Japanese for "improvement", or "change for the better" refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, game development, and business management. 中文名称:改善 & ...
归纳推理( induction,Inductive reasoning ),基于对特殊的代表( token )的有限观察,把性质或关系归结到类型;或基于对反复再现的现象的模式( pattern )的有限观察,公式表达规律。 大卫·休谟( David Hume,1711.4.26-1776.8.25 , 经验主义者),代表作:《人性论》( A Treatise of Human ...
1. 基本假设 Theory of Constraints (TOC)是由Eliyahu.M.Goldratt在1984年写的书The Goal中提出来的。它的基本假设组织从产量、运营成本、库存三个维度来被衡量和控制的。理论在优化生产技术(Optimized Production Technology,OPT)基础上发展起来的管理哲理,提出了在制造业经营生产活动中定义和消除制约因素的 ...
Szykman, S., J. Senfaute and R.D. Sriram, The use of XML for describing functions and taxonomies in computer-based design., in Proceedings of the 1999 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences. 1999: Las Vegas, Nevada. XML 类似于 HTML ...