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已有 5780 次阅读 2015-9-7 15:04 |个人分类:闲来读书|系统分类:科普集锦

















The 100 Best Science Books of All Time




1. The Origin of Species(物种起源)

By Charles Darwin  

2. QED: The Strange Theory of Light andMatter(量子电动力学:光和物质的奇异理论)

By Richard Feynman  读过英文原版

5. Double Helix(双螺旋,科学出版社有中译本)

By James D. Watson  读过英文原版

6. Lives of a Cell(细胞生命的礼赞,湖南科学技术出版社)

By Lewis Thomas

7. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions(科学革命的结构,有多个中文版本)

By Thomas Kuhn


11. The Selfish Gene(自私的基因,有多个中译本)

By Richard Dawkins  读过英文原版

14. A Brief History of Time(时间简史)

By Stephen Hawking

15. Godel, Escher, Bach(集异璧,商务印书馆)

By Douglas R. Hofstadter  读过英文原版

17. What is Life?(生命是什么,有多个中译本)

By Erwin Schrodinger

21. Silent Spring(寂静的春天,有多个中译本)

By Rachel Carson  


28. Microbe Hunters(微生物猎人传,北方妇女儿童出版社)

By Paul de Kruif  

29. Physics and Philosophy: The Revolutionin Modern Science(物理学与哲学:现代科学的革命)

By Werner Heisenberg

31. The Fractal Geometry of Nature(大自然的分形几何学,上海远东出版社)

By Benoit Mandelbrot

35. What Is Mathematics?(什么是数学?复旦大学出版社)

By Richard Courant; Herbert Robbins; IanStewart

38. The Emperor's New Mind: ConcerningComputers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics(皇帝新脑,湖南科学技术出版社)

By Roger Penrose


50. A Mathematician's Apology(一位数学家的辩白)

By G. H. Hardy  读过英文原版

52. Great Physicists: The Life and Times ofLeading Physicists from Galileo to Hawking(伟大的物理学家群像)

By William H. Cropper

62. Inward Bound: Of Matter and Forces inthe Physical World (基本粒子物理学史,武汉出版社)

By Abraham Pais

76. Chaos(混沌学:一门新科学,社会科学文献出版社)

By James Gleick

78. The Logic of Scientific Discovery(科学发现的逻辑,有多个中译本)

By Karl Popper


79. One Two Three ... Infinity(从一到无穷大,科学出版社)

By George Gamow

87. The Eighth Day of Creation: Makers ofthe Revolution in Biology  (创世纪的第八天,上海科学技术出版社)

By Horace Freeland Judson





1. Charles Darwin  

2. Richard Feynman

4. Albert Einstein

5. James D. Watson

6. Lewis Thomas


7. Thomas Kuhn

8. VictorWeisskopf

9. Ernst Mayr

10. E. O. Wilson;Bert Holldobler

11. RichardDawkins


12. StevenWeinberg

14. StephenHawking

15. Douglas R.Hofstadter

17. ErwinSchrodinger

19. Brian Greene


21. Rachel Carson

24. Stephen JayGould

27. BertrandRussell

28. Paul de Kruif

29. WernerHeisenberg


31. BenoitMandelbrot

32. Niels Bohr

35. RichardCourant; Herbert Robbins; Ian Stewart

38. Roger Penrose

41. David Bohm


42. Alfred NorthWhitehead

46. Linus Pauling

47. Carl Sagan

49. SubrahmanyanChandrasekhar

50. G. H. Hardy


52. William H. Cropper

56. Peter Kropotkin

57. Carl Zimmer

60. Philip Ball

62. Abraham Pais


67. Silvan S. Schweber

76. James Gleick  

78. Karl Popper

79. George Gamow

87. Horace Freeland Judson



上一篇:Laser Spectroscopy 《激光光谱学》第5版与第4版的差别
收藏 IP: 124.193.162.*| 热度|

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