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MR2015-8-291 for Number Theory.doc

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MR3365659 Wei, Chun-Fu; Qi, Feng Several closed expressions for theEuler numbers. J. Inequal. Appl. 2015, 2015:219, 8 pp.

MR3365574 Kerr, Bryce Lower bounds for the Riemann zetafunction on short intervals of the critical line. Arch. Math. (Basel) 105 (2015), no. 1, 45–53.

MR3361822 Pollack, Paul Palindromic sums of properdivisors. Integers 15A (2015), Paper No. A13, 12 pp.

MR3361821 Lyall, Neil; Rice, Alex A quantitative result on Diophantineapproximation for intersective polynomials.Integers 15A (2015), Paper No. A12, 8 pp.

MR3361820 Keith, William J. Congruences for m-regular partitionsmodulo 4. Integers 15A (2015), Paper No. A11, 12 pp.

MR3361819 Jones, Lenny; Lamarche, Alicia Generating d-composite sandwichnumbers. Integers 15A (2015), Paper No. A10, 21 pp.

MR3361818 Jin, Renling Detailed structure for Freiman's 3k−3 theorem. Integers 15A (2015), Paper No. A9, 24 pp.

MR3361816 Harrington, Joshua; Jones, Lenny Extending a theorem of Pillai toquadratic sequences. Integers 15A (2015), Paper No. A7, 22 pp.

MR3361815 Gyarmati, Katalin; Sárközy, András On reducible and primitive subsetsof Fp,I. Integers 15A (2015), Paper No. A6, 21 pp.

MR3361814 Godbole, Anant; Gutekunst, Samuel; Lyzinski, Vince; Zhuang, Yan Logarithmic representability ofintegers as K-sums. Integers 15A (2015), Paper No. A5, 14 pp.

MR3361810 Andrica, Dorin; Ionascu, Eugen J. The signum equation for Erdős-Surányisequences. Integers 15A (2015), Paper No. A1, 9 pp.

MR3361809 Preface[Proceedings of Integers 2013: the Erdős Centennial Conference]. Held at the Universityof West Georgia, Carrollton, GA,October 24–27, 2013. Integers 15A (2015), front matter.

MR3361795 Kwon, Jongkyum; Park, Jin-Woo A note on (h,q)-Boolepolynomials. Adv. Difference Equ. 2015, 2015:198, 11pp.

MR3361774 Huang, ShinnYih An improvement to Zaremba'sconjecture. Geom. Funct. Anal. 25 (2015), no. 3, 860–914.

MR3361771 Conlon, David; Fox, Jacob; Zhao, Yufei A relative Szemerédi theorem. Geom.Funct. Anal. 25(2015), no. 3, 733–762.

MR3361770 Browning, T. D.; Vishe, P. Rational points on cubic hypersurfacesover Fq(t). Geom.Funct. Anal. 25(2015), no. 3, 671–732.

MR3361725 Bayer-Fluckiger, Eva Isometries of quadratic spaces. J.Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 17(2015), no. 7, 1629–1656.

MR3361645 Boxall, John; Gruenewald, David Heuristics on pairing-friendly abelianvarieties. LMS J. Comput. Math. 18 (2015), no. 1, 419–443.

MR3360900 Applegate, David L.; Havermann, Hans; Selcoe, Robert G.; Shevelev, Vladimir; Sloane, N. J. A.; Zumkeller, Reinhard The Yellowstone permutation. J.Integer Seq. 18(2015), no. 6, Article 15.6.7, 13 pp.

MR3360897 Delorme, Charles; Pineda-Villavicencio, Guillermo Quadratic formrepresentations via generalized continuants.J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 6, Article 15.6.4,22 pp.

MR3360896 Holdum, Sebastian Tim; Klausen, Frederik Ravn; Reichstein Rasmussen, Peter Michael On a conjectureon the representation of positive integers as the sum of three terms of thesequence n2a. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 6, Article 15.6.3,5 pp.

MR3360895 Roettger, E. L.; Williams, H. C. Some arithmetic properties of certainsequences. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 6, Article 15.6.2,21 pp.

MR3360894 Coons, Michael; Winning, Heath Powers of two modulo powers ofthree. J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), no. 6, Article 15.6.1,9 pp.

MR3360750 Linowitz, Benjamin Selective orders in central simplealgebras and isospectral families of arithmetic manifolds.Manuscripta Math. 147 (2015), no. 3-4, 399–413.

MR3360445 Liu, Huaning; Dong, Hui On the distribution of consecutivesquare-free primitive roots modulo p. CzechoslovakMath. J. 65(140)(2015), no. 2, 555–564.

MR3360434 Shparlinski, Igor E. Small discriminants of complexmultiplication fields of elliptic curves over finite fields.CzechoslovakMath. J. 65(140)(2015), no. 2, 381–388.

MR3360346 Pletser, Vladimir General solutions of sums ofconsecutive cubed integers equal to squared integers. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 394–413.

