Script for Generating Initial Structures in VASP Calculations of Transition States (CI-NEB) 使用VASP计算过渡态,最重要的步骤就是在得到了初态和末态结构之后,进行反应路径的插值,插值的优劣直接关系到后面的过渡态搜索的难易。现在把常用的插值脚本和使用方法,特别是在ase出现以后的i ...
If you have no a priori knowledge of your system, for instance, if you do not know whether your system is an insulator, semiconductor or metal then always use Gaussian smearing ISMEAR =0 in combination with a small SIGMA =0.03-0.05. This is not the default in VASP yet, so to be o ...