

梭罗河-Bengawan Solo; 宝贝- Butet

已有 2299 次阅读 2017-12-8 07:54 |个人分类:语言文学|系统分类:人文社科| 宝贝, 梭罗河, Bengawan, Butet

美丽的梭罗河(Bengawan Solo)    

音频链接 vocal      wiki              相关链接  Lingo-music   

词曲:Gesang Martohartono  in 1940

Indonesian lyrics      &          English translation 
  Bengawan Solo     Riwayatmu ini  
 Solo River                This is your story /  

Sedari dulu jadi        Perhatian insani
 from here,past,so /         Of sentient attention  (i- human)

    So long ago // Have been since earliest times  

Musim kemarau   Tak seb'rapa airmu     (tak-not)
In the dry season   Your water is not much
&  Di musim hujan,     air   Meluap sampai jauh

In the rainy season, water overflow to far // Spills reaching far distances
&  Mata airmu     dari Solo     Terkurung Gunung Seribu
Your water springs forth from Solo     (caged)  Isolated by Mount Seribu   (mata-eye)

& Air mengalir sampai jauh             Akhirnya ke laut
Water flows to reach far distances     Eventually to the sea
 &   Itu perahu   Riwayatnya dulu  
Those boats,  in the past  (history,past)  
 &  Kaum pedagang s'lalu  (k-people)   Naik itu perahu
The merchant folk had always        Sailed in those boats (ride,up,go)

English  Version      //   vocal by Rebecca Pan

Bengawan Solo. River of love, behold
Where the palms are swaying lowAnd lovers get so enthralled
Bungawan Solo.River of love we know
Where my heart was set aglow.When we loved not long ago

Nightingales softly singing. The guitar is gently playing  x2
Moon and stars brightly shining. Shining for you and I  
In that moment divine. You whispered you were mine
And you vowed we'd never part. Down by the river of love


  梭罗河——Solo River,Bengawan Solo,印度尼西亚爪哇岛最大河流。
  电影《太阳照常升起》插曲引用了歌曲《美丽的梭罗河》(00:36:20)。百科 part1


宝贝 Butet 印尼民歌  

印尼语vocal vocal 2 video  汉语 kuwo    music of Indonesia

[ 1 Batak       2 Indonesian       3 English ]  
1 butet         dipangungsian do apangmu    ale butet  
daughter   evacuate
撤离   your daddy   oh daughter  (daddy is in hiding)    
2 putriku       ayahmu sedang mengungsi    oh putriku  
              (ur father,in the process of,evacuate)  

1  Damargurilla damardarurat        ale butet          x2
 in guerilla war, perilous times      oh daughter
2    perang derilya, sedang darurat     oh putriku (in an emergency)

1 Butet,  Sotung ngolngolan ro hamuna     ale butet    
3            don't you get bored  

2           janganlah hatimu jemu  (not be your heart tired)          

 1 pai ma tona manang surat  ale butet     x2
3  waiting for news or letters      

2   menanti kabar atau surat (k-news; s-letters)

 1 I doge doge doge Hi dai doge  x2
3   oh Lord, oh oh my        

2   oh Gusti, aduduh biyung    

 1 butet , tibo do mulak au apangmu  ale butet   x2
3 daughter daddy will be home soon  oh daughter

2    putriku  ayahmu akan segera pulang(-return)       oh putriku  

 1 musunta ingkon saut do talu  ale butet     x2
3 the enemies will be defeated oh daughter  (saut-will; ingku-should,must)

2   musuh pasti akan kalah    oh putriku  (pasti-certainly ;akan-will;kalah-lose )

 1 butet  haru patibu ma magodang  ale butet    
3              grow up quickly         oh daughter  

2       lekaslah besar (l-hurry; b-big.) oh  putriku

 1 asa adong da palang merah ale butet  
3 be a nurse of the Red Cross      oh daughter  加入红十字会 asa-to be?

2   jadi anggota Palang Melah oh  putriku (jadi-so; ang-member; P-cross; )

 1 da palang merah ni negara      ale butet    
3  the Red Cross of our country   oh daughter  

2   Palang Merah negara   oh  putriku

 1 I doge doge doge Hi dai doge x2
3   oh Lord, oh oh my        

2   oh Gusti, aduduh biyung  

Lyrics for Butet by Emilia Contessa     voice

Butet dipangungsian do apangmu ale butet      
Damargurilla damardarurat ale butet  2    
I doge doge doge (hi) dai doge (hi) doge (hi) doge

Butet sotung ngolngolan ro hamuna ale butet  
Pai ma tona manang surat ale butet  2 ...  
Butet tibo do mulak au apangmu  ale butet    
Masunta ingkon saut do talu     ale butet 2    
Butet haru patibu ma magodang ale butet      
Asa adong da palang merah ale butet  
Da palang merah ni negara ale butet

宝贝,你爸爸正在过着动荡的生活,他参加游击队打击敌人哪,我的宝贝。宝贝,别难过别伤心哪,亲爱的宝贝,你妈妈和你一起等待着他的消息 x2

宝贝,咱们的队伍一定能够得胜利。你爸爸一定会平安回来呀,我的宝贝  x2 睡吧,我的好宝贝…  x2


Dung ditaluhon ibana angka musu ni Debata,  
After he defeated God’s enemies,

/Aha do na boi taulahon asa tongtong mangorom diri?    
What can you do to improve your self-control?

相关链接  Lingo-music

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下一篇:Indonesia: AYO MAMA
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