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MR3292681 Komori, Yasushi; Matsumoto, Kohji; Tsumura, Hirofumi On Witten multiple zeta-functionsassociated with semi-simple Lie algebras V. Glasg. Math. J. 57 (2015), no. 1, 107–130.

MR3292133 Guckel, Ralf The Fibonacci recurrence with harmonicinhomogeneity. J. Difference Equ. Appl. 21 (2015), no. 2, 118–126.

MR3292424 Belbachir, Hacène; Mihoubi, Miloud The (exponential) multipartitionalpolynomials and polynomial sequences of multinomial type, Part II. ArabJ. Math. Sci. 21(2015), no. 1, 2–14.

MR3289292 Sakai, Yuichi; Shimizu, Kenichi Modular differential equations withregular singularities at elliptic points for the Hecke congruence subgroups oflow-levels. Math. J. Okayama Univ. 57 (2015), 1–12.

MR3282105 Alves, C.; Belfiore, J.-C. Lattices from maximal orders intoquaternion algebras. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 219 (2015), no. 4, 687–702.

MR3291291 Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu; Lee, Sang June; Rödl, Vojtěch; Samotij, Wojciech The number of Sidon sets and themaximum size of Sidon sets contained in a sparse random set of integers.RandomStructures Algorithms 46(2015), no. 1, 1–25.

MR3290970 Greither, Cornelius; Roblot, Xavier-François; Tangedal, Brett A. Corrigendum to "The Brumer-Starkconjecture in some families of extensions of specified degree'' [MR2034123]. Math.Comp. 84 (2015), no. 292,955–957.

MR3290969 Balakrishnan, Jennifer S.; Çiperiani, Mirela; Stein, William p-adic heights ofHeegner points and Λ-adic regulators. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 292, 923–954.

MR3290968 Cremona, J. E.; Fisher, T. A.; O'Neil, C.; Simon, D.; Stoll, M. Explicit n-descent on ellipticcurves III. Algorithms. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 292, 895–922.

MR3290967 Guitart, Xavier; Masdeu, Marc Elementary matrix decomposition and thecomputation of Darmon points with higher conductor. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 292, 875–893.

MR3290966 Roblot, Xavier-François Computing p-adic L-functions of totallyreal number fields. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 292, 831–874.

MR3290447 Hasegawa, Takehiro; Saito, Seiken On a prime zeta function of a graph. PacificJ. Math.273 (2015), no. 1,123–146.

MR3286597 Seri, Raffaello A non-recursive formula for the higherderivatives of the Hurwitz zeta function. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 424 (2015), no. 1, 826–834.

MR3286510 Ren, Xiumin; Ye, Yangbo Resonance of automorphic forms for GL(3). Trans.Amer. Math. Soc. 367(2015), no. 3, 2137–2157.

MR3285683 Shi, Ying; Yang, Quanhui Dynamics of a function related to theprimes. Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B 36 (2015), no. 1, 81–90.

MR3285531 Crăciun, Ioana; Inoan, Daniela; Popa, Dorian; Tudose, Lucian Generalized golden ratios defined bymeans. Appl. Math. Comput. 250 (2015), 221–227.

MR3283861 Iliman, Sadik; de Wolff, Timo Separating inequalities for nonnegativepolynomials that are not sums of squares. J. Symbolic Comput. 68 (2015), part 2, 181–194.

MR3283853 Baldoni, Velleda; Boysal, Arzu; Vergne, Michèle Multiple Bernoulli series and volumesof moduli spaces of flat bundles over surfaces. J. Symbolic Comput. 68 (2015), part 2, 27–60.

MR3283845 Radu, Cristian-Silviu An algorithmic approach toRamanujan-Kolberg identities. J. Symbolic Comput. 68 (2015), part 1, 225–253.

MR3284481 Burungale, Ashay A. On the μ-invariant of thecyclotomic derivative of a Katz p-adic L-function. J.Inst. Math. Jussieu 14(2015), no. 1, 131–148.

 Bruinier, Jan Hendrik Vector valued formal Fourier-Jacobiseries. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.143 (2015), no. 2, 505–512.

MR3283638 Bajpai, J.; Kimport, S.; Liang, J.; Ma, D.; Ricci, J. Bilateral series and Ramanujan's radiallimits. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015), no. 2, 479–492.

MR3283247 Liu, Jia; Sun, Yu A remark on liminf sets in Diophantineapproximation. Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 35 (2015), no. 1, 189–194.

MR3283193 Blagouchine, Iaroslav V. A theorem forthe closed-form evaluation of the first generalized Stieltjes constant atrational arguments and some related summations. J. Number Theory148 (2015), 537–592.

MR3283190 Charlton, Steven ζ({{2}m,1,{2}m,3}n,{2}m)/π4n+2m(2n+1) is rational. J.Number Theory148 (2015),463–477.

