科学边缘人罗德海教授分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ldh 中国科学院大气物理研究所研究员,四川人.研究方向:气候动力学,大气动力学



已有 8448 次阅读 2013-5-5 21:11 |个人分类:科研心得|系统分类:科研笔记| 标准, 科学家



事实上,一个好科学家的标准并不是研究论文的数量而是研究论文的质量。就我的研究领域来讲,美国一流大学的教授一辈子发表的论文超过100篇的也不多见。有的科学大师一辈子发表的论文甚至不超过50篇。例如现代动力气象学之父Jule Gregory Charney教授一辈子只发表了40多篇文章:


Jule Gregory Charney (January 1, 1917 – June 16, 1981) was an American meteorologist who played an important role in developing weather prediction. He developed a set of equations (The Quasi-Geostrophic Vorticity Equation) for calculating the large-scale motions of planetary-scale waves. He gave the first convincing physical explanation for the development of mid-latitude cyclones known as the Baroclinic Instability theory. He is considered the father of modern dynamical meteorology.


1947 Dynamics of long waves in a baroclinic westerly current, J.Meteor.,  4, 135-162.

1947 On the general circulation of the atmosphere in middlelatitudes. (with C.-G. Rossby et al.) Bull. Amer. Met. Soc.,  28,255-280.

1948 On the scale of atmospheric motions, Geofys.Publikasjoner,  17, 1-17.

1949 On a physical basis for numerical prediction of large-scalemotions in the atmosphere. J. Meteor.,  6, 371-385.

1949 with A. Eliassen: A numerical method for predicting theperturbation of the middle latitude westerlies. Tellus,  1,no. 2, 38-54.

1950 Progress in dynamic meteorology. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 31, 231-236.

1950 with R. Fj�rtoft and J. von Neumann: Numerical integration ofthe barotropic vorticity equation. Tellus,  2, 237-254.

1951 with B. Bolin: Numerical tendency computations from thebarotropic vorticity equation. Tellus,  3, 248-257.

1951 Dynamic forecasting by numerical process. Compendium ofMeteorology, Am. Met. Soc., 470-482.

1951 Reply to "Atmospheric Signal Velocity" by R.S. Scorer, J.Meteor.,  8, 69-70.

1951 Remarks on coordinating meteorological research and weatherforecasting. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc.,  33, 355-364.

1953 with N.A. Phillips: Numerical integration of thequasi-geostrophic equations for barotropic and simple baroclinic flows. J.Meteor.,  10, 71-99.

1954 Numerical prediction of cyclogenesis. Proc. Nat. Acad.of Sci.,  40, 99-110.

1954 Numerical weather prediction. Proc. Workshop on Num.Weather Pred., Amer. Met. Soc.

1955 The use of the primitive equations of motion in numericalprediction. Tellus,  7, 22-26.

1955 The generation of ocean currents by wind. J. Mar. Res., 14, 477-498.

1955 Numerical methods in dynamic meteorology. Proc. Nat.Acad. Sci.,  41, 798-802.

1955 The Gulf Stream as an inertial boundary layer. Proc.Nat. Acad. Sci.,  41, 731-740.

1956 Some basic problems in dynamic meteorology. J. Geophys.Res.,  61, 323-328.

1956 with B. Gilchrist and F. Schuman: The prediction of generalquasigeostrophic motion. J. Meteor.,  13, no. 5.

1959 Hydrodynamics of the atmosphere and numerical weatherprediction: a synthesis. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.,  45,no. 12, 1650-1655, Dec. 1959.

1959 Non-linear theory of a wind-driven homogeneous layer near theequator. Deep-Sea Research,  6, no. 4, 303-310.

1961 with P.G. Drazin: Propagation of planetary-scale disturbancesfrom the lower into the upper atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res.,  66,no. 1, 83-109.

1962 with M.E. Stern: On the stability of internal baroclinic jets ina rotating atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci. ,  19,159-172.

1963 A note on large-scale motions in the tropics. J. Atmos.Sci. ,  20, no. 6.

1963 with J. Pedlosky: Propagation of the energy of unstable waves fromthe lower to the upper atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res.,  68,no. 24.

1964 with A. Eliassen: On the growth of the hurricane depression. J.Atmos. Sci.,  21, no. 1, 68-75.

1969 What determines the depth of the planetary boundary layer in aneutral atmosphere? Oceanology, Acad. Sci. USSR,  9,no. 1, 143-145.

1969 A further note on large-scale motions in the tropics. J.Atmos. Sci., 26, no. 1.

1969 with M. Halem. and R. Jastrow: Use of incomplete historical datato infer the present state of the atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 26, 5(2), 1160-1163.

1971 with S. Spiegel: Structure of wind-driven equatorial currents inhomogeneous oceans. J. Phys. Ocean.,  1, 149-160.

1971 Geostrophic turbulence. J. Atmos. Sci.,  28,6.

1973 Movable CISK. J. Atmos. Sci.,  30, 1,50-52.

1974 Reply to Comments by J. Holton on "Movable CISK." J.Atmos. Sci.,  31, 3, 834-835.

1975 with P.H. Stone and W.J. Quirk: Drought in the Sahara: ABiogeophysical Feedback Mechanism. Science,  187,435-436.

1975 Dynamics of Deserts and Drought in the Sahel. Quart. J.Roy. Met. Soc.,  101, 193-202.

1976 with P.H. Stone and W.J. Quirk: Reply to comments by E.A.Ripley. Science,  191, 100-101.

1976 Reply to E.A. Ripley. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 101, 468.

1977 with W.J. Quirk, S.H. Chow and J. Kornfield: A comparative studyof the effects of albedo change on drought in semi-arid regions. J.Atmos. Sci.,  34, no. 9.

1976 "Drought in the Sahara; insufficiant biogeophysicalfeedback?" Reply to comments by E. A. Ripley. Science,  191,100-102.

1977 "A comparative study of the effects of albedo change ondrought in semi-arid regions" (with W. J. Quirk, S.H.- Chow and J.Kornfield), J. Atmos. Sci.,  34, 1366-1385.

1979 "Multiple flow equilibria in the atmosphere andblocking" (with J. deVore) J. Atmos. Sci.,  36,1205-1216.

1980 "Form-Drag Instability, Multiple Equilibria and PropagatingPlanetary Waves in Baroclinic, Orographically-Forced, Planetary WaveSystems" (with David M. Straus), J. Atmos. Sci., 37, 1157-1176.

1981. “Comparison of a barotropic blocking theory with observations”(with Shuklaand K. C. Mo) J. Atmos. Sci., 38, 762-779


上一篇:英国气象学家Joanna Haigh教授当选为英国皇家学会会员
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