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[公共演讲]Introduction to public speaking(Week 1)
2013-6-24 17:42
Preview 大家好,我是Matt McGarrity,我在Washington University的Department of communication的做senior lecture (in the department, at the university)。 同时,我也direct (负责,一把手) the public speaking center. 我已经教授了超过16年的public speaking, I am very excited to be offering &nbs ...
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[飞行控制]Unmanned Aircraft Design, Modeling and Control
2013-6-21 12:01
Unmanned Aircraft Design,Modelling and Control Lecture slide和Lecture Note的打印材料,会在每堂课的开始进行distribute。 然后这些Slide会挂载在课程主页上。 Rotary Wing Part 1: Introduction to Rotorcraft Helicopter的使用局限于其他concept不适用的场合。但面临着high maintenance costs ...
个人分类: 飞行控制|4110 次阅读|没有评论
2013-6-21 10:25
抢七 (未完待续)
个人分类: 个人爱好|2213 次阅读|没有评论
2013-6-21 10:10
奥迪A6 (未完待续)
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[论文阅读] 高速Gaze Controller for毫秒级Pan-tilt Camera
2013-6-19 09:36
Summary Broadcasting体育节目目前是很常见的,因此,high-quality 和 powerful video是高度需求的。但是,通常camrea operator很难对一个dynamic object保持track camera's direction, 例如a particular player, a ball, 等等。 在这种case下, shootable method 局限于在a wide angle of view情况下,缓慢的 ...
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[机器视觉]Local Image Feature
2013-6-16 22:45
简介 一个Object可以通过occluding contour,从background中分离出来。一方面,pixel位于object上,另一方面,pixel在background上。发现occluding contour是一个很重要的挑战,因为object的outline是由occluding contour形成的。我们期待,occluding contour拥有图像亮度的sharp changes。除此之外,还有其他 ...
个人分类: 机器视觉|5506 次阅读|没有评论
[机器视觉]feature detection and matching(II)
2013-6-15 17:33
Feature detection and matching 1. Points and Patches(Feature detectors, Feature descriptors, Feature matching, Feature tracking, Application:performance driven animation). 2. Edges(Edge detection, Edge linking, Application: Edge editing and enhancement) 3. Lines(Successive approximation, Houg ...
个人分类: 机器视觉|3364 次阅读|没有评论

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