MR3360345 Garcia-Fritz, Natalia; Pasten, Hector Uniform positive existentialinterpretation of the integers in rings of entire functions of positivecharacteristic. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 368–393.

MR3360344 Ernvall-Hytönen, Anne-Maria; Odžak, Almasa; Smajlović, Lejla; Sušić, Medina On the modified Li criterion for acertain class of L-functions. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 340–367.

MR3360342 Guo, Victor Z. Piatetski-Shapiro primes in a Beattysequence. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 317–330.

MR3360341 Patane, Frank An identity connecting theta seriesassociated with binary quadratic forms of discriminant Δand Δ(prime)2. J. NumberTheory 156 (2015),290–316.

MR3360340 Sairaiji, Fumio; Yamauchi, Takuya On the class numbers of the fields ofthe pn-torsion points of certain elliptic curvesover Q. J.Number Theory 156(2015), 277–289.

MR3360339 Fang, Lulu Large and moderate deviation principlesfor alternating Engel expansions. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 263–276.

MR3360338 Haensch, Anna A characterization of almost universalternary inhomogeneous quadratic polynomials with conductor 2. J. NumberTheory 156 (2015),247–262.

MR3360337 Sugiyama, Shingo Asymptotic behaviors of means of centralvalues of automorphic L-functions for GL(2). J. NumberTheory 156 (2015),195–246.

MR3360336 Yang, Hai; Fu, Ruiqin A note on Jeśmanowicz' conjectureconcerning primitive Pythagorean triples. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 183–194.

MR3360334 Guo, Victor J. W.; Liu, Ji-Cai Proof of a conjecture of Z.-W. Sun onthe divisibility of a triple sum. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 154–160.

MR3360333 Hu, Shuangnian; Hong, Shaofang; Zhao, Wei The number of rational points of afamily of hypersurfaces over finite fields. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 135–153.

MR3360332 Murty, M. Ram; Saha, Biswajyoti On the error term in a Parseval type formulain the theory of Ramanujan expansions. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 125–134.

MR3360331 Dağlı, M. Cihat; Can, Mümün On reciprocity formula of characterDedekind sums and the integral of products of Bernoulli polynomials. J.Number Theory 156(2015), 105–124.

 Yu, Gang A new upper bound for finiteadditive h-bases. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 95–104.

MR3360329 Chan, Wai Kiu; Ricci, James The representation of integers bypositive ternary quadratic polynomials. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 75–94.

MR3360328 Wang, Yuchao On the saturation number for cubicsurfaces. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 52–74.

MR3360327 Berend, D.; Boshernitzan, M. D.; Kolesnik, G. Analytically defined uniformly densesequences. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 38–51.

MR3360326 Ploner, Pietro Computation of framed deformationfunctors. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 21–37.

MR3360325 Hinkel, Dustin; Young, Matthew P. The distribution of central values ofelliptic curve L-functions. J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 15–20.

MR3360324 Chaves, Ana Paula; Marques, Diego A Diophantine equation related to thesum of powers of two consecutive generalized Fibonacci numbers. J.Number Theory 156(2015), 1–14.

MR3335573 Radu, Cristian-Silviu A note on a problem proposed by Kim andLisonek. Computer algebra and polynomials,151–156, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 8942, Springer,Cham, 2015.

MR3335567 von zur Gathen, Joachim; Ziegler, Konstantin Survey on counting special types ofpolynomials. Computer algebra and polynomials, 50–75, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.,8942, Springer,Cham, 2015.

MR3330347 Beresnevich, Victor; Velani, Sanju A note on three problems in metricDiophantine approximation. Recent trends in ergodic theory anddynamical systems, 211–229,Contemp. Math., 631, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2015.

MR3330336 Bernik, V.; Götze, F. A new connection between metric theoryof Diophantine approximations and distribution of algebraic numbers. Recenttrends in ergodic theory and dynamical systems, 33–45, Contemp. Math., 631, Amer. Math.Soc., Providence, RI, 2015.

MR3361280 Wei, Fu-Tsun On the Siegel-Weil formula overfunction fields. Asian J. Math. 19 (2015), no. 3, 487–526.

MR3361266 Tengely, Szabolcs; Varga, Nóra Rational function variant of a problemof Erdős and Graham. Glas. Mat. Ser. III50(70) (2015), no. 1, 65–76.

MR3361265 Jadrijević, Borka On elements with index of theform 2a3b in a parametricfamily of biquadratic fields. Glas. Mat. Ser. III 50(70) (2015), no. 1, 43–63.

MR3361264 He, Bo; Pintér, ákos; Togbé, Alain; Varga, Nóra A generalization of a problem ofMordell. Glas. Mat. Ser. III50(70) (2015), no. 1, 35–41.

MR3361263 Cipu, Mihai; Fujita, Yasutsugu Bounds for Diophantinequintuples. Glas. Mat. Ser. III 50(70) (2015), no. 1, 25–34.

MR3361262 Gómez Ruiz, Carlos Alexis; Luca, Florian Tribonacci Diophantinequadruples. Glas. Mat. Ser. III 50(70) (2015), no. 1, 17–24.

