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[公共演讲]Introduction to public speaking(Week 1)

已有 3579 次阅读 2013-6-24 17:42 |个人分类:个人爱好|系统分类:生活其它


大家好,我是Matt McGarrity,我在Washington University的Department of communication的做senior lecture(in the department, at the university)。同时,我也direct(负责,一把手) the public speaking center. 我已经教授了超过16年的public speaking, I am very excited to be offering (我很兴奋正在做某某事情,相当准确) public speaking course on Coursera。At broadest level,这个课程aims to帮助学生design and deliver concise,clear, convincing的presentation。每一个term都maps out to (映射着,比corresponding to更严谨的说法) a unit of the course。So to begin with(常用的开头),the course focuses on(focus on后面接的是名词或者动名词) the design and the delivery of the public speaking。这是因为好的public speaking远超过simply good delivery。If it weren't, 更多的人 would be better at 公开演讲。But the fact of matter is (引导事实),为了精于公开演讲,你必须明白how oral communication works 以及how to design the presentation that can be delivered well。我们start the course by looking at 当你站起来面对公众时所面临的 opportunites and challenges(第一部分是机遇与挑战)。With that done(当这个完成的时候),我们会move to 本课程的下一个主要单元,speaking concisely。There are a lot of time in your life when you have to speak at a moment's notice(立刻、立即)at the drop of the hat(一旦有信号)。所以我们将要学习可以帮助你organize your thought quickly,articulate them clearly and concisely所需的a set of speech skills and speech models。From there (再出发), 我们move on to speak clearly。其主要的挑战是figure out如何synthesis和summarize complex information in a way that is interesting and accessible to audiences. 最后我们move into最后一个skill set: speak convincingly和speak persuasively。这里我们学习argument models 和 ideas for presenting issues in ways that invite agreement rather than disagreement。(原来不同的方式可以invite agreement或者disagreement)。There are a lot of various element to the course。不仅有video lecture,还有quizz,和 opinion polls。有很多discussion forums。For analysis speeches,For talking about speech ideas and challenges。There are tons of opportunities for practice。每堂课你可以练习某一个方面。 Student可以record, post最终获得peer feadback on any of many speeh assignment(许多中的任何)。Whatever your background,whatever the level of your involvement,the course可以提供给你a set of skills that you can use and adapt(adapt to 适用于) to a wide range of speaking encounters (突然遇到)。




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