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MR3374754 Polymath, D. H. J. Erratum to: Variants of the Selbergsieve, and bounded intervals containing many primes [MR3373710]. Res.Math. Sci. 2 (2015),Art. 15, 2 pp.
MR3373899 Kendirli, Barış Fourier coefficients of some etaquotients of weight 8. Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math. 8 (2015), no. 3, 395–416.
MR3373894 Özer, Özen; Pekin, Ayten An algorithm for explicit form offundamental units of certain real quadratic fields and period eight. Eur.J. Pure Appl. Math. 8(2015), no. 3, 343–356.
MR3373831 Wooley, Trevor D. Sums of three cubes, II. ActaArith. 170 (2015),no. 1, 73–100.
MR3373830 Tsukerman, Emmanuel Equality of Dedekind sums modulo 8Z. Acta Arith. 170 (2015), no. 1, 67–72.
MR3373829 Suzuki, Masatoshi Nearest neighbor spacing distributionsfor the zeros of the real or imaginary part of the Riemann xi-function onvertical lines. Acta Arith. 170 (2015), no. 1, 47–65.
MR3373828 Chen, Zhengyu On metric theory of Diophantineapproximation for complex numbers. Acta Arith. 170 (2015), no. 1, 27–46.
MR3373827 Fili, Paul; Miner, Zachary Equidistribution and the heights oftotally real and totally p-adic numbers. ActaArith. 170 (2015),no. 1, 15–25.
MR3373826 Grizzard, Robert Relative Bogomolov extensions. ActaArith. 170 (2015),no. 1, 1–13.
MR3373505 Lampret, Vito Accurate double inequalities forgeneralized harmonic numbers. Appl. Math. Comput. 265 (2015), 557–567.
MR3370515 Ustinov, A. V. On points of the modular hyperbola underthe graph of a linear function. (Russian) Mat. Zametki97 (2015), no. 2, 296--301; translationin Math. Notes 97 (2015), no. 1-2, 284–288
MR3373059 Wei, Fu-Tsun; Yu, Chia-Fu Class numbers of central simplealgebras over global function fields. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2015, no. 11, 3525–3575.
MR3373053 Bombieri, Enrico; Bourgain, Jean A problem on sums of two squares. Int.Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2015, no. 11, 3343–3407.
MR3373051 Pasten, Hector; Wang, Julie Tzu-Yueh Extensions of Büchi's higher powersproblem to positive characteristic.Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2015, no. 11, 3263–3297.
MR3373048 Bringmann, Kathrin; Kane, Ben; Kohnen, Winfried Locally harmonic Maass forms and thekernel of the Shintani lift. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2015, no. 11, 3185–3224.
MR3372877 Sands, Jonathan W. L-functions forquadratic characters and annihilation of motivic cohomology groups.Canad.Math. Bull. 58 (2015),no. 3, 620–631.
MR3372874 Matringe, Nadir A specialisation of theBump-Friedberg L-function. Canad.Math. Bull. 58 (2015),no. 3, 580–595.
MR3372871 Lü, Guangshi; Sankaranarayanan, Ayyadurai Higher momentsof Fourier coefficients of cusp forms. Canad. Math. Bull. 58 (2015), no. 3, 548–560.
MR3372478 Schnabel, Ofir On the reducibility of exact coveringsystems. Integers 15 (2015), Paper No. A34, 8 pp.
MR3372477 Williams, H. C.; Guy, R. K. Odd and even linear divisibilitysequences of order 4. Integers 15 (2015), Paper No. A33, 21 pp.
MR3372476 Mei, Shu-Yuan The sum of digits of polynomialvalues. Integers 15 (2015), Paper No. A32, 12 pp.
MR3372318 Okazaki, Takeo; Yamauchi, Takuya Errata to: Endoscopic lifts to theSiegel modular threefold related to Klein's cubic threefold [MR3022962]. Amer.J. Math. 137 (2015),no. 4, 1147.
MR3372317 Fox, Jacob; Zhao, Yufei A short proof of the multidimensionalSzemerédi theorem in the primes. Amer. J. Math. 137 (2015), no. 4, 1139–1145.
MR3372315 Masri, Riad Fourier coefficients of harmonic weakMaass forms and the partition function. Amer. J. Math. 137 (2015), no. 4, 1061–1097.
MR3372311 Hanzer, Marcela; Muić, Goran On the images and poles of degenerateEisenstein series for GL(n,AQ) and GL(n,R). Amer. J.Math. 137 (2015), no. 4,907–951.
MR3371767 Top, Thiéyacine; Sall, Oumar Points algébriques de degrés au plus 12sur la quintique de Fermat. (French)[Algebraic points of degree at most 12 on the Fermat quintic] Acta Arith. 169 (2015), no. 4, 385–395.
MR3371766 Lebacque, Philippe; Zykin, Alexey On the number of rational points ofJacobians over finite fields. Acta Arith.169 (2015), no. 4, 373–384.
MR3371765 O'Bryant, Kevin The sequence of fractional parts ofroots. Acta Arith. 169 (2015), no. 4, 357–371.
