
闫双勇 2014-11-23 23:52
Xue, S. et al . RNA regulons in Hox 5′ UTRs confer ribosome specificity to gene regulation,Nature http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature14010 ( 2014 ). 这篇文章报道了,核糖体对基因表达调控的分子机制。其中关键是 5′ UTRs 区的类似病毒的内部核糖体进入位点( inter ...
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闫双勇 2013-10-20 20:53
Intronic noncoding RNAs and splicing( http://yunpan.cn/Qbppxatj53HpE ) 这篇文章说明,内含子可能是有重要功能的,或者说这里面如果存在序列变异,也可能有比较强的表型效应。
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闫双勇 2012-4-6 09:05
A Genome-Wide Screen for Genetic Variants That Modify the Recruitment of REST to Its Target Genes http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002624 该文摘要里的一段:Increasing numbers of human diseases are being linked to genetic variants, but our understanding of th ...
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闫双勇 2012-3-21 23:58
第一次看到这个名词:insulator element(金山词霸把它译成绝缘体) A role for insulator elements in the regulation of gene expression response to hypoxia Nucl. Acids Res. (2012) 40(5): 1916-1927 first published online November 8, 2011 doi:10.1093/nar/gkr842 摘要:Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) up- ...
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闫双勇 2012-3-21 23:17
Gene Overexpression: Uses, Mechanisms, and Interpretation Genetics March 2012 190 : 841 - 854 ; doi: 10.1534/genetics.111.136911 http://www.genetics.org/content/190/3/841.full.pdf+html 没想到还为超表达专门写个综述 摘要:The classical genetic approach for exploring biologic ...
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闫双勇 2011-12-15 10:16
Evolution at Two Levels: On Genes and Form Evolution at Two Levels On Genes and Form.pdf 本文的核心观点:基因表达调控序列的变异,在进化中更重要."I will develop the argument, on the basis of theoretical considerations and a rapidly expanding body of empirical st ...
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