

尼罗河畔的歌声 Tel\'it Ya Mahla Nourha

已有 4115 次阅读 2016-3-24 09:59 |个人分类:语言文学|系统分类:人文社科| 尼罗河畔的歌声, Mahla, Nourha

Tel'it Ya Mahla Nourha 尼罗河畔的歌声  

vocal of Fairouz   vocal-2  more vocals  中文   lyrics Ar-En   相关   Lingo-music

  tel3et ya ma7la nurha shams eshamoosi
      طلعت  يا محلا نورها..  شمس الشموسة  
          sun/  sunny    /light/how beautiful/it rose/    It rose, how beautiful its light! The sunny sun  *
           yalla bina
nemla we ne7leb .. laban el jamouse
يللا بنا نملاها و نحلب ..    لبن   الجاموسة  
         of buffalo/the milk     /go milking  /fill it/   let's  come on let's fill it and go milking the milk of the buffalo .
*  (شموسة is like a 'nickname' you would give the sun if it were a child)    nurha-its light/ shmas-sun(female)  طلعت = she rose.
 /محلا = ما + أحلى = how beautiful   //. يللا (yalla)"Come on" or "Let's go,"  Ex.يللا بنا(yalla biina), "Let's go."  /  milk.حلب

                      Version  A      Hani_Mitwassi

  ga3ed 3as-sagya ya khilli .. asmar we 7leewe
       قاعد  عالساقية  يا خلي..      أسمر و حليوة  
       sweet/suntanned /   oh boy  /streamlet/he-sitting  /[suntanned 晒黑的] .
      .   He's sitting on the streamlet(小溪) oh boy,suntanned and sweet
    /الساقية a small stream and a water wheel ,In Egypt, a ساقية is not a canal,
but a waterwheel.
            awaj et-tagiya we gal li .. ghanni li ghenneewe
عوج  الطاقية  و قالي   ..غنيلي  غنيوية
          a song   /sing me /     told me /cap/ crooked/  /
       He crooked(adjusted) his cap and told me "sing me a song"  /عوج  crooked.弯曲
/طاقية is cap,more specifically, a skullcap 瓜皮帽/ /عالساقية =على الساقية 2

eltello b'albi ya kheli yasmar ya7liwa .
 قلتلو بقلبى  يا خلي يا اسمر يا حليوي    
          sweet /how/black/boy/ with my heart/said
          I told him secretly oh sweet suntanned boy
         addem li werd we olli 7liwe ya 3aroosa
قدم لي ورد و قلي حلويي يا عروسة                    
bride  /  beautiful/tell me/flower/ offer/ :offer me a rose and tell me oh beautiful bride
       Hubb el jameel el asmar wagef
حب الجميل الاسمر   واقف عالميناء
    on harbor/standing  /black/ lovely/love  // the beautiful suntanned love is standing on the edge of the harbor
        W halawto zay el sukkar w bido yasmina
    و حلاوتو زي السكر   و بيدو ياسمينة
        jasmine/in hand/  suger/ like/ sweetness/  //and his sweetness is like sugar and a jasmine in his hand
    we chada El foul wel 3anbar W allah ychdeena
   و شذى الفل و العنبر  والله يشذينا
       smell good  / 龙涎香  茉莉/ scent  //the fragrance of the jasmine and ambergris is a good smell to us [茉莉和龙涎香 ]
   garabli w gally ya marmar helwe ya 3arousa
قربلي و قللي يا مرمر حلوة يا عروسة  
    bride/    sweet  / 美丽白皙/ tell me/ 走进 //  marmar-  alabaster 雪花石膏 细腻光滑、白皙
    He came closer to me told me oh sweety alabaster bride./

                          Verion  B     Fairouz

ga3ed 3as-sagya ya khilli .. asmar we 7leewe
     قاعد عالساقية  يا خلي..      أسمر و حليوة  
     sweet/suntanned /   oh boy/streamlet/he-sitting

           awaj et-tagiya we gal li .. ghanni li ghenneewe
عوج  الطاقية  و قالي   ..غنيلي  غنيوية
          a song   /sing me /     told me /cap/  crooked/adjust

golt lo ya m7emmed 7obbak .. shaglab li 3agli
        قلت له يا  محمد  (أسمر) حبك .. شقلب لي عقلي  
       mentally/    颠倒 -  ur love/ (black) Mohammed /O/ I told him /شقلب= how it turns upside down 完全颠倒;  
I told him“mohammed, your love .. Has flipped my mind   /flip轻击;快速翻转.محمد is the boy's name
meta en-nar tebrad wa3raf .. rasi min rejli
        ميتا النار تبرد  وأعرف .. راسي من رجلي
         feet,from,my head/    I know,cool,fire   when../ When will the fire cool so I can know... my head from my feet / 'find my bearings'or 'make sense of things'