MR3283189 Miezaki, Tsuyoshi; Waldherr, Matthias Congruences for the Fouriercoefficients of the Mathieu mock theta function. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 451–462.

MR3283188 Liu, Jianya; Wu, Jie The number of coefficients ofautomorphic L-functions for GLm of same signs. J.Number Theory 148(2015), 429–450.

MR3283187 Grob, D.; Kraußhar, R. S. A Selberg trace formula forhypercomplex analytic cusp forms.J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 398–428.

MR3283186 Chamberland, Marc Averaging structure in the 3x+1 problem. J.Number Theory 148(2015), 384–397.

MR3283184 Jakubec, S.; Pasteka, M.; Schinzel, A. Class number of real Abelian fields. J.Number Theory 148(2015), 365–371.

MR3283182 Dombek, Daniel; Masáková, Zuzana; Ziegler, Volker On distinct unit generated fields thatare totally complex. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 311–327.

MR3283181 Lagemann, Thorsten Distribution of Artin-Schreier-Wittextensions. J. Number Theory148 (2015), 288–310.

MR3283180 Munshi, Ritabrata; Sengupta, Jyoti Determination of GL(3) Hecke-Maassforms from twisted central values. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 272–287.

MR3283179 Ji, Yun-Seong; Kim, Myung-Hwan; Oh, Byeong-Kweon Binary quadratic forms represented by asum of nonzero squares. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 257–271.

MR3283178 Mistri, Raj Kumar; Pandey, Ram Krishna; Praksh, Om Subsequence sums: direct and inverseproblems. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 235–256.

MR3283177 Jiang, Yujiao; Lü, Guangshi Uniform estimates for sums ofcoefficients of symmetric square L-function. J.Number Theory 148(2015), 220–234.

MR3283176 Huang, Bingrong; Wang, Zhiwei Exponential sums over primes in shortintervals. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 204–219.

MR3283175 Jennings-Shaffer, C. Another SPT crank for the number ofsmallest parts in overpartitions with even smallest part. J. NumberTheory 148 (2015),196–203.

MR3283174 Gritsenko, Valery; Poor, Cris; Yuen, David S. Borcherds products everywhere. J.Number Theory 148(2015), 164–195.

MR3283173 Chen, Huei-Jeng On shuffle of double zeta values over Fq[t]. J. NumberTheory 148 (2015),153–163.

 Gusić, Ivica; Tadić, Petra Injectivity of the specializationhomomorphism of elliptic curves. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 137–152.

MR3283171 Perucca, Antonella The order of the reductions of analgebraic integer. J. Number Theory148 (2015), 121–136.

MR3283170 Berndt, Bruce C.; Kang, Soon-Yi; Sohn, Jaebum Finite and infinite Rogers-Ramanujancontinued fractions in Ramanujan's lost notebook. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 112–120.

MR3283169 Allouche, J.-P. Paperfolding infinite products and thegamma function. J. Number Theory148 (2015), 95–111.

MR3283168 Lengyel, Tamás On p-adic properties ofthe Stirling numbers of the first kind. J.Number Theory 148(2015), 73–94.

MR3283167 Chen, William Y. C.; Sun, Lisa H.; Wang, Rong-Hua; Zhang, Li Ramanujan-type congruences foroverpartitions modulo 5. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 62–72.

MR3283165 Lee, Jun Ho; Louboutin, Stéphane R. Determinationof the orders generated by a cyclic cubic unit that are Galois invariant. J.Number Theory 148(2015), 33–39.

MR3283164 Verma, Manoj On a form of degree d in 2d+1 variables (d≥4). J. NumberTheory 148 (2015),19–32.

MR3283163 Berkovich, Alexander On the Gauss EΥPHKA theorem andsome allied inequalities. J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 1–18.

MR3280083 Guangkui, Xu; Cao, Xiwang Complete permutation polynomials overfinite fields of odd characteristic. Finite Fields Appl. 31 (2015), 228–240.

MR3280080 Zha, Zhengbang; Hu, Lei; Cao, Xiwang Constructing permutations and completepermutations over finite fields via subfield-valued polynomials. FiniteFields Appl. 31(2015), 162–177.

MR3280078 Feng, Tao On homogeneous planar functions. FiniteFields Appl. 31(2015), 121–136.

MR3280076 Sha, Min On the lattices from elliptic curvesover finite fields. Finite Fields Appl. 31 (2015), 84–107.

MR3280075 Cafure, Antonio; Matera, Guillermo; Privitelli, Melina Polar varieties, Bertini's theorems andnumber of points of singular complete intersections over a finite field. FiniteFields Appl. 31(2015), 42–83.

MR3280073 Tu, Ziran; Zeng, Xiangyong; Jiang, Yupeng Two classes of permutation polynomialshaving the form (x2m+x+δ)s+x. FiniteFields Appl. 31(2015), 12–24.

