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学者:不要和期刊置气 精选

已有 14122 次阅读 2017-4-27 10:33 |系统分类:科研笔记





比方下面是几个外刊有关主题不符的拒稿信,中文的期刊如果能到这种程度,应该就能令人信服了。其实,期刊主题虽然有一定之规,但科学总是发展的,不会总局限于现在的主题,而是不断产生新的主题,在有关新的主题还没有相应的期刊创办之前,期刊原有的格局应该是新的主题有一定的包容性。比方我的那篇外文文章,是当时鲁索让我做的博士论文的主题,先是Leo Egghe做了一个设想,然后交给鲁索,恰好我开始做博士,就又交给我,我埋头做了四五年,留下近200页的手稿,放在那里至今没有发表。15年过后,去年捡拾起来,重新做。鲁索拿给Egghe看的时候,Egghe都忘了他曾经有这个看法,去年STI会议上碰到Egghe,恰好我们这篇投给了Journal of informetrics.他是这个刊物的创办人,刚刚退下来,交给了现任主编Ludo。他们两个人在那里谈论这篇文章,说他如何从15年前的记忆里把这篇文章打捞出来……这篇文章审稿意见其实也说这篇文章和这个期刊主题不符,但审稿者说,我验算了所有的公式,公式没有错误,而且,文章逻辑推理没有错,结论也成立,他们不知道这篇文章和我们这个领域有何关系,但可能这本期刊是唯一能够发表这篇文章的地方。所以,主编就接受了。这当然和通讯作者是前主编有关,但如果没有关系,就不应该给新的研究论题一个发表的空间吗?

我们这篇文章是测度网络的支配力的。之前没有这方面的研究,数学不是很复杂,但设计很精巧,很有意思。我们一开始就不知道这篇文章适合那个刊物,我们只能一个一个地试,科学计量学界因为鲁索这个大牛,曾考虑了,但我们最终也没能将我们的结果bend our paper to bepublishable in this journal. 所以,我们只能试试数学刊了,数学刊也拒绝了,现在我们准备投社会数学方法的刊物,因为觉得社会学可能都支配力会感兴趣吧,但Who knows?

Dear Dr.XX,

We have received the reports from our advisors on your manuscript, "Dynamic aspects of domination networks", which you submitted to Scientometrics.

Based on the advice received, I feel that your manuscript could be reconsidered for publication should you be prepared to incorporate major revisions.  When preparing your revised manuscript, you are asked to carefully consider the reviewer comments which are below, and submit a list of responses to the comments. We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript by 29 Apr 2017

With kind regards,

Wolfgang Glänzel, PhD

Editor in Chief Scientometrics


Reviewer #1: This is a highly technical paper on dynamic network restructuring, however without any clear aspect for or application in scientometrics. The word itself, or indeed any related words are not coming up in the paper. Nevertheless the topic is quite interesting and the ideas are relevant in themselves. The paper is also well structured and well written.

Only it has, in its current form, little to do with anything this journal is about, in my understanding. The main reason I am not tempted to say right away that this is just the wrong journal, that clearly there is a documented relationship, and even co-authorship with an eminent protagonist of scientometrics. My suggestions are straightforward then. An application in keyword networks or citation networks or anything with relevance to the field must be found to grant publication in this journal.

Besides, to also soften the inherently abstract treatment of the topic, I suggest to add an animation (as online supporting material made available via a link). Animations are wonderful tools for dealing with dynamic networks as they directly grasp the central element of dynamics, time. Tools exist for the scholarly presentation of animations of dynamic networks (eg. by Skye Bender-Moll and others). Even beyond, network mesasures for dominance can be directly represented as graph "colors" both in the visual and in the rigorous mathematical sense, and hence invite a treatment of animated colored networks - perhaps with even a still image inserted in the paper.

Finally, and perhaps more surprisingly, I can also imagine a strong connection with the application area of terrorist networksunderstood as workflows or "value chains", as in the work of Toth, N., Gulyás, L., Legendi, R. O., Duijn, P., Sloot, P. M., & Kampis, G. (2013). The importance of centralities in dark network value chains. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 222(6), 1413-1439. (Removing or inserting a key player etc. Not that this connection strengthens the scientometric potential of the paper.) In any case I strongly believe the authors should make a major effort to bend their paper to be publishable in this journal. Applied Mathematical Modelling主编很坦率地说出自己的决定

Dear Dr. XX,

We have now looked through your paper, prior to assigning referees. After careful consideration we have decided that we cannot pursue the review process and that we should reject the paper at this stage.

The key reason for the decision is that your paper does not clearly fall within the scope of this research journal, which focuses on the mathematical modelling of real-world problems in engineering, industrial and environmental systems. As such I formally release you to submit your work to a more appropriate journal. I know you will be disappointed by this response but I should nevertheless like to thank you for considering Applied Mathematical Modelling as a location for your work.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Johann (Hans) SienzEditor in

ChiefApplied Mathematical Modelling

Applied Mathematics and Computation很委婉地假借他人之口说出拒稿

Dear Dr. XX,

Reviewers' comments on your work have now been received.  You will see that they are advising against publication of your work.  Therefore I must reject it. I append the reviewers' comments below.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.

Yours sincerely,

T.E. Simos

Editor-in-Chief Applied Mathematics and Computation

Reviewers' comments: Thank you for submitting the paper to AMC. Let underline that AMC is promoting papers which are a combination of both strong mathematical (theoretical) results and strong computational (numerical) results. Moreover, AMC is very selective (less than 8% of submissions are considered for possible publication). Unfortunately, we are not convinced that the contribution is strong enough for publication in AMC.> For further assistance, please visit our customer support site at http://help.elsevier.com/app/answers/list/p/7923 Here you can search for solutions on a range of topics, find answers to frequently asked questions and learn more about EES via interactive tutorials. You will also find our 24/7 support contact details should you need any further assistance from one of our customer support representatives.

Thank you for submitting the paper to AMC.Let underline that AMC is promoting papers which are a combination of bothstrong mathematical (theoretical) results and strong computational (numerical)results. Moreover, AMC is very selective (less than 8% of submissions areconsidered for possible publication). Unfortunately, we are not convinced thatthe contribution is strong enough for publication in AMC.


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