MR3359939 Roune, Bjarke Hammersholt; Woods, Kevin The parametric Frobenius problem. Electron.J. Combin. 22 (2015),no. 2, Paper 2.36, 16 pp.

MR3359928 Di Nasso, Mauro Intersections of shifted sets. Electron.J. Combin. 22 (2015),no. 2, Paper 2.25, 7 pp.

MR3359921 Lambert, Victor On modular k-free sets. Electron.J. Combin. 22 (2015),no. 2, Paper 2.18, 18 pp.

 Ku, Cheng Yeaw; Wong, Kok Bin A generalization of very odd sequences. Electron.J. Combin. 22 (2015),no. 2, Paper 2.12, 8 pp.

MR3359908 Jungić, Veselin; Sahasrabudhe, Julian Permutations destroying arithmeticstructure. Electron. J. Combin. 22 (2015), no. 2, Paper 2.5, 14 pp.

MR3356975 Kionke, Steffen; Schwermer, Joachim On the growth of the first Betti numberof arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Groups Geom. Dyn. 9 (2015), no. 2, 531–565.

MR3361298 Marks, Christopher Fourier coefficients ofthree-dimensional vector-valued modular forms. Commun. Number TheoryPhys. 9 (2015), no. 2,387–412.

MR3361105 Choi, Eunmi; Jo, Jiin On partial sum of Tribonaccinumbers. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2015, Art. ID 301814, 8 pp.

MR3361018 Mok, Chung Pang; Tan, Fucheng Overconvergent families of Siegel-Hilbertmodular forms. Canad. J. Math. 67 (2015), no. 4, 893–922.

MR3361013 Di Nasso, Mauro; Goldbring, Isaac; Jin, Renling; Leth, Steven; Lupini, Martino; Mahlburg, Karl On a sumset conjecture of Erdős. Canad.J. Math. 67 (2015),no. 4, 795–809.

MR3360855 Mahmoudi, M. G.; Nokhodkar, A.-H. Involutions of a Clifford algebrainduced by involutions of orthogonal group in characteristic 2. Comm.Algebra 43 (2015),no. 9, 3898–3919.

MR3360849 Grishin, A. V. Strongly indecomposable localizationsof the ring of algebraic integers. Comm. Algebra 43 (2015), no. 9, 3816–3822.

MR3356114 Helmberg, Gilbert On the Eisenstein packing of thecomplex plane. Math. Intelligencer 37 (2015), no. 2, 27–33.

MR3356108 Davis, Anthony M. J. Digits of pi. Math.Intelligencer 37(2015), no. 2, 1–3.

MR3352591 Kan, I. D. A strengthening of a theorem ofBourgain and Kontorovich. III. (Russian) Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Mat. 79 (2015), no. 2, 77--100; translationin Izv. Math. 79 (2015), no. 2, 288–310

MR3360818 Han, Di; Wang, Tingting On the Dedekind sums and two-termexponential sums. Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B 36 (2015), no. 4, 603–612.

MR3356656 Ryoo, C. S.; Kang, J. Y. A numerical investigation on thestructure of the zeros of Euler polynomials. Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc. 2015, Art. ID 174173, 9 pp.

MR3355886 Planat, Michel Geometry of contextuality fromGrothendieck's coset space. Quantum Inf. Process. 14 (2015), no. 7, 2563–2575.

MR3361935 Baumgart, Oswald The quadratic reciprocity law. A collection of classical proofs. Edited,translated from the German, and with contributions by Franz Lemmermeyer. Birkhäuser/Springer,Cham, 2015. xiv+172 pp.ISBN: 978-3-319-16282-9; 978-3-319-16283-6

MR3360350 Ta, Bao Quoc Probabilistic approach to Appell polynomials. Expo.Math. 33 (2015), no. 3,269–294.

MR3359953 Katz, Daniel J.; Langevin, Philippe Proof of a conjectured three-valuedfamily of Weil sums of binomials. Acta Arith. 169 (2015), no. 2, 181–199.

MR3359952 Brandes, Julia Sums and differences of power-freenumbers. Acta Arith. 169 (2015), no. 2, 169–180.

MR3359951 Kiuchi, I.; Minamide, M.; Tanigawa, Y. On a sum involving the Möbiusfunction. Acta Arith. 169 (2015), no. 2, 149–168.

 Fuchs, Clemens; Pham, Duc Hiep Commutative algebraic groups and p-adic linearforms. Acta Arith. 169 (2015), no. 2, 115–147.

MR3359949 Inoue, Yoko; Ota, Kaori Indices of subfields ofcyclotomic Zp-extensionsand higher degree Fermat quotients.Acta Arith. 169 (2015), no. 2, 101–114.

MR3359720 Ginzburg, David; Hundley, Joseph A doubling integral for G2. IsraelJ. Math. 207 (2015),no. 2, 835–879.

MR3359573 Çiperiani, Mirela; Ozman, Ekin Local to global trace questions andtwists of genus one curves. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015), no. 9, 3815–3826.


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