王圣杰|西北师范大学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Z2112132 干旱区降水同位素 Stable Water Isotopes in Arid Central Asia



已有 3375 次阅读 2021-11-5 11:58 |系统分类:海外观察|文章来源:转载


«Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate»

Time: 15-17 November 2021
Format: Distributed hybrid workshop with national hubs and individual zoom participation
Organizing Committee:
Harald Sodemann, University of Bergen, Norway
Franziska Aemisegger, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Camille Risi, LMD/CNRS, France

There are now more than 100 registered participants for the workshop, out of which about 60 participants registered for poster or oral presentations. We believe this will be a great basis for fruitful scientific exchange during the hybrid workshop! 

Download the Book of Abstracts here!

Below, we provide important information about the workshop, including the preliminary oral and poster program, the format of oral and poster presentations, and further organisational details.

Preliminary program

During the 3 days of the workshop, we have 3 keynote presentations, and 18 short talks, and 36 posters.  Presentations will generally take place in the time window from 12-15 CET (11-14 UTC). The detailed schedule with links to online sessions for talks, discussions, and posters will be made available to registered participants only. 

Invited speakers

Hans Christian Steen-Larsen: tbd
Sylvia Dee: Water Isotope Enabled Modeling: recent progress and next steps
Kei Yoshimura: Advances in water isotope observation, simulation, and model-data integration

Short talks

Leroy-Dos Santos: From atmospheric water isotopes measurement to snow core interpretation in Adelie Land: A case study for GCMs with embedded isotopes in Antarctica.
Iris Thurnherr: The value of spatial representativeness for comparing satellite-retrieved and in-situ δD measurements to isotope-enabled model simulations
Mathias Schneider: The global multi-anual MUSICA IASI {H2O,delD} data product and satellite data perspectives in Europe
Marina Dütsch: A new theoretical framework for parameterizing nonequilibrium fractionation during evaporation from the ocean
Moen Mellat: Isotopic traits of the Arctic water cycle
David Noone: When microphysics matters for rain and clouds
Alexandre Cauquoin: Transient simulation of the past 2000 years with the isotope-enabled coupled model MPI-ESM-wiso
Xiaoxu Shi: Preliminary results of an isotope-enabled earth system model AWIESM-wiso
Atsushi Okazaki: Development of MIROC5-iso and its comparison with isotopic climate proxies
Jun Hu: Examination of the influence of shallow convective mixing on low-level clouds with observations of stable water isotopes
Fabienne Dahinden: Synoptic variability of specific humidity and isotope composition over the subtropical North Atlantic: a numerical modelling study
Di Wang: 3D distribution of atmospheric vapor isotopes in China, with a focus on tropospheric profiles in monsoon season
Sarah Worden: Quantifying ET Over the Congo Basin Using a Combination of Remotely-sensed and Surface Measurements
Andies de Vries: Stable water isotope signals in tropical ice clouds in the West African monsoon simulated with a regional convection-permitting model
Kanon Kino: Contribution of the Southern Annular Mode to variations in water isotopes of daily precipitation at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica: A study with an isotope-enabled AGCM MIROC5-iso
Supriyo Chakraborty: Estimation of monsoon withdrawal date in southern India using the isotopic technique
Alena Dekhtyareva: Cloud microphysical processes and stable water isotopes during ISLAS 2020 campaign in Svalbard
Andrew Seidl: High-resolution, near-surface profiles of stable water isotopes over snow-covered tundra and fjord water


