

Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-53: Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz

已有 2460 次阅读 2017-4-16 21:54 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| and, German, botanist, Wilhelm, Conwentz

German botanist Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz (1855--1922)

德国自然保护先驱--Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz 院士(1855--1922)

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         德国植物学家、古植物学家Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz 院士(1855--1922)是自然保护先驱性人物之一。他于1855年出生于今属波兰波罗的海沿岸的Gdańsk市。波罗的海沿岸盛产琥珀化石,闻名世界。Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz以研究琥珀化石中包埋的植物化石而闻名于学术界。

         Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz的成长深受德国古植物学家Johann Heinrich Robert Göppert院士 (1800--1884)及其弟子著名学者Ferdinand Julius Cohn (1828--1898)的影响。Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz成名较早,他于1881年当选为德国科学院植物学科的院士,时年26岁。

        Wrocław (德语“Breslau) Göttingen(哥廷根)完成学业后,Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz1876年开始在Breslau大学跟随Johann Heinrich Robert Göppert从事化石植物的研究。1879年,Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz回故乡担任Danzig博物馆馆长,长达30年。1906年,Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz成立自然保护机构,倡导自然遗产的保护,并为之付出实际研究和行动。

      1922年,Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz在柏林去世,享年67岁。


Brief life chronology of German botanist and palaeobotanist Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz (1855--1922), a pioneer of nature conservation

--1855: Born in Gdańsk city (English—“Danzig”) on the Baltic coast of Poland;

--Studied in Wrocław and Göttingen;

--1876: Worked as an assistant with German palaeobotanist Johann Heinrich Robert Göppert(1800--1884) at the University of Breslau;

--1879--1909: Appointed as director of the Westpreußischen Provinzialmuseums- -Museum Danzig (West Prussian Provincial Museum in Danzig);

--1881: Elected to the “Botanik” section of the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina;  

--1906: Appointed as a state commissioner of the newly founded Staatliche Stellefür Naturdenkmalpflege in Preußen--First authority of natural heritage conservation in Prussia;

--1922: Died in Berlin at age of 67.


Qigao Sun (孙启高):


Story of Paleobotany Series(No.531) [The 532nd issue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-531

《德国古植物学之伞》Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(53)

German botanist Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz (1855--1922)

德国植物学家Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz 院士(1855--1922)

Feb. 2017


Umbrella of German Palaeobotany--An overview & catalogue

《德国古植物学之伞》:概览 & 目录

2017-3-1 07:44

German botanist Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz (1855--1922)


Main publications of German botanist Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz(1855--1922)

Monographie der baltischenbernsteinbäume, 1890 – Monograph of Baltic amber trees.

Untersuchungen über fossilehölzer Schwedens, 1892 – Studies of fossil woods of Sweden.

Die Gefährdung der Naturdenkmälerund Vorschläge zu ihrer Erhaltung, 1904 – The threat to naturalmonuments and proposals for their preservation.

Beiträge zur Naturdenkmalpflege,(editor) 1910 – Contributions to natural heritage conservation.


Some publications of German botanist Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz’s(1855--1922) palaeobotanical research:

Conwentz, Hugo, 1880, Die fossilen Holzer von Karlsdorf amZobten: Naturiss. Gesell. Schr. Danzig, Band 4, p. 1-47, pis. 1-8.    

Conwentz, Hugo, 1885, Sobre algunos arboles fosiles del RioNegro: Acad. Nac. Cienc. C6rdoba Bol., tomo 7, p. 435-456, Buenos Aires.    

Conwentz, Hugo, 1886, Die flora des Bernsteins Band 2, DieAngiospermen des Bernsteins: 140 p., 13 pis., Danzig.    

Conwentz, Hugo, 1890, Monographic de BaltischemBernsteinbiiume: 151 p., 18 pis., Danzig


上一篇:Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-52: Friedrich A. Rothpletz
下一篇:植物解剖学-15:Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau(1700--1782)
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