
老虎与潜叶虫 Tigers and leafminers
戴小华 2010-2-12 19:02
老虎与潜叶虫 Tigers and leafminers 关键词:潜叶,老虎,昆虫,植物,leafminer,tiger,insect,plant Hypothesis: Tigers ?- Vertebrates (eg. deers) (- Flowers) - Leaves - Leafminers 虎年了,咱也来凑个热闹。 有人会问:老虎跟潜叶虫,一个是顶级的捕食者,一个是渺小的食叶昆 ...
个人分类: Ecology 生态学|4083 次阅读|没有评论
Mine Shape Characteristics 潜道形状特征 [ICBI 2009 Poster]
戴小华 2009-11-16 17:19
Dai X, Liu R, Xu J. 2009. Preliminary Study on Mine Shape Characteristics of Leaf-Mining Insects in South Jiangxi, China. Poster of the International Congress on Biological Invasions (ICBI), 2-6 November 2009, Fuzhou, China. 2009福州国际生物入侵会议墙报:赣南潜叶昆虫潜道形状特征的初 ...
个人分类: Ecology 生态学|5435 次阅读|没有评论

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