Gregory Falster: Inferring global-scale spatio-temporal δ18OP patterns from local datasets
Thomas Chen: Deep Learning for Estimating High Temporal Resolutions of Stable Water Isotope Concentrations
Georgina Murray: Long-term mountain precipitation and stream water isotopes from New Hampshire wilderness; initial results
Harald Sodemann: Density of recent isotope observations in the European storm track region
Rósa ólafsdóttir: Water stable isotopes in daily precipitation in Reykjavík during 2016-2021: Link to climate parameters and the isotope-enabled ECHAM5-wiso climate model
Stéphane Affolter: Water stable isotope signature of precipitation from Switzerland related to moisture sources
Stefan Terzer-Wassmuth: The stable isotopic complexity of thunderstorm precipitation – First results of the IAEA HiRise21 experiment
Alexandra Touzeau: In-situ vapor isotope measurement in the Arctic seas (Summer 2018): links to moisture origin at synoptic time scales?
Mika Lanzky: Investigation of the preservation of the water isotopic moisture source signal in atmospheric vapour, snowfall and snow pack at Finse, Norway during winter season 2018-2019
Pål Tore Mørkved: Analytical procedures for water isotope analysis at FARLAB
Adriana Bailey: Measuring cloud isotope ratios behind a Counterflow Virtual Impactor
Andreas Schneider: Retrieving H2O/HDO columns over cloudy and clear-sky scenes from the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI)
Camilla Francesca Brunello: Atmospheric water vapour isotopes in the Arctic at the interface with sea ice and open ocean

Sidan Lyu: Variability in δ2H and δ18O of Soil Water and Its Linkage to Precipitation in An East Asian Monsoon Subtropical Forest Plantation
Camille Risi: Impact of convective organization on tropospheric humidity and isotopic composition
Yan Yang: Isotopic signals in precipitation and water vapor during the Hurricanes Irma & Maria
Leonie Villiger: Observations and Simulations of the Stable Water Isotope Signature of Convective Updrafts and Downdrafts Associated with Different Mesoscale Organization Patterns of Shallow Trade Wind Clouds
Dean Henze: Detecting precipitation vs. mixing in shallow cloud marine boundary layers
Estefania Quinones Melendez: Isotopic signals in marine atmospheric cold pools
Stebastian Los: Probing the Trade-Regime Water Cycle: Comparing Isotopes, Soundings, and Surface-Based Remote Sensing Aboard the RV Meteor during EUREC4A
Giuseppe Torri: The isotopic composition of rainfall on a subtropical mountainous island
Yafei Li: The role of dew and radiation fog inputs in the local water cycling of a temperate grassland during dry spells in central Europe
Farahnaz Khosrawi: Can the assimilation of IASI water isotopolologue observations improve the quality of tropical diabatic heating?
Xuejie Wang: MJO/BSISO and Stable isotope variation of precipitation in southern Asia
Hayoung Bong: Inter-comparison of water isotope-enabled models and reanalysis nudging effects: step forward in SWING project
Daniele Zannoni: Kinetic fractionation factors for ocean evaporation: limited impact of wind speed observed
Mojtaba Heydarizad: Are empirical equations able to calculate stable isotopes content of vapor correctly?

Yuzhen Yan: Sublimation origin of negative deuterium excess observed in snow and ice samples from McMurdo Dry Valleys and Allan Hills Blue Ice Areas, East Antarctica
Mathieu Casado: Water vapor isotopic signature along the EAIIST traverse (East Antarctica Plateau)
Sonja Wahl: Isotope Signal Formation in Snow – Insights from the Greenland Ice Sheet
Alison McLaren: The Introduction of Stable Water Isotopes to the UK Earth System Model (UKESM2)
Merve Gorguner: Stable Water Isotope Incorporation in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) Model
Kyle Heyblom: A fully coupled isotope-enabled Earth system model ensemble dataset under historical and future forcing
Chengfei He: Abrupt Heinrich Stadial 1 cooling missing in Greenland oxygen isotopes
Satoru Shoji: Data assimilation using oxygen isotope ratios of proxies aimed at the last millennium climate reconstruction
Naoyuki Kurita: Introduction of the new isotope-enabled global water transport model
Saeid Bagheri: Continuous monitoring of surface water vapour isotopic compositions at Neumayer Station III, East Antarctica

The 3 days are organised into thematic sessions:

1) Advances in observing isotopic variability from weather to climate time scales

2) Water isotope models and observations for atmospheric processes and surface-atmosphere interaction

3) Advances in the modelling and interpretation of isotopic signals and isotope records on (paleo-)climate time scales


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