

New paper: 氧化物铁电体中铁弹畴壁带电与导电的可控性

已有 2622 次阅读 2017-2-21 18:20 |个人分类:Paper publication|系统分类:论文交流


Controlled Charging at Ferroelastic Domain Walls in Oxide Ferroelectrics

Conductive domain walls(DWs) in ferroic oxides as device elements are a highly attractive researchtopic because of their robust and agile response to electric field. Charged DWspossessing metallic-type conductivity hold the highest promises in this aspect.However, their intricate creation, low stability, and interference withnonconductive DWs hinder their investigation and the progress toward futureapplications. Here, we find that conversion of the nominally neutralferroelastic 90° DWs into partially charged DWs in Pb(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3 thin filmsenables easy and robust control over the DW conductivity. By employing transmissionelectron microscopy, conductive atomic force microscopy and phase-fieldsimulation, our study reveals that charging of the ferroelastic DWs iscontrolled by mutually coupled DW bending, type of doping, polarizationorientation and work-function of the adjacent electrodes. Particularly, thedoping outweighs other parameters in controlling the DW conductivity. Understandingthe interplay of these key parameters not only allows us to control and optimizeconductivity of such ferroelastic DWs in the oxide ferroelectrics but alsopaves the way for utilization of DW-based nanoelectronic devices in the future.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b13821

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