nadrin 3aliyya ya khilli - law yetfa shougi
     ندر عليا   يا  خلي   .. لو يطفى   شوقي
   my passion/熄灭/if/     my friend /o/upon me/vow    /I make this promise, my friend .. If my passion dies down
نذُر عليّ يا خلّي  the formal language,literally: a vow upon me,
my friend    الخلّ هو الصديق المقرب    [is a close friend]  الخلّ  
     latbokh molokhiya wadba7 .. jouzin 3ataagi
لأطبخ ملوخية وأدبح .. جوزين عتاقي
     chicken /pairs of/      kill /  dish     /cook   /mulukhia (a vegetable dish)العتاقي  =chicken.
     I'll make molokhia and slaughter .. Two pairs of chicken  /  جوزين two pairs (formally it would be زوجين)
     wa3mil siniyya fiha .. feteer we rogagi)
وأعمل صينية  فيها .. فطير ورقاقي
        bread /bread/         inside it /tray /work   // a tray a صينية , /make a tray托盘, inside it .. Fiteer (sweet filo pastry薄酥皮 ) and rokaki (another delicate layered pie similar to gollash)   /filo(制酥点用的)擀成极薄层的生面 pastry油酥糕点 and mehallabeyya (cornstarch玉米淀粉 milk pudding) and invite .. My relatives and friends
     we mahallabiyya wa3zem .. ahli we refagi
ومهلبية  وأعزم  .. أهلي  ورفاقي
       friends,my family,   invite  /pudding ..

طلعت  يا محلا نورها.. شمس الشموسة   يللا بنا نملاها و نحلب .. لبن   الجاموسة

جاي ة من  الترعة   ســـمعوا .. رنـــة  خلخـــــالى
          my anklet /clang /as they heard /canal    /from /  past    
     I was coming from [near] the canal as they heard .. the sound of my anklet 踝环
     قوم  يجروا  ورايا  عشرة..  واقعين   فــي جمالي
       my beauty/ in / falling /   ten/     after    /ran      /people   / A ten ran after me .. falling in my love.
 وقعfall.واقعhaving fallen or falling.واقعينplural form and refers to those ten.
وقع في الحب=fall in love.واقعين في جماليthose that are falling for my beauty,واقعي actual, true,  جمال  beauty, grace

قلتلهم  روحوا  لابويا..     و امنوا  وصالي
        with me/ believe /    my dad   /go to   /I said to them
        I said to them: go to my dad .. and insure being with me
على  شرط  تقدمو  مهري ..   ميتين  خيّالي
     horses/200/      my mahr /you offer/condition/On    / EA numberals.    خيار choice,    
    On the condition that you offer my mahr as .. two hundred horses   mahr-麦亥尔 (聘礼),即

*阿语名词的性: shmas, sun(female) ,so  طلعت = she rose. There is no logical explanation for grammatical genders. Some words are masculine, like قمر, while others are feminine like شمس. That's the way they are.    However, in Arabic most words with a ة are feminine and most words without one are masculine.  There aren’t many exceptions (like شمس). And so, as the word in question is the epithet(词语) شمس الشموسة not merely شمس, and as it ends with a ـة, then it is most likely to be feminine (for anyone who is not sure).//Hmm, I can think of many exceptions from the top of my head (for example: أرض، سماء، يد، قدم، ساق، أذن، دار، طريق، نار، حرب ... الخ); I'm not sure that feminine words without ة are rare.  /Earth, sky, hand, foot, leg, ear, house, road, fire, war ... etc]///epithet 英 [ˈepɪθet] (表示性质、特征等的) 词语/

* The lyrics were written in 1919 by Badia' Khairy (1893-1966) who was an Egyptian dramatist. It was then turned into a song, composed and sung by Sayyed Darwish (1892-1923) who was considered the father of Egyptian popular music and one of Egypt's greatest musicians and composers.  In this song, Darwish depicts a female peasant's day, which starts at sun rise when she starts milking the cows, this is the chorus. The girl then goes to the spring to get water and she meets a beautiful man who asks her to sing for him and give her a rose, this is the first verse.

In the second verse Darwish describs the scene on her way back home where seven men hear the clang of her anklet bracelet and start following her and trying to talk to her as they see she is very beautiful, until they meet her father and start competing to marry her.

This song was sung later by a Fayrouz – a famous Lebanese singer with a slight difference in the lyrics. It is one of the most famous folk songs in the Arab world, mostly sung in Egypt and the Levant.

