

Brazilian National Anthem

已有 2897 次阅读 2017-11-24 14:48 |个人分类:语言文学|系统分类:人文社科| Anthem, National, Brazilian

Brazilian National Anthem 

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Ouviram do Ipiranga   as margens plácidas
They heard of  伊皮兰加 at   margins placid (波澜不惊)/do=of, 
The placid banks of the Ipiranga heard /Plácida- peaceful, calm. 
Ipiranga –is the stream along which D. Pedro I proclaimed the independence.

De um povo heroico o brado retumbante,
from an   people heroic  or cry  resounding  //de: of,from ,in.with
resounding cry of a heroic folk /resounding 反响的,共鸣的

E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
And the sun of Liberty in shining beams /rays,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria    nesse  instante.
Shone in the sky of homeland in this instant /Shone in the homeland's sky at that instant.

Se o penhor dessa igualdade
If the pledge of this equality /pledge,保证,誓言 .the guarantee, the security that there will be freedom.
Conseguimos conquistar com
brac,o forte,    
We managed to conquer with strong arm,  
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
In thy bosom, O Freedom,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!
challenge     our chest    herself   death  //Our chest defies death itself! /defy,蔑视; 公然反抗

ó Pátria amada, Idolatrada, Salve! Salve!,
O beloved, Idolized
homeland, Hail, hail!  / salve-save

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,
Brazil,  an intense dream,  a vivid ray  
De amor e de esperanc,a à terra desce,
Of love and hope descends to earth  

Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,  /formoso=handsome
If in thy comely, smiling and limpid sky /comely-英俊 好看;limpid-清澈透明
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.
The image of the (Southern) Cross blazes(发光-glows)// The "Cruzeiro" is the constellation(星座) of the Southern Cross (Crux) that shines about southern hemisphere  /南十字星座

Gigante pela própria natureza,
Giant   by thine own    nature,  //pela-
 és belo,    és forte,     impávido colosso,//
undaunted 无畏,顽强
Thou art beautiful, thou art strong, a fearless
colossus,  巨大
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.
And thy future mirrors  that greatness

Terra adorada    Entre outras mil     és tu, Brasil,  ó Pátria amada!
   Adored Land   Amongst a thousand others    Art thou, Brazil,  O beloved homeland!
Dos filhos deste solo     és ma'
e gentil,   Pátria amada,Brasil!  
Of the sons of this ground  Thou art kind mother,  Beloved homeland,Brazil! /solo-soil.

Second stanza

Deitado eternamente em berc,o esplêndido,
 Eternally lying on a splendid cradle,摇篮 homeland!
Ao som do mar     e à luz do céu profundo,
To the sound of the sea and in the light of deep sky./under deep sky light. /luz-light

Fulguras,  ó Brasil, flora'o da América, / flare=to shine, to be illuminated".
Thou flarest 闪耀, O Brazil, crocket of America,/卷叶花样或花形的浮雕。Brazil would be the most important and showy crocket of America.
Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo!  
Illuminated by the sun of New World!

Do que a terra mais garrida (most beautiful)
Than  the showiest land,   引人注目的( showy的最高级 ); 太华丽的
Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores,
(beautiful fields)
Thy smiling,   pretty prairies have more flowers /尤指北美的) 大草原
"Nossos bosques   têm mais vida",  
"Our woods(groves) have more life",   /groves,树丛小树林;
"Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores". (*)
   "Our life" in thy bosom  "more loves". (*)

ó Pátria amada, Idolatrada, Salve! Salve!,
O beloved, Idolized
homeland, Hail, hail!  / salve-save./idolized 将...当作偶像崇拜

Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo
Brazil, of eternal love be a symbol            
O lábaro que ostentas estrelado,    // an old standard used by the Romans.
The starred labarum which thou displayst  //罗马帝国后期的军旗[皇旗]
  E diga o verde-louro dessa flamula   //laurel-green:浅绿色浅橄榄色/laurel-桂冠月桂树
And say the laurel-green of thy pennant (校旗; 锦标旗;
Paz no futuro e glória no passado.
   'Peace in the future and glory in the past.'

Mas se ergues da justic,a a clava forte,
But if thou raisest the strong cudgel of justice, /cudgel [ˈkʌdʒl ]棍棒
Verás    que um filho teu na'o foge à luta,
Thou wilt see that a son of thine   flees not from battle,  /escapes
Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte.
Nor do those who love thee  fear their own death./teme,fear,dread

Terra adorada   Entre outras mil     és tu, Brasil,  ó Pátria amada!
  Adored Land   Amongst a thousand others   Art thou, Brazil,  O beloved homeland!
Dos filhos deste solo    és ma'e gentil,   Pátria amada,Brasil!  
Of the sons of this ground  Thou art kind mother,  Beloved homeland,Brazil! /solo-soil.


Placid shores – "Plácida" means peaceful, calm.

Ipiranga – is the stream along which D. Pedro I proclaimed the independence.

Resounding cry – "Brado" means a shout or cry, and "retumbante" which causes strong echo, which blares.

Pledge – Used metaphorically (figuratively). "penhor dessa igualdade" is the guarantee, the security that there will be freedom.

Image of the Cross shines – The "Cruzeiro" is the constellation(星座; 一群杰出人物) of the Southern Cross (Crux) that shines about southern hemisphere

Impavid colossus – "Colosso" is the name of a statue of enormous dimensions. "Impávido" being "fearless" is to be relaxed, calm.

Kind mother – The "mãe gentil" is the homeland. A country that loves and defends the "sons" (Brazilians) as any mother.

Flare – "Fulgurar" is the verb "flare" that means "to shine, to be illuminated".

Crocket – "Florão" is an ornament in the shape of a flower used in the vaults of magnificent buildings. Brazil would be the most important and showy crocket of America.

Showiest – "Garrida" means "showy" and calls attention to the beauty.

Labarum – Alias flag. "Labarum" was an old standard used by the Romans.

Strong cudgel – "Clava" is a big stick, used in hand-to-hand, a cudgel or a club. In verse, means mobilizing an army, go to war.

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