

Comme d′habitude;My Way

已有 6379 次阅读 2016-3-24 09:50 |个人分类:语言文学|系统分类:人文社科| Way, Comme, d′habitude

《My Way》是一首欧美著名英文流行曲,旋律源自法国名曲Comme d'habitude(一如往日),法文原版创作于1967年,随后被改编成英文版,风靡全球。这首歌在流行文化上亦常被用作为告别曲,表示一场表演的结束或一个人的离开。这亦是英国最受欢迎的丧礼挽曲。 百度百科

        Der Text von Paul Anka My way

音频链接:Paul Anka  Elvis Presley more

And now, the end is near;  And so I face the final curtain.
如今,结局将至 如此,我将面临人生的最后落幕
My friend, I’ll say it clear, I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain.
吾友,我将言无不尽 我将述说我所铭记的经历
I’ve lived a life that’s full. I’ve traveled each and ev’ry highway;
我度过了充实的一生 我走过了每一条道路
And more, much more than this,I did it my way.
但,远不止如此 我走完了自己的路
Regrets, I’ve had a few; But then again, too few to mention.
我亦有些许遗憾 但说起来,都不值一提
I did what I had to do  And saw it through without exemption.免除
我已完成了我的使命 每每回想,自觉无愧于心。
I planned each charted course; Each careful step along the byway,
也曾谨慎的探寻偏僻小径[每个小心的脚步。 chart vt. 绘制地图;记录;跟踪(进展或发展)
And more, much more than this, I did it my way.
但,远不止如此 我走完了自己的路
Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.[ bit 咬嚼
But through it all, when there was doubt,I ate it up and spit it out.
当我对这一切开始感到怀疑和不安 我也没有停止尝试
I faced it all and I stood tall; And did it my way.
我昂首挺立,直面人生 我走完了自己的路
I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried.
I’ve had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.
而今,当泪痕渐干 我却发现曾经的一切如此美妙
To think I did all that; And may I say – not in a shy way,
再次回想,我所做的一切 我可以毫不羞愧地说:
“Oh No, oh no not me, I did it my way”.
不,我非如此 我走完了自己的
For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has not.
对于一个人来说,他可以拥有什么 唯有其身,别无他物
To say the things he truly feels; And not the words of one who kneels.[跪
这样直言不讳的畅所欲言 抛弃那些谄媚虚伪的字眼
The record shows I took the blows -And did it my way!Yes, it was my way!
我走完了自己的路 我自己的方式!

  My Way以一句"And now,the end is near"(现在快要离别)作开始,讲述一名快将离世的老人。他向身边的朋友回望自己的一生,讲述如何坚强、自信面对人生中的挑战。匆匆岁月中,他为很少事后悔,为自己一生顾昐自豪,走出自己的人生路。
  法文版Comme d'habitude的歌词截然不同。原曲讲述一位失去挚爱的恋人,一天醒来发现情人已逝去,他一如往日为她盖被子、也一如往日等著她回来。

Das französische Original Comme d′habitude  

音频链接kuwo   piano  

Je me lève et je te bouscule
I get up  and I knock, I bump into you.
起床时我拥抱你  推挤 [disrupts 扰乱 bousculer 使翻腾,催赶]
Tu ne te réveilles pas comme d’habitude
You do not wake up as usual  你没有醒来,一如往常地
Sur toi je remonte le drap
I pull the sheet back up over you. on you I  rise/ascend the sheet  我盖上你的被单
J’ai peur que tu aies froid,comme d’habitude. / aies,hast(you have)
I'm afraid  that you have cold   as usual 怕你会冷,一如往常地
Ma main caresse tes cheveux,Presque malgré moi comme d’habitude
My hands caress爱抚 your hair  "Almost despite myself". It means he cannot help doing that.
我的手轻抚你的头发 却毫无反应,malgré [malgre] prép. 不顾不管;虽然: ~ soi 不情愿地,勉强地 。malgrémoi 多亏我 Malgré tout 尽管一切; 不管怎样。despite oneself 不由自主
Mais toi tu me tournes le dos,Comme d’habitude
But  you turn your back on me ,as usual
一如往常地 而你转过身去背对我 一如往常地
Alors je m’habille très vite,Je sors de la chambre comme d’habitude
 So I dressed quickly             I leave the room as usual
然后我迅速地穿上衣服 一如往常地离开房间
Tout seul je bois mon café,Je suis en retard comme d’habitude
All alone I drink my coffee I'm late as usual
一个人喝着我的咖啡 一如往常地上班迟到 一如往常地
Sans bruit je quitte la maison,Tout est gris dehors,comme d’habitude
noiseless/quietly I left the house  Everything is gray out as usual
我轻轻关上家门 外面一片灰蒙蒙,一如往常地
J’ai froid, je relève mon col, Comme d’habitude
I'm cold, I raise my collar as usual 我感到冷,缩紧我的衣领
Comme d’habitude, toute la journée,Je vais jouer à faire semblant
As usual, all day  I'll pretend play 一如往常装装样子
Comme d’habitude,je vais sourire  -I will smile
Comme d’habitude,je vais même rire -I'll even laugh
Comme d’habitude, enfin je vais vivre,Comme d’habitude
 As usual, I'll finally live as usual
Et puis le jour s’en ira,Moi je reviendrai,comme d’habitude
And then the day will go,    I'll be back as usual  
Toi, tu seras sortie,Pas encore rentrée,comme d’habitude
Thou shalt exit/left/,   Not yet returned as usual
Tout seul j’irai me coucher,Dans ce grand lit froid comme d’habitude
All alone I go to bed            In this cold bed ,as usual
Mes larmes, je les cacherai,Comme d’habitude  
 My tears I hide  我会藏起眼泪,  As usual,
Comme d’habitude, même la nuit,Je vais jouer à faire semblant
  as usual,       even at night    I'll pretend play /semblance 外表;相似/
Comme d’habitude tu rentreras  (you get back
Comme d’habitude je t’attendrai (I'll wait
Comme d’habitude tu me souriras (you will smile me)Comme d’habitude,
Comme d’habitude tu te déshabilleras (undress
Comme d’habitude tu te coucheras (you lie
Comme d’habitude on s’embrassera (we embrace  Comme d’habitude
Comme d’habitude on fera semblant  (we will pretend
Comme d’habitude on fera l’amour (love
Comme d’habitude on fera semblant (we will pretend  

相关链接    Lingo-music     So leb dein leben   youtube   Spanish

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