已有 4797 次阅读2012-7-11 11:16|系统分类:论文交流|文章, style, 关注, black
1. β-氨基丁酸对春小麦干旱胁迫响应调节作用
Du YL, Wang ZY, Fan JW, Turner NC, Wang T, Li FM. 2012. β-Aminobutyric acid increases abscisic acid accumulation and desiccation tolerance and decreases water use but fails to improve grain yield in two spring wheat cultivars under soil drying. Journal of Experimental Botany 63, 4849-4860.
2. 柳枝稷种子萌发属性和建植
Fan JW, Du YL, Turner NC, Li FM, He J. 2012. Germination Characteristics and Seedling Emergence of Switchgrass with Different Agricultural Practices under Arid Conditions in China. Crop Science 52, 2341-2350.
doi: 10.2135/cropsci2011.11.0603
Du YL, Wang ZY, Fan JW, Turner N, He J, Wang T, Li FM. 2013. Exogenous abscisic acid reduces water loss and improves antioxidant defense, desiccation tolerance and transpiration efficiency in two spring wheat cultivars subjected to a soil water deficit. Functional Plant Biology.