MR3280072 Ram, Samrith A new proof of Fitzgerald'scharacterization of primitive polynomials.Finite Fields Appl. 31 (2015), 8–11.

MR3280071 Kosters, Michiel Polynomial maps on vector spaces over afinite field. Finite Fields Appl.31 (2015), 1–7.

MR3275565 Chara, María; Toledano, Ricardo New examples of asymptotically goodKummer type towers. J. Algebra Appl. 14 (2015), no. 3, 1550028, 12 pp.

MR3292983 Yuan, Pingzhi; He, Zilong; Zhou, Junyi On the sum of reciprocal generalizedFibonacci numbers. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, Art. ID 402540, 4 pp.

MR3292675 Gee, Toby; Kisin, Mark The Breuil-Mézard conjecture forpotentially Barsotti-Tate representations. Forum Math. Pi 2 (2014), e1, 56 pp.

 Gallardo, Luis H.; Rahavandrainy, Olivier Bell numbersmodulo a prime number, traces and trinomials. Electron. J. Combin. 21 (2014), no. 4, Paper 4.49, 30 pp.

MR3292281 Varga, László Combinatorial Nullstellensatz moduloprime powers and the parity argument. Electron. J. Combin. 21 (2014), no. 4, Paper 4.44, 17 pp.

MR3292258 Kim, Byungchan; Kim, Eunmi On the subpartitions of the ordinarypartitions, II.Electron. J. Combin. 21 (2014), no. 4, Paper 4.21, 11 pp.

MR3286306 Barańczuk, Stefan; Rzonsowski, Piotr A remark on certain simultaneousdivisibility sequences. Colloq. Math. 137 (2014), no. 2, 209–213.

MR3286304 Gómez Ruiz, Carlos Alexis; Luca, Florian An exponential Diophantine equationrelated to the sum of powers of two consecutive k-generalizedFibonacci numbers. Colloq. Math. 137 (2014), no. 2, 171–188.

MR3286302 Drappeau, Sary Propriétés multiplicatives des entiersfriables translatés. (French)[Multiplicative properties of shifted friable integers] Colloq.Math. 137 (2014), no. 2,149–164.

MR3291845 Komornik, Vilmos; Pethő, Attila Common expansions in noninteger bases. Publ.Math. Debrecen 85 (2014), no. 3-4, 489–501.

MR3291842 Gawron, Maciej A note on the arithmetic properties ofStern polynomials. Publ. Math. Debrecen 85 (2014), no. 3-4, 453–465.

MR3291840 Kiss, Sándor Z.; Rozgonyi, Eszter; Sándor, Csaba Groups, partitions and representationfunctions. Publ. Math. Debrecen 85 (2014), no. 3-4, 425–433.

MR3291838 Le, Maohua; Togbé, Alain; Zhu, Huilin On a pure ternary exponentialDiophantine equation. Publ. Math. Debrecen 85 (2014), no. 3-4, 395–411.

MR3291829 Liu, Huaning; Song, Erping A note on pseudorandom subsets formedby generalized cyclotomic classes. Publ. Math. Debrecen 85 (2014), no. 3-4, 257–271.

MR3288948 Liu, Huaning; Gao, Jing A note on large families ofpseudorandom binary sequences and lattices. JISE J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 30 (2014), no. 5, 1635–1654.

MR3284303 Fouvry, étienne; Ganguly, Satadal; Kowalski, Emmanuel; Michel, Philippe Gaussian distribution for the divisorfunction and Hecke eigenvalues in arithmetic progressions. Comment.Math. Helv. 89 (2014),no. 4, 979–1014.

MR3284298 Blomer, Valentin; Buttcane, Jack; Raulf, Nicole A Sato-Tate law for GL(3). Comment.Math. Helv. 89 (2014),no. 4, 895–919.

MR3284296 Wang, Shanwen Le système d'Euler de Kato en famille(I). (French) [A family ofKato's Euler systems (I)] Comment. Math. Helv. 89 (2014), no. 4, 819–865.

MR3291814 Freiman, G. A.; Herzog, M.; Longobardi, P.; Maj, M.; Stanchescu, Y. V. Some inverse problems in group theory. NoteMat. 34 (2014), no. 1,89–104.

MR3291701 Antalan, John Rafael M. On thesolutions of two sum of divisor equations. Int. J. Math. Sci. Comput. 4 (2014), no. 2, 48–50.

MR3291615 Chinburg, Ted; Stover, Matthew Small generators for S-unit groups ofdivision algebras.New YorkJ. Math. 20 (2014),1175–1202.

MR3291611 Ozeki, Yoshiyasu Full faithfulness theorem for torsioncrystalline representations. New  York J. Math. 20 (2014), 1043–1061.

MR3291583 Hong, Siao; Qian, Guoyou On the lcm-analog of binomialcoefficient. Asian-Eur. J. Math.7 (2014), no. 4, 1450056, 8 pp.


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