From schoolonline

song sheet   (violin) music score in the key of C  music score in the key of D


It is a 100-years-old famous Egyptian folk song "طلعت يا محلا نورها" for the singer "سيد درويش". His songs are the most famous folk songs and are still popular. The song is in the rural (Fellahin) accent so maybe you'll not understand some of its words.
 The original lyrics of the song:
طلعت يا محلا نورها .. شمس الشموسة (tele3et ya ma7la norhe .. shams esh-shammouse)
يلا بنا نملا ونحلب .. لبن الجاموسة (yalla bina nemla we ne7leb .. laban el jamouse)
قاعد ع الساقية يا خلّي .. أسمر وحليوة (ga3ed 3as-sagya ya khilli .. asmar we 7leewe)
عوج الطاقية وقال لي .. غني لي غنيوة (awaj et-tagiya we gal li .. ghanni li ghenneewe)
قلت له يا محمد حبك .. شقلب لي عقلي (golt lo ya m7emmed 7obbak .. shaglab li 3agli)
ميتا النار تبرد وأعرف .. راسي من رجلي (meta en-nar tebrad wa3raf .. rasi min rejli)
ندر عليا يا خلي .. لو يطفى شوقي
(nadrin 3aliyya ya khilli - law yetfa shougi)
لأطبخ ملوخية وأدبح .. جوزين عتاقي (latbokh molokhiya wadba7 .. jouzin 3ataagi)
وأعمل صينية فيها .. فطير ورقاقي (wa3mil siniyya fiha .. feteer we rogagi)
ومهلبية وأعزم .. أهلي ورفاقي (we mahallabiyya wa3zem .. ahli we refagi)

Tole't ya mahla nourha
Paroles : Badi' Omar Khayri

Musique : Sayed Darwich
Recomposition musicale : Marcel Khalifé

طلعت يامحلا نورها

طلعت يا محلا نورها شمس الشموسة
يلا بِنا نملاها ونحلب لبن الجاموسة

قاعد عالساقية يا خلي أسمر وحليوة
عوج الطاقية وقالي غنيلي غنيوة
قلتله يا أسمر حبك شقلبلي عقلي
ميتا النار تبرد وأعرف راسي من رجلي

ندر علي يا خلي لو رفي شوقي
لأطبخ ملوخية وإدبح جوزين عتاجي
وأعمل صينية فيها فطير ورجاجي
ومهلبية وأعزم أهلي ورفاقي

جايي من الترعة سمعوا رنة خلخالي
ويجروا ورايا عشرة واقعين في جمالي
قلتلهم روحوا لأبويا واتمنوا وصالي
على شرط تقدموا مهري ميتين خيالة

كلمات: بديع عمر خيري
تلحين: سيد درويش
تلحين جديد: مارسيل خليفة

From assawra


Activities and Resources to get your class involved in World Voice

“If I cannot fly, let me sing…” Stephen Sondheim  

World Voice is designed to support teachers connecting children in the UK with others across the world through songs and singing. By embedding World Voices into your curriculum you can enrich both the curriculum and your pupils’ lives and give your young people the chance to gain a deeper understanding of other countries and cultures, in preparation for life as global citizens.

Research shows that singing and good quality music education not only enhances children’s creativity, self-image and social skills, but can also have cardiovascular benefits and improve academic attainment and wellbeing. This unique and exciting project also enables participants to engage in intercultural dialogue with children and teachers around the world in real life situations.

Songs can provide a great way into many curriculum areas. The ideas and activities on this page can be used as starting points in individual lessons or form part of larger cross curricular joint projects involving collaboration over a number of subjects. They aim to develop knowledge and understanding alongside important skills and competencies such as independent research, communication skills and creativity and provide links with the Connecting Classrooms theme of identity and belonging.


太阳刚刚爬上山岗  尼罗河水闪金光  

家乡美丽的土地上  劳动的人们在歌唱

忘掉你的忧愁和悲伤  唱起美好的希望  

用劳动的汗水和歌声  迎接丰收的好时光 啊..

用劳动的汗水和歌声 迎接丰收的好时光

月亮挂在碧蓝的天空 尼罗河水在荡漾  

晚风拂摆的椰树下面 劳动的人们在歌唱

吹起你那动人的阿拉戈 再把铃鼓摇响  

让一天的劳累和辛苦 随着歌声遗忘 啊...


lyrics 2    wiki-Arabic   audio2  youtube  

相关链接    Lingo-music

下一篇:khadni bayn aydik,Take me in your hands
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