MR3371764 Chan, Heng Huat; Toh, Pee Choon Theta series associated with certainpositive definite binary quadratic forms. Acta Arith. 169 (2015), no. 4, 331–356.
MR3371763 Bandini, Andrea; Caldarola, Fabio Stabilization in non-abelian Iwasawatheory. Acta Arith. 169 (2015), no. 4, 319–329.
MR3371762 Deng, Yingpu; Huang, Dandan Primality test for numbers of theform (2p)2n+1. ActaArith. 169 (2015),no. 4, 301–317.
MR3371492 Hui, Chun Yin ℓ-independence forcompatible systems of (modℓ) representations. Compos. Math. 151 (2015), no. 7, 1215–1241.
MR3371491 Munshi, Ritabrata Pairs of quadricsin 11 variables. Compos. Math. 151 (2015), no. 7, 1189–1214.
MR3370503 Ustinov, A. V. On a generalization of Kloostermansums. (Russian) Mat. Zametki 97 (2015), no. 1, 154--157;translationin Math. Notes 97 (2015), no. 1-2, 147-151
MR3370499 Sedunova, A. A. Mean values of some multiplicativefunctions. (Russian) Mat. Zametki 97 (2015), no. 1, 115--128; translationin Math. Notes 97 (2015), no. 1-2, 111-123
MR3367885 Lakner, Mitja; Petek, Peter; Škapin Rugelj, Marjeta Different basesin investigation of 2√3. Politehn. Univ. Bucharest Sci.Bull. Ser. A Appl. Math. Phys. 77 (2015), no. 2, 151–162.
MR3354984 Illarionov, A. A. Some properties of three-dimensionalKlein polyhedra. (Russian) Mat. Sb. 206 (2015), no. 4, 35–66.
MR3372597 Bundschuh, Peter; Väänänen, Keijo Algebraic independence of thegenerating functions of the Stern polynomials and their twistedanalogues. Arch. Math. (Basel) 105 (2015), no. 2, 139–148.
MR3372596 Hančl, Jaroslav Sharpening of theorems of Vahlen andHurwitz and approximation properties of the golden ratio. Arch. Math.(Basel) 105 (2015),no. 2, 129–137.
MR3372595 Mukhopadhyay, A.; Thangadurai, R.; Viswanadham, G. K. Unique representation of integers withbase A. Arch. Math. (Basel) 105 (2015), no. 2, 119–128.
MR3372182 Sun, Zhi-Wei A new series for π3 and relatedcongruences. Internat. J. Math. 26 (2015), no. 8, 1550055, 23 pp.
MR3372069 Aebi, Christian; Cairns, Grant Wolstenholme again. Elem. Math. 70 (2015), no. 3, 125–130.
MR3372068 Felten, Simon; Müller-Stach, Stefan A diophantine equation for sums ofconsecutive like powers. Elem. Math.70 (2015), no. 3, 117–124.
MR3371971 Lovejoy, Jeremy; Osburn, Robert Real quadratic double sums. Indag.Math. (N.S.) 26(2015), no. 4, 697–712.
MR3371966 Mansour, Toufik; Schork, Matthias On q-deformed generalizedTouchard polynomials. Indag. Math. (N.S.) 26 (2015), no. 4, 634–645.
MR3371777 Marko, František; Porubsky, Štefan Topological aspects of infinitude ofprimes in arithmetic progressions.Colloq. Math. 140 (2015), no. 2, 221–237.
MR3372076 Templier, Nicolas Hybrid sup-norm bounds for Hecke-Maasscusp forms. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 17 (2015), no. 8, 2069–2082.
MR3371415 Iacò, Maria Rita; Paštéka, Milan; Tichy, Robert F. Measure density for set decompositionsand uniform distribution. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 64 (2015), no. 2, 323–339.
MR3367510 Lapidus, Michel L. Towards quantized number theory:spectral operators and an asymmetric criterion for the Riemannhypothesis. Philos. Trans. A 373 (2015), no. 2047, 20140240, 24 pp.
MR3371362 Dubickas, Artūras; Sha, Min Counting degenerate polynomials offixed degree and bounded height. Monatsh. Math. 177 (2015), no. 4, 517–537.
MR3371167 Koprowski, Przemysław Graded Hilbert-symbol equivalence ofnumber fields. Discuss. Math. Gen. Algebra Appl.35 (2015), no. 1, 105–113.
MR3371157 Delbourgo, Daniel On trivial p-adic zeroes forelliptic curves over Kummer extensions. New Zealand J. Math. 45 (2015), 33–38.
MR3370795 Kronenthal, Brian G. An integer sequence motivated bygeneralized quadrangles. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 7, Article 15.7.8, 13 pp.
MR3370794 Axler, Christian On a sequence involving primenumbers. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 7, Article 15.7.6, 13 pp.
MR3370793 O'Bryant, Kevin Sets of natural numbers with proscribedsubsets. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 7, Article 15.7.7, 12 pp.
MR3370790 Harman, Glyn Primes in intersections of Beattysequences. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 7, Artical 15.7.3, 12 pp.
