In vivo session O18. MRI based perfusion measurements inbone after implantation of biodegradable magnesium rods Witte F, Bobe K, Meier M Julius Wolff Institut, Charité - Universittsmedizin Berlin, Berlin,Germany Why do we need to know the local perfusion? CR is dep ...
(参会的海内外中国人合影留念) 上午: Corrosion Session K2: Mechanicalintegrity of magnesium-based biodegradable alloys under combined action ofstress and corrosive body fluid Singh Raman, RK Departmentof Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Department of Chemi ...
第三天 Metals 主题 K1: Do we needalloying elements for Mg implant materials? Hort N, Mendis CL,Maier P MagnesiumInnovation Centre, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany Application—property profile---materialsselection A ...
开幕式 30 分钟 Frank Witte, 印度尼西亚的 3 个本地组织者, Hendra Hermawan, Yufeng Zheng, Mark Staiger, Diego Mantovani 先后发言 第一个报告人是美国 University of Florida 的 Michele V. Manuel , 题目为: Magnesium and its alloys - An introduction to their metallurgy anddeformation beh ...