopods History of botany and paleobotany Evolution of Paleozoic and Mesozoic pteridosperms”
∮3 部分论著 (Publications) [见附录]
Professor Kathleen B. Pigg
Story of Paleobotany Series (No.372) [The 373rd issue in total]
铁打的营盘VS流水的兵: Paleobotany vs Paleobotanist
2015-7-6 22:06
Storyof Palaeobotany Series (No.228) [The 229thissue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists
Storyof Paleobotany Series (No.370) [The 371st issue in total]
Umbrella of American paleobotany-129-
Open the Umbrella of American paleobotany--撑开美国古植物学之伞
2015-7-1 00:02
Catalogue of American Women and Paleobotany
Umbrella of American Paleobotany“美国古植物学之伞”
----American Women and Paleobotany“美国女性与古植物学”
附录:Kathleen B. Pigg的部分论著
DeVore, ML, and K B Pigg 2013. Paleobotanical evidence for the origins of temperate hardwoods. International Journal of Plant Sciences174: 592-2013.DOI: 10.1086/668687
Zetter, R., MJ Farabee, KB Pigg, SR Manchester, ML DeVoreand MD Nowak. 2011. Palynoflora of the late Paleocene silicified shale at Almont, North Dakota, USA. Palynology 2011: 1-33. DOI :10.1080/01916122.2010.50164
Benedict, JC, ML DeVore, and KB Pigg. 2011 Prunus and Oemleria (Rosaceae) flowers from the late early Eocene Republic flora of northeastern Washington state, USA. Int J Plant Sci 172: 948-958.
Collinson, ME, ML DeVore, and KB Pigg. 2010. Paleogene floras and global change events: Introduction. Bulletin ofGeosciences 85(1): 61-62
DeVore, ML, and KB Pigg. 2010. Floristic composition and transitions ofmiddle Eocene to late Eocene and Oligocene floras in North America. In:Collinson, ME, KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. Northern Hemisphere Paleogene floras and global change events. Bulletinof Geosciences 85(1): 111-134, published online 2009: doi10.3140/bull.geosci.1135
Gensel, PG, and KB Pigg. 2010. An arborescent lycopsid fromthe Lower Carboniferous Price Formation, southwestern Virginia, USA and theproblem of species delimitation. International Journal of Coal Geology, 83:132-145; published online 2009:doi:10.1016/j.coal.2009.11.005
Graham, LE, ME Cook, DT Hanson, KB Pigg & JMGraham. 2010a. Structural,physiological, and stable carbon isotopic evidence that the enigmatic Paleozoicfossil Prototaxites formed from rolled liverwort mats. American Journal ofBotany 97(2):1-9, doi:10/3732/ajb.0900322.
Graham, LE, ME Cook, DT Hanson, KB Pigg, and JM Graham.2010b. Rolled liverwort mats explain major Prototaxites features: Response toCommentaries. American Journal of Botany97(7): 1079-1086. doi 10.3732/ajb.1000172
Pigg, KB, and ML DeVore. 2010. Floristic composition andtransitions of late Paleocene to early Eocene floras in North America. In:Collinson, ME, KB Pigg, and ML DeVore. Northern Hemisphere Paleogene floras and global change events. Bulletinof Geosciences 85 (1): 135-154, published online 2009: doi 10.3140/bull.geosci.1136
Pigg, KB, ML DeVore and MF Wojciechowski. 2008. Paleosecuridaca curtisii gen. et sp. nov.,Securidaca-like samaras (Polygalaceae) from the late Paleocene of North Dakota,USA and their significance to the divergence of families within the Fabales.International Journal of Plant Sciences 169: 1304-1313.
Manchester, SR, and KB Pigg. 2008. The mystery flower of McAbee, BritishColumbia. Botany (formerly Canadian Journal of Botany) 86: 1034-1038.
Pigg, KB, SR Manchester, and ML DeVore. 2008. Fruits of Icacinaceae from the latePaleocene of western North America. American Journal of Botany 95: 824-832.
Benedict, JC, KB Pigg and ML DeVore. 2008. Hamawilsonia boglei gen. et sp.nov. (Hamamelidaceae)from the late Paleocene Almont flora of central North Dakota, USA.International Journal of Plant Sciences 169: 687-700.
DeVore ML and KB Pigg. 2007. A brief review of the fossil history of thefamily Rosaceae with a focus on the Eocene Okanogan Highlands of easternWashington State, USA, and British Columbia, Canada. Plant Systematics & Evolution 266:45-57.
Ickert-Bond SM, KB Pigg, and J Wen. 2007. Comparative infructescence morphology inAltingia Noronha and discordance between morphological and molecular rates ofevolution. American Journal of Botany 94: 1094-1115.
Nishida H, KB Pigg,K Kudo, and JF Rigby. 2007. New evidence of reproductive organs ofGlossopteris based on permineralized fossils from Queensland, Australia. I.Ovulate organ Homevaleia gen. nov. Journal of Plant Research 120: 539-549.
Pigg KB, and ML DeVore. 2007. East meets West: thecontrasting contributions of David L. Dilcher and Jack A. Wolfe to Eocenesystematic paleobotany in North America, in D. M. Jarzen, G. Retallack, S.Jarzen and S. R. Manchester, eds. Advances in Mesozoic and CenozoicPaleobotany, Courier ForschungsinstitutSenckenberg 258: 85-94.
Pigg, KB, RM Dillhoff, ML DeVore, and WC Wehr. 2007. New diversity among the Trochodendraceae fromthe Early/Middle Eocene Okanogan Highlands of British Columbia, Canada andnortheastern Washington State, USA International Journal of Plant Sciences 168: 521-532.
DeVore ML, P Kenrick, KBPigg, and RA Ketcham. 2006. Utility of high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRXCT) forpaleobotanical studies: an example using London Clay fruits and seeds. American Journal ofBotany 93: 1848-1851.
Pigg KB, ML DeVore and WC Wehr. 2006. Filicalean ferns from the Tertiary ofwestern North America: Osmunda L. (Osmundaceae: Pteridophyta), Woodwardia Sm.(Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta), and onocleoid ferns (Filicales: Pteridophyta). Fern Gazette 17: 279-286.
Pigg KB, and H Nishida. 2006. The significance of silicified plant remains to the understandingof Glossopteris-bearing plants. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society143: 46-61.
Taylor W, ML DeVore, and KB Pigg. 2006. Susiea newsalemae, gen. et sp. nov.,(Nymphaeaceae): Euryale-like seeds from the Late Paleocene Almont flora, NorthDakota, USA. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167: 1271-1278.
Pigg, KB, and ML DeVore. 2005. Paleoactaea gen. nov.(Ranunculaceae) from the Paleogene of North Dakota and the London Clay.American Journal of Botany 92: 1650-1659.
Ickert-Bond, SM, KB Pigg, and J Wen. 2005. Comparative infructescence morphologyin Liquidambar L. (Altingiaceae) and its evolutionary significance. American Journal of Botany 92: 1234-1255.
Pigg, KB, and ML DeVore. 2005. Shirleya grahamae gen. et sp. nov.(Lythraceae), Lagerstroemia-like fruits from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyonflora, central Washington state, USA. American Journal of Botany 92: 77-107.
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