MR3370770 Westerholt-Raum, Martin H-harmonic Maaß-Jacobiforms of degree 1. Res. Math. Sci. 2 (2015), Art. 12, 34 pp.
MR3370710 Hirschhorn, Michael D. Elementaryanalysis in Ramanujan's lost notebook. Ramanujan J. 37 (2015), no. 3, 641–651.
MR3370709 Dajani, Karma; Kraaikamp, Cor; Langeveld, Niels Daniël Simon Continuedfraction expansions with variable numerators. Ramanujan J. 37 (2015), no. 3, 617–639.
MR3370708 Verma, Manoj Representation of integers by a familyof cubic forms II. Ramanujan J. 37 (2015), no. 3, 597–615.
MR3370706 Boyer, Robert P.; Parry, Daniel T. Plane partition polynomialasymptotics. Ramanujan J. 37 (2015), no. 3, 573–588.
MR3370705 Earnest, A. G.; Kim, Ji Young; Meyer, N. D. The strictly regular diagonalquaternary quadratic Z-lattices.Ramanujan J. 37 (2015), no. 3, 563–571.
MR3370704 Dickson, Martin J. Fourier coefficients of degree twoSiegel-Eisenstein series with trivial character at squarefree level. RamanujanJ. 37 (2015), no. 3,541–562.
MR3370703 Kohnen, Winfried; Lim, Jongryul A note on the characterizations ofJacobi cusp forms and cusp forms of Maass Spezialschar. Ramanujan J. 37 (2015), no. 3, 535–539.
MR3370702 Baruah, Nayandeep Deka; Boruah, Bidyut Colored partition identitiesconjectured by Sandon and Zanello.Ramanujan J. 37 (2015), no. 3, 479–533.
MR3370701 Lin, Bernard L. S. Arithmetic of the 7-regular bipartitionfunction modulo 3. RamanujanJ. 37 (2015), no. 3,469–478.
MR3370700 Sakai, Yuichi On modular solutions of fractionalweights for the Kaneko-Zagier equation for Γ∗0(2) and Γ∗0(3).Ramanujan J. 37 (2015), no. 3, 461–467.
MR3367489 Syafiq Johar, M. Minimal number of steps in theEuclidean algorithm and its application to rational tangles.Rose-HulmanUndergrad. Math J. 16(2015), no. 1, 57–72.
MR3367487 Mann, Abigail; Yeoh, Adelyn Deconstructing the Welch equationusing p-adic methods. Rose-Hulman Undergrad. Math J. 16 (2015), no. 1, 1–23.
MR3362224 Andreescu, Titu; Andrica, Dorin Quadratic Diophantine equations. With a foreword by Preda Mihăilescu.Developments in Mathematics, 40. Springer, New York, 2015. xviii+211 pp. ISBN:978-0-387-35156-8; 978-0-387-54109-9
MR3362204 Naika, M. S. Mahadeva; Bairy, K. Sushan; Chandankumar, S. Some new modular equations of degree 2akin to Ramanujan. Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 39 (2015), no. 1, 93–112.
MR3370480 Freitag, Eberhard; Salvati Manni, Riccardo Basic vectorvalued Siegel modular forms of genus two. Osaka J. Math. 52 (2015), no. 3, 879–894.
MR3370478 Suyama, Yusuke The rotation number of primitive vectorsequences. Osaka J. Math. 52 (2015), no. 3, 849–859.
MR3370470 Hoshi, Yuichiro On the kernels of the pro-l outer Galoisrepresentations associated to hyperbolic curves over number fields. OsakaJ. Math. 52 (2015),no. 3, 647–675.
MR3366129 Kathuria, Leetika; Hans-Gill, R. J.; Raka, Madhu On a question of Uri Shapira and BarakWeiss. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 46 (2015), no. 3, 287–307.
MR3331402 Yang, Jae-Hyun Geometry and arithmetic on theSiegel-Jacobi space. Geometry and analysis on manifolds,275–325, Progr. Math., 308, Birkhäuser/Springer,Cham, 2015.
MR3370012 Mirek, Mariusz; Trojan, Bartosz Cotlar's ergodic theorem along theprime numbers. J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 21 (2015), no. 4, 822–848.
MR3369368 Hirose, Minoru; Sato, Nobuo On the functional equation of the normalizedShintani L-function of several variables. Math. Z. 280 (2015), no. 3-4, 1085–1092.
MR3369367 Yuan, Xinyi Volumes of arithmetic Okounkovbodies. Math. Z. 280 (2015), no. 3-4, 1075–1084.
MR3369364 Dummigan, Neil; Golyshev, Vasily Quadratic Q-curves, units andHecke L-values. Math. Z. 280 (2015), no. 3-4, 1015–1029.
MR3242767 Rabago, Julius Fergy T. On twoDiophantine equations 5x+19y=z2 and 11x+23y=z2. Math. Forum 25 (2012/13), 57–62.
MR3382933 Açikgöz, Mehmet; Aslan, Nurgül; Köşkeroğlu, Nurten; Araci, Serkan p-adic approach tolinear 2-normed spaces.Math. Morav. 13 (2009), no. 2